12. Dialogue 2 Flashcards
Nak beli apa, encik?
What do you want to buy, sir?
Saya nak beli pen dan buku nota.
I need pens and notebooks.
Pen mata bulat atau pen dakwat, encik?
Ballpoint or fountain pens?
Saya nak pen mata bulat biru dan hitam.
I need blue and black ballpoint pens.
Pen mata bulat ada di sini dan buku nota ada di rak sebelah. Encik perlu alat tulis yang lain?
Ballpoints are here and notebooks are on the adjacent rack. Do you require any other stationery?
Ya, saya nak sebatang pembaris, sebuah pemadam dan sebuah pengasah pensil. Saya juga nak sebuah stapler dan sedozen pensil.
I need a ruler, an eraser and a pencil sharpener. I also need a stapler and a dozen pencils.
Baik. Ada apa lagi, Encik?
Ok. What else do you need?
Oh, ya. Dua rim kertas A4, sekotak dakwat mesin pencetak, dua bilah gunting dan sedozen gam.
Oh, yes. Two reams of A4 paper, a box of printer ink, two scissors and a dozen glue (sticks).
Encik nak berapa batang pen dan berapa buah buku nota?
How many pens and note books do you need?
Dua batang pen dan dua buah buku nota saja.
Two pens and two note books only.
Baik. Silakan tengok barang-barang dan pilih.
Ok. Please browse the items and choose.
Berapa harga gunting buatan Jerman ini?
How much are the German made scissors?
Gunting ini RM18.00. Kualiti tinggi.
These scissors are RM18.00. Good quality.
Mengapa gunting yang ini lebih mahal daripada gunting yang merah ini?
Why are these scissors more expensive than the red scissors?
Gunting yang merah ini buatan China, lebih murah sedikit. Kualitinya berbeza.
These red scissors are made in China, a bit cheaper. The quality differs.
Baiklah. Ini semua alat tulis dan barang yang saya perlukan. Berapa harga semua?
OK. That’s all the stationery I need. What’s the total price?
Semuanya RM162.80.
The total is RM162.80.
Puan boleh beri potongan harga?
Can you give me a discount?
Encik bayar secara tunai atau pakai kad kredit?
Are you paying by cash or credit card?
Kad kredit.
Credit card.
Kami caj 2 peratus untuk kad kredit. Kalau bayar tunai, kami boleh beri diskaun 10%.
We have a 2 percent charge for credit cards. If you pay by cash, we can give you a 10 percent discount.
Oh, kalau begitu, saya bayar secara tunai tapi saya hanya ada mata wang Australia.
If that is the case, I will pay by cash but I have Australian currency only.
Encik boleh ke pengurup wang di seberang jalan.
You can go to the money changer across the road.
Baik, saya akan ke sana sekarang. Terima kasih banyak.
Ok, I will go there now. Thanks a lot.
Sama-sama. Saya akan tulis resit sementara encik ke pengurup wang.
I will write you a receipt while you go to the money changer.