10. Respiratory system Flashcards
anatomically how is respiratory tract is divided? Which organs belong to which?
divided into upper and lower respiratory tract…upper includes nose, pharynx, larynx….lower includes trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveolar duct, alveoli
functionally how is the respiratory system separated? what is the function of each?
separated into two zones; conducting zones (nose to bronchioles) form a path for conduction of inhaled gases; respiratory zone (alveolar duct to alveoli) where gas exchange occurs
Pharynx is a tube-like passage that connects the posterior nasal and oral cavities to _____ and _____. It is separated into ____pharynx, ___pharynx and _______pharynx
larynx and oesophagus; naso, oro, laryngo
_____ is an inferior continuation of oropharynx. It extends from _____. It is commonly called the ____ box. why is it important?
larynx; epiglottis; voice; its important for breathing, vocalizing, prevent food getting stuck in trachea and cause choking
Larynx is separated into which three sections?
supraglottic, glottis, infraglottic
what are the two sets of vocal cords? how to produce falsetto?
vocal ligaments and vocal muscles; by relaxing muscles and vibrating ligaments
Trachea extends from ____ (the level of ____) to ____ (the level of ____)
cricoid cartilage; C6; carina; T4-5
the posterior tracheal wall lacks ___ and is supported by ______
cartilage; trachealis muscle
what is the angle of tracheal bifurcation called?
carinal angle
the trachea divides at ___ into right and left main bronchus
main bronchus divides into ____ bronchi, which then divides into _____ bronchi. The bronchi continue to divide into smaller and smaller bronchi up to ____ generations of divisions from main bronchus
lobar; segmental; 23
How to distinguish bronchi and bronchioles?
no cartilaginous support, no cilia and mucous producing cells
what is vital capacity? what is residual volume?
volume change of lung between full inspiration and maximal expiration; volume remaining in lungs after vital capacity breath to keep the lungs from collapsing
what is tidal volume?
volume of air that is inspired or expired in a single breath during regular breathing
what is minute ventilation?
total volume of gas in liters expelled from lungs per minute
what is the movement of inspired gas into and exhaled gas out of lung called?