16.5.4 The Ear Flashcards
What is the function of the external ear?
Amplification + source preference
Label the external ear.

What nerves innervate the external auditory meatus and tympanic membrane?
- Trigeminal (V)
- Vagus (X)
- Facial (VII) -> Contributes to tympanic membrane
What is the function of the middle ear?
Amplification + impedance matching (managing air-fluid transition)
What are the muscles found in the middle ear? How are they innervated and what is their function?
2 Muscles → protection from loud, sustained noises.
tensor tympani - innervated by cranial nerve V,
Stapedius - innervated by cranial nerve VII.
Smallest skeletal muscle
What is the middle ear?
It is an air-filled cavity between the ear drum and cochlea. It contains the auditory ossicles.
Describe the auditory ossicles.
- Malleus -> Largest of the ossicles and is attached to the tympanic membrane at its handle.
- Incus -> Shaped rather like a pre-molar tooth and has a long limb terminating at the stapes.
- Stapes -> Has two limbs and a base which connects to the oval window (i.e. the inner ear).

What is hyperacusis?
Hyperacusis → flaccid paralysis of either muscle (e.g. Bell’s palsy (CNVII)) Intolerance to loud sounds (painful).
What is otitis media?
- An infection of the middle ear that causes inflammation and a build-up of fluid behind the eardrum.
- If the fluid does not clear eventually, it may have to be drained.
What tube is connected to the middle ear and what is its function?
Pharyngotympanic tube (Eustachian tube) -> Connects the ear to the nasopharynx for pressure equalisation
What are the two openings between the middle and inner ear? What is the function of each?
- Oval window -> Membrane made to vibrate by the stapes
- Round window -> Membrane vibrates with opposite phase to the oval window, so that the cochlear fluid can move
Where is the inner ear located?
In the petrous portion of the temporal bone
internal acoustic meatus
Organ of corti
Stapes bone
Stapedius muscle
External acoustic meatus
Tympanic membrane
Otolith stimulated by vertical movement and acceleration
Otolith stimulated by horizontal movement and acceleration
Semi-circular canals
3 ducts used to detect rotational movement of the head
What makes up the inner ear?
Cochlea, cochlea nerve, spiral ganglion.