14.1 Flashcards
Who invented the first electric cell?
Alessandro Volta
What is an electric cell?
A device that continuously converts chemical energy into electrical energy
What is a battery?
group of 2 or more electric cells connected to each other in a series
How did volta improve his original battery?
He replaces the bowls of brine with paper soaked in brine. He replaced the metal rods with metal sheets
What is a voltaic pile?
Volta’s version of a battery
What is an electric cell composed of?
Two electrodes and an electrolyte
What is an electrode?
A solid electrical conductor
What is an electrolyte?
An aqueous electrical conductor
What are the electrodes usually?
Two metals or a graphite and a metal. In some cases one of the electrodes is the container
What is a cathode?
A positive electrode
What is an anode?
A negative electrode
How do electrons flow in a cell?
From the anode to the cathode
What is electricity?
The flow of electrons
What is a voltmeter?
A device that can measure electric potential difference or voltage
What is electric potential difference or voltage?
The energy difference, per unit electric charge, between any 2 points in an electric circuit.
What is voltage measured in?
Volts (V)
What does the voltage of a cell depend on?
Mainly on the chemical composition of the chemical reactants in the cell
What is electric current measured by?
An ammeter
What is electric current measured in?
Amperes (A)
What is electric current?
A measure of the rate of flow of charge past a point in an electrical circuit
How are electric current and the size of a cell related?
The larger the electrical cell, the greater the current that can be produced by the cell
What does coulombs (C) measure?
The charge transferred by a cell or battery. And expresses the total charge transferred by the movement of charged particles
What is the power of a cell or battery?
The rate a which it produces electrical energy
What is power measured in?
Watts (W)