03 Toru Flashcards
Anei anō
Here, some more
Homai ngā paoka me ngā pune
Pass me the forks and spoons
Hoatu te parāoa
Pass the bread
Anei te tote
Here’s the salt
Titiro ki te motokā nei
Look at this car, (near the speaker)
Ko Betty te tangata nā
Betty is that person, (near you)
Nā Mīria ngā pukapuka rā.
Those books belong to Mīria, (over there)
Ko tōku motokā tēnei.
This is my car. (near the speaker)
Ko Fleur tēnā
That is Fleur. (near the listener)
Hoki atu ki tērā kokonga
Go back to that corner over there. (away from both the speaker and the listener)
He pukapuka ēnei
These are books. (near speaker)
He rakiraki ēnā
Those are ducks. (near the listener)
He hipi ērā
Those are sheep. (away from both the speaker and listener)
Anei ōu hū
Here are your shoes
Anei ngā kī o te motokā
Here are the keys of the car
Anei te pukapuka a Hamiora
Here is Samuel’s book
Anei te naihi hei waru i ngā rīwai
Here is the knife to peel the potatoes
Anei ngā kī mō te whare
Here are the keys for the house
Anei tā tātou rakuraku
Here is our guitar
Anei ngā kai mā te manuhiri
Here is the food for the visitors
Anei tētahi paku koha
Here is a small gift/donation
Anei te pata
Here is the butter
Anei ngā pepa mō te hui
Here are the papers for the meeting
Kua mutu te kai
The food has finished
Kua mutu te kura
School has finished
Kua mutu te mahi
Work is finished
Tino reka te kai
The food is really delicious. (very sweet the kai)
Tino reka te panana
The banana is yummy
Tino kawa te ārani
Very sour the orange