11.8 Methods of maintaining biodiversity Flashcards
what is conservation?
protection and management of ecosystems
what are the two types of conservation?
in situ
ex situ
in situ conservation
within the natural habitat
ex situ conservation
outside the natural habitat
what is the main form of in situ conservation?
setting up wildlife reserves
how is in situ conservation carried out in a wildlife reserve?
restriction of human access
controlled grazing
controlling poaching
culling invasive species
restriction to human access
prevents plants and habitats from being trampled on
controlled grazing
controlling an area where animal grazing happens to allow for crops to recover
controlled poaching
prevent the killing of animals for prizes (like rhino horns)
legal protection for animals
culling invasive species
done to remove any competition or predation of protected species
also to prevent the spread of disease
what are the main methods of ex situ conservation?
botanic gardens
seed banks
captive breeding
botanic gardens
controlled environments where rare species of plant can grow
maintains species biodiversity by protecting plants from extinctions
seed banks
stores genetic material
seeds are stored for potential uses in the future:
- genetic engineering
- preventing extinction
- breeding
captive breeding
animals are bred in captivity before being let out into the wild
done to create a stable population before reintroduction to wild
done in optimum conditions and with supplies of food
no predators so breeding occurs safely
cons of captive breeding
potential inbreeding
potential inbreeding
small populations in captive would increase the likelihood of inbreeding due to lack of mates
smaller gene pool
animals born and raised in captivity would not be resistant to any diseases in the wild
animals grown in captivity are often innate and domesticated
they would have to learn new behaviours in the wild
introducing animals back into their original habitat may cause stress and tension in the ecosystem as it would increase competition
what are the three conservation agreements?
Rio Convention
what does CITES stand for?
Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species
what does CITES do?
regulate international trade of endangered species
made it illegal to kill endangered animals
illegal to trade parts of endangered animals (i.e tusks)
raise awareness for biodiversity through education
what did the Rio Convention do?
set out international aims for developing strategies for sustainability
what does CSS stand for?
Countryside Stewardship Scheme
what does CSS do?
offered payments to British farmers to maintain biodiversity through management techniques