1.6 Bhartiya Darshana : Astika And Nastika Darshana Flashcards
What is the meaning of Bhartiya Darshana
Hindu Philosophy
What is the literal meaning of Darshan?
Seeing or experiencing
What are the Shad Darshan?
Purva Mimamsa
Uttara Mimamsa
What is the difference between Astika and Nastika?
Astika are the orthodox schools of philosphy
Nastika are the heterodox schools of philosophy
What are some of the most well known Nastika Schools
The major philosopher of Nyaya
Maharishi Gautama
The major philosopher if Vaisheshika
Maharishi Kanad
The major philosopher of Samkya
Maharishi Kapila
The Major philosopher of Yoga
Maharishi Patanjali
The major philosopher of Purva Mimamsa
Maharishi Jaimini
The major philosopher of Uttar Mimamsa
Maharishi Veda Vyasa, or Badarayana
The major philosopher of Buddhism
Guatama Buddha
The major philosopher of Jainism
The first Tirthankara of Jainism was Rishabhnath. Mahavir Swami is the 24th
The major philosopher of Charvak
Maharishi Brihaspati
The major philosopher of Ajnani
Sanjaya Belatthiputta
The major philosopher of Ajivika
Goshala Maskariputra (Gosala Makkhaliputta)
What are the accepted means of valid (Pramana) knowledge in Nyaya?
- Pratyakha (direct pereption)
- Anumana (inference)
- Upamana (comparison)
- Sabdic (verbal testimony)
What are the accepted means of valid knowledge (Pramana) in Vaisheshika?
- Pratyaksha (direct perception)
- Anumana (Inference)
What are the acepted means of valid knowledge (Pramana) in Samkyha philosophy?
- Pratayaksh (Perception)
a. External
b. Internal - Anumana (inference)
- Sabda (verbal testimony
What is the meaning of the word “mimamsa”?
Purva Mimamsa means early or first inquiry, because is enquires into the first part or the _________ __________ section of Veda.
The Karma Kanda section of Veda is also known as ____________ and ___________
Samhita, Brahmanas
The accepted means of valid knowledge (Pramana) in Purva Mimamsa philosphy
Pratyakha (Direct Perception)
Anumāna (Inference)
Upamāna (Comparison / Analogy)
Śabdic (Verbal Testimony)
Arthapatti (Hypothesis)
Abhava (Negation)
What are the accepted means of valid knowledge in Yoga philosphy?
What are the accepted means of valid knowledge in Uttara Mimamsa?
Uttara Mimamsa is an inquiry into the latter part or _________ __________ section of the Veda.
Jnana Kanda
________________ and _____________ comprise the Jnana Kanda section of the Veda
Aranyaka and Upanishad
Jnana Kanda (Aranyaka and Upanishad) is also referred to as __________ or ________ Sutra.
Vedanta , Brahma
Ajivikas (Makkhali Gosala)
Ajnanai (Sanjaya Belatthiputta)