11.3 Rehabilitation for TBI Flashcards
prognosis are related to ______ factors
depth of lesion in MRI/CT imaging in the first few weeks =
poorer outcome
lower GCS scales =
poorer outcomes
duration of coma affects on prognosis
less than 2 weeks = unlikely severe disability
more than 4 weeks = unlikely of mild disability
duration of post-traumatic amnesia
longer duration = poorer outcoming
older adults vs. younger
older = poorer outcome
for penetrating injury: bilateral or transventricular injury =
poorer outcomes
the cause of TBI does/does not predict outcome
does not
when starting rehab, the more dependent patients will … than less dependent patients
make more progress at discharge
remain more dependent at discharge
slower recovery rate
if TBI is due to blast may have complications
policy consideration
TBI is very common and requires a lot of resources and factors that say whether or not individual is appropriate for therapy
individual considerations
educational disruptions - special education provision
social disruptions - family, peer group support
vocational disruptions - job training
disrupting emerging independence
TBI peoples have common underlying conditions predisposing them to injury, such as
substance abuse
learning disabilities
behavioral or psychiatric disorder
TBI can result in combination of impaired …
cognitive, behavioral, and emotional functioning
those with less severe motor/sensory impairments may not be considered candidates for
traditional rehab
types of service settings
emergency medical centers acute care/acute care hospitals then discharged to - subacute care/subacute rehabilitional - inpatient rehabilitation (hospital) - home w/ treatment recommendations through outpatient centers, day treatment programs, home programs
end goal
improving a persons communication reintegration
goals should be influenced by
what would facilitate a pt’s return to home/independence
what can help a patient return to their previous conditions
vocational rehabilitation services may help
TBI education services
organized and managed via case managers and other health professionals