1.1.3 Flashcards
What is the outermost layer of hair called?
What is the second layer of hair called?
What is the innermost layer of the hair called?
What is a minutiae?
Tiny fingerprint ridge details.
What is a fork?
When a minutiae forms a fork shape, the line ends and branches into two curved lines before stopping.
What is a ridge ending?
When a minutiae has three lines running parallel to each other and the middle one ends while the others continue.
What is a short ridge?
When a minutiae has two lines running parallel to each other and a small line fragment is in between them.
What is a dot?
When a minutiae has two lines running parallel to each other and a singular dot is in between them.
What is a bridge?
When a minutiae has two lines running parallel to each other and the line is between them, linking them together, like a bridge.
What is a hook?
When a minutiae has two lines running parallel to each other and one like as a short line the shape of the hook hanging off of it, pointed inwards.
What is a eye?
When a minutiae has one line the curves off into two and comes back together, creating the illusion that there is a circle placed in the middle of the line, breaking up the line.
What is a double fork?
When a fork pattern has one line of the fork break up again into another fork.
What is a delta?
When three lines connect together in a spiral motion, or form an x without a forth line.
What is a triple fork?
When a minutiae breaks up into the fork pattern but instead of the middle line splitting it continues alongside the forks.