10-12 Traffic Accident Invest Flashcards
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
The major changes include extending the time required to forward the F-150 Accident Report from 7 days to ___ days to allow members adequate time to secure representation,
if desired.
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
Additionally, the cause determination will be made by the law enforcement investigating agency at the scene rather then the investigating Fire Department Chief Officer.
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
The primary objectives of the investigating officer at an investigation scene are to determine the circumstances surrounding an event and to report them accurately.
These objectives are attained through an organized and systematic method of investigation.
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
If upon arrival, you encounter a serious accident involving Fire Department apparatus, notify the Administrative Division Chief and request a Los Angeles City Attorney response through METRO FIRE CONTROL Section (MFC).
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) personnel will request a Specialized Collision Investigation Detail (SCID) if the conditions meet the following criteria:
A. Any traffic collision involving a City-owned or a City mileage vehicle that results in a fatality or severe injury. Severe injury is defined as “any serious, incapacitating injury, which normally requires hospitalization other than for observation, and prevents the victim from walking or driving.”
B. Any traffic collision resulting in a fatality or severe injury, which may result in a criminal felony prosecution and which is beyond the scope of the investigating officer’s expertise. This would require the recommendation of the concerned traffic division watch commander or on-call traffic division detective, with final approval by the Officer in Charge (OIC) of Traffic Coordination Section (TCS).
C. Any major unusual traffic occurrence, when requested by the concerned traffic division watch commander and approved by the OIC of TCS.
The Los Angeles City Attorney generally uses the same criteria as LAPD SCID Team; however, the City Attorney’s Office will respond anytime they are requested.
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
Interviews shall normally be conducted between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, unless the investigation is time-sensitive. Examples of time-sensitive issues include but are not limited to: Significant Traffic Accidents, In-Custody Deaths, Wrongful Deaths, Firefighter Fatalities/Serious Injuries, high potential for litigation, etc. If a member chooses to exercise his/her right to representation, and the investigation is not time-sensitive, you may need to schedule an interview at a later date.
If management determines that the matter is time-sensitive, and the member is unable to obtain representation within 90 minutes, management reserves the right to detail an available representative of the member’s choice to provide representation to the member.
Investigations that are serious in nature shall be recorded. Investigations that are serious in nature are defined as: Per the Penalty Guidelines, whenever a first offense violation has the potential for a penalty of “B” or greater. A “B” penalty is a 6- to 10-day suspension. Contact Professional Standards Division (PSD) for guidance when the decision to record or not record is a concern.
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
An F-150 shall be completed by the LAFD Investigating Chief Officer and shall be forwarded within ___ calendar days
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
A Form General 88 (FG 88) Automobile Accident Report shall be completed by the driver, and the tillerperson if a ladder truck is involved
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
The Preliminary Investigation Packet shall be forwarded “through channels” to Emergency Services Bureau within 14 calendar days.
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
Collect, complete, and forward the following reports within ___ business days:
FG 88 Automobile Accident Report
FG 84B Witness Card
F-150 Accident Report
F-80 Requisition – Note: this is required in all accidents including those where there is no damage to Department apparatus/vehicle.
Investigating agency report (police report)
Digital photos
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
Any clear violation of Department policy, obvious neglect, at fault accidents causing extensive damage, injury or liability to the City should fall into the hearing category.
Additionally, members with multiple accidents (___ or more) will also fall into the hearing category.
Traffic Accident Hearings are normally recorded.
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
The Traffic Hearing is normally conducted by the Administrative Assistant Chief with the following members in attendance:
Administrative Battalion Chief, Battalion Driving Coordinator, member’s immediate supervisor, the member involved his/her representative (if member chooses to have one present)
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
The member shall be administered the Lybarger Admonition. This advisement orders the member to answer the questions asked of him/her under the threat of discipline if they fail to comply and that the information he/she provides cannot be used against them in a subsequent criminal proceeding.
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
The respective Bureau will then be assigned the responsibility for conducting the CTS investigation by PSD. The summary, findings and substantiation of findings developed for the Hearing Report shall be included in the F-226S prepared by the Hearing Officer and forwarded to PSD.
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
Which category?
An accident in which Fire Department personnel exercised reasonable judgment and precautions, exhibited good apparatus/vehicle operator’s and officer’s skills and observed all state, local and Fire Department statutes, ordinances and rules.
Category I
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
An accident which occurred because of inattention to vehicle operator’s and/or officer’s responsibilities or because of misjudgment of clearance in operating apparatus near stationary objects.
Category II
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
An accident which occurred because of apparatus/vehicle operator’s misjudgment of clearance from other vehicles, deficiency in defensive driving techniques, or failure to anticipate other vehicle’s movements.
Category III
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
An accident in which Fire Department personnel failed to follow established Department Rules and Regulations, Policies and Procedures.
Category IV
10-12 Traffic Accident Invest
Category I ?
Category II ?
Category III ?
Category IV ?
Category I
An accident in which Fire Department personnel exercised reasonable judgment and precautions, exhibited good apparatus/vehicle operator’s and officer’s skills and observed all state, local and Fire Department statutes, ordinances and rules.
Category II
An accident which occurred because of inattention to vehicle operator’s and/or officer’s responsibilities or because of misjudgment of clearance in operating apparatus near stationary objects.
Category III
An accident which occurred because of apparatus/vehicle operator’s misjudgment of clearance from other vehicles, deficiency in defensive driving techniques, or failure to anticipate other vehicle’s movements.
Category IV
An accident in which Fire Department personnel failed to follow established Department Rules and Regulations, Policies and Procedures.