15. Reproduction In Humans Flashcards
Organs that produce female gametes
Tubes leading from the ovaries to the uterus [also called fallopian tubes]
The organ in which fetus develops before birth
A narrow opening leading from the uterus to the vagina
Opening from the uterus to the outside of the body
Testes [ singular testis ]
Organs in which the male gametes are made
The sack that contains the testes
Sperm duct
A tube that transports speed from the testis to the urethra
Organ containing the urethra through which urine and sperm are carried
Prostate gland
Organ that produces a nutritious fluid in which sperm are transported
The release of the egg from an ovary
Part of the testis in which sperm are stored
Flagellum [plural flagella]
A long whip like tail structure found on sperm cells used for swimming
A structure containing digestive enzymes in the head of a sperm cell
A ball of cells that is produced by repeated division of the zygotes
Attachment of the embryo to the lining of the uterus
An organ that connects the growing fetus to its mother in which the blood of the fetus and mother are brought closer together so that materials can be exchanged between them
Umbilical cord
A structure containing blood vessels that connect the fetus to the placenta
Amniotic sac
A tough membrane that surrounds a developing fetus in the uterus
Amniotic fluid
Liquid secreted by the amniotic sac which supports and protects the fetus
The time at which sexual maturity is reached
A structure within an ovary in which an egg develops
The loss of the broken down uterus linking through the vagina
FSH follicle stimulating hormone
A hormone secreted by the pituitary gland which causes a follicle to develop in an ovary
LH luteinising hormone
A hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that causes ovulation to happen
Pituitary gland
A small endocrine gland attached to the underside of the brain
Corpus luteum
A structure that develops from the empty follicle after an egg has been released from an ovary
STI sexually transmitted infection
A disease caused by pathogens that are transmitted during sexual contact
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
A disease caused by HIV which destroys white blood cells and therefore reduces the ability if the immune system to defend against other pathogens
Human immunodeficiency virus