09 Iwa Flashcards
Māku e waruwaru ngā rīwai.
I shall peel or scrape the spuds.
Homai te tote me te pepa
Pass me the salt and pepper
Homai te paoka
Pass me the fork
Anei ngā pune
Here are the spoons
Anei tō tūrū
Here is your seat
Homai ngā naihi
Pass me the knives
Kāore anō ngā tamariki kia tū.
The children have not stood yet
Kāore anō a Mere kia haere
Mere has not gone yet
Kāore anō te kuia kia karanga
The old woman has not called yet
Kāore anō te koroua kia kōrero
The old man has not spoken yet
Kua wehe kē a Amy
Amy has left already
Kāore anō a Amy kia wehe
Amy hasn’t left yet
Kāore anō ngā tamariki kia hoki mai i te kura
The children haven’t returned from school yet
Kua hoki mai ngā tamariki i te kura
The children have returned from school
Kāore anō ngā rīwai kia maoa
The spuds are not cooked yet
Kua maoa ngā rīwai
The spuds are cooked
Kia āta tapatapahi i ngā riki.keimotu koe
Chop the onions carefully, you might cut yourself
Kia āta hīkoi, kei paheke koe
Walk carefully or you’ll slip
Kia tūpato kei whara koe
Be careful you might be hurt
Kia tere, kei tōmuri koe
Hurry up, you might be late
Kia horo, kei mākū koe i te ua
Be quick or you will get wet from the rain
Kia āta whakahoki i ngā rīhi, kei pakaru ngā perete
Put the dishes away carefully, you might break the plates
Kāore anō
Not yet
Kua kai koe?
Have you eaten?