11 Tekau mā tahi Flashcards
Taku mōhio
I think
Kua rahi tēnā
That’s enough
Taihoa māua ka kai
Soon he and I will eat
Taihoa tāua ka haere
Soon you and I will go
Ko whea te wharekai
What is the name of that kitchen?
He tiakareti, he hinamona rānei ki runga i te rātē?
Chocolate or cinnamon on the latte?
Ko whea te wāhi i whānau mai ai a Joe?
Where is the place that Joe was born?
Nā wai a Hukamā i ārahi ki te ngahere?
Who lead Snow White to the forest?
Nā Tama a Hukamā i ārahi ki te ngahere?
Tama lead Snow White to the forest.
Nā Whakaata i kī ‘He ātaahua a Hukamā’
Mirror said ‘Snow White was beautiful’.
Nā wai i kī ‘He ātaahua a Hukamā?’
Who said ‘Snow White was beautiful?’.
He aha a Ngeru i ngau ai i a Kurī?
Why did Cat bite Dog?
He aha tātou i hoki mai ai ki konei?
Why did we come back here?
He aha a māmā i tautohe ai?
Why did mum argue?
He aha a Ngeru i whai ai i a Kurī?
Why did Cat chase Dog?
He aha koe i tāhae ai i tōku waka?
Why did you steal my car?
He aha rāua i haere ai ki te whare o Mere?
Why did those two go to Mere’s house
He aha kōrua i tū ai ki korā?
Why did you both stand over there?
He aha ia i kai ai i aku pihikete?
Why did she eat my biscuits?
He aha a Hemi i tangi ai ki a māmā
Why did Hemi cry to mum?
He aha koe i haere ai ki Te Papa?
Why did you go to Te Papa?
He aha koe i tuhi ai tēnei reta?
Why did you write this letter?
He aha koe i haere ai ki te kura?
Why did you go to school?
Nā te mea i reira tōku hoa.
Because my friend was there.
He aha koe i ako ai te reo Māori?
Why did you learn the Māori language?
Nā te mea he taonga te reo.
Because the language is a treasure
He aha koe i haere ai ki te hohipera?
Why did you go to hospital?
Nā te mea kua whara tōku ringa
Because I broke my hand.
He aha koe i oho moata ai?
Why did you wake up early?
Nā te mea kua whiti mai te rā.
Because the sun was shining.
He aha koe i kai ai te āporo?
Why did you eat the apple?
I te mea kare he āporo ki tua atu i tēnei.
Because there is no apple better than this.
He aha koe i whakapau ai te pūtea?
Why did you spend the money?