101-150 Flashcards
Provided for boundary between the US and Canada at the 49th parallel; allowed joint occupancy of Oregon Territory by Americans and Canadians
Convention of 1818
Series of laws severely limiting slave rights; slave owners given authority to impose harsh physical punishment for control
Slave Codes (1650s-1860s)
Belief in the innate goodness of man, nature, and traditional values, rooted in the turn-of-the-century Europe; emphasized emotions and feelings over rationality
Romanticism (1800s)
Native American chief who was encouraged by British forces to fight against pressured removal from Western Territories; William H. Harrison destroyed the Native American Confederacy at Tippecanoe
Tecumseh (1811)
Explosion of number of colleges, first coed college in Ohio; expansion of state supported elem. schools; DOROTHEA DIX led in establishment of asylums for humane treatment for insane; prison reform
Antebellum Reform (1820-1860)
William Marbury was commissioned justice of peace in Midnight Judges episode; commission was not delivered so he sued Jefferson’s Sec. of State, James Madison
Marbury v. Madison (1803)
Congress opened trade to all nations except France and Britain; re-engaged US in trade while continuing its stance against alliances with either France or Britain
Non-Intercourse Act (1809)
After the War of 1812
Increased American Nationalism
High foreign demand for cotton, grain, tobacco
Turn from agrarian towards industry
Depression of 1819 due to influx of British goods
American declaration to keep its own ships from leaving port for any foreign destination; Jefferson hoped to avoid contact with vessels of either side of Napoleonic War; led to depression
Embargo of 1807
Seventh President; after War of 1812, invaded Spanish Florida; defeated British force in New Orleans after Treaty of Ghent; popular due to image as self-made Westerner; implemented Spoils system; signed Indian-Removal Act, providing federal enforcement to remove Native Americans west of Miss R.; AGAINST bank of US
Andrew Jackson
Jackson’s accusations towards Henry Clay throwing his support to John Quincy Adams after Jackson won popular vote but Adams won HOR vote; considered to be largely untrue
“Corrupt Bargain” of 1824
Cotton in the Early 1800s
New invention of cotton gin
New Southern states produced cotton
Led to boom in cotton market; “King Cotton”
Need for cotton encouraged expanding westward
Innovations included new construction of roads, additions of canals, and expansion of railroads; modern day STEAMBOAT; cheapened market for trade and encouraged population movement west of Appalachian mountains
Transportation Revolution (Early 1800s)
Movement that copied early European efforts; attempt to improve life in the face of industrialism; social experiments that generally saw little success due to their radicalism; BROOK FARM and ONEIDA
Utopian Communities (1820-1850)
Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court; decisions defined and strengthened the powers of the judicial branch and asserted power of judicial review
John Marshall (1755-1835)
Expedition through the Louisiana Purchase and the West; Missouri, Yellowstone River, and Rockies; led by Sacajawea, opened new territories to America
Lewis and Clark Expedition (1803-1806)
Second president and first Vice; Led country through XYZ affair, Alien and Sedition Acts, and Virginia and Kentucky resolutions
John Adams (1797-1800)
Third President; author of Dec. of Ind; first change of political parties of president (Fed to Jeffersonian Republic); Embargo of 1807, Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809)
Legislation enacted by the Federalists to reduce foreign influences and increase their power; new hurdles to citizenship were established
Alien and Sedition Acts (1798-1799)
Expansion of Electorate (1810 - 1828)
Most states had already eliminated the property qualifications for voting; blacks were still excluded from polls across the south and most of the north; national nomination conventions for political parties