1. Jews Claim To Palestine/ World War One Flashcards
From what year did the Jews live in Palestine?
1500 BC
What happened in 1500 BC?
Jewish people lived in Palestine
When was the time of Jesus?
First century AD
Who ruled Palestine in the time of Jesus?
When did the Romans rule Palestine?
In the time of Jesus
When did the Jews rebel against the Roman leaders?
What happened in AD70 and AD135?
Jews rebelled against the Roman rulers
In AD70 and AD135, who did the Jews rebel against?
Romans who were in control of Palestine
What was the impact of the Jews revolt against the Roman rulers in AD70 and AD135?
Roman soldiers crushed both revolts
Destroyed the Jewish temple and the city of Jerusalem
Expelled most Jews
Why did the Romans destroy the Jewish temple and expel most Jews?
As a result of the Jewish rebellions in AD70 and AD135
What happened after the Romans expelled many Jews from Palestine?
Many Jews spent the next 200 years moving to other areas of the Roman Empire, particularly Southern Europe
After the persecution of Jews by Romans and the fleeing of many Jews, how many remained in Palestine?
Few thousand
What is the definition of diaspora?
The dispersal of Jews in many different parts of the world
What word means the “The dispersal of Jews in many different parts of the world”?
What job did many of the Jews in diaspora acquire?
Merchants Farmers Bankers Craftsmen Some gained land and became wealthy through gaining positions in government
In diaspora, what did the Jews do?
Kept their religious traditions alive through building synagogues for worship and celebrating Jewish festivals and holy days
What religion were the Europeans?
What was the impact of Europeans being Christians?
Led to Jews being forced to live in separate areas
What were Jews not allowed to do?
Buy their own land
During what age did the persecution of Jews increase?
Middle Ages
After being expelled from much of Western Europe, where did the Jews settle?
Russia and Poland
In the 19th century, what country had the largest Jewish population?
What was the impact of the Tsar’s assassination in 1881?
A lot of anti-Jewish riots as many people in the government blamed the Jews for the assassination
Synagogues were burnt down
Jewish homes attacked
Thousands of Jews attacked
After persecution in Russia, where did Jews flee to?
Western Europe and the USA
Why did many Jews flee to Western Europe and the USA?
Persecution in Russia
How were Jews treated in the USA and Western Europe?
Not treated as equals, and suspected of being disloyal or untrustworthy
What happened in February 1896?
Theodor Herzl (Austrian Jew living in Paris), who published the book entitled The Jewish state
When was The Jewish State by Thedor Herzl published?
February 1896
Who wrote The Jewish State in February 1896?
Theodor Herzl
What was the plan in the Jewish State by Theodor Herzl in February 1896?
Jews granted ‘a portion of the globe large enough to satisfy the rightful requirements of a nation’
Who wrote a book that had a plan for Jews granted ‘a portion of the globe large enough to satisfy the rightful requirements of a nation’?
The Jewish State by Theodor Herzl in February 1896
What did the Jews dream and pray for?
‘Next year in Jerusalem’
What was the ‘Promise land’?
The land of Palestine
When Palestine was promised to the Jews, what was the reaction of Jews?
Most wanted to stay where they were: France, Britain, Germany and Russia
From what country did a small group make a way to Palestine?
Where did the name zionists come from??
Mount Zion, a mountain near Jerusalem
Between 1880 to 1914, how many Zionists settled in Palestine?
Between what years did 60,000 Zionists move to Palestine?
During the First World War, who led the British Zionists?
Chain Weizmann
Why did the British engage in the Balfour deceleration?
Wanted to get the USA into the war and believed Jews would influence the government’s actions
What was the impact of the British believing that Jews in the US were influential in the US?
Promised the Jews a homeland in November 1917. Declaration made by leading British Jew
When was the Balfour decleration?
November 1917
What happened in November 1917?
Balfour declaration
Who wrote the 1917 Balfour Declaration?
Lord Rothschild, a leading British Jew
Where did the name ‘Balfour Declaration’ come from?
British foreign secretary Lord Balfour signed it
Who signed the Balfour declaration?
British foreign secretary, Lord Balfour
How did the British show that they were careful with the wording of the declaration?
Expressed their support for a Jewish homeland and not a state
What was the impact of the declaration saying that it supported a Jewish homeland and not a state?
Showed that the British were careful with their language
What did many Jews see the Balfour declaration as?
Promise from the British government to help set up a Jewish government
When was the Jewish national Fund found?
What happened in 1901?
Jewish national fund
Why was the Jewish national fund created in 1901?
With the purpose of buying land for Jewish people in Palestine
Who persuaded Theodore Hertzl and many other leading Jews that they would only be safe if they created their own state?
Dreyfus Affair
By 1914, what percentage of the Palestinian population were Jews?
In what year did the Jewish population in Palestine result to 14%
What percentage of Jews were Zionists?
What did the Christian newspaper, al-Karmil say about Jewish migration?
Strongly against it
How many Jews migrated as a result of the second Aliyah?
In what mission did 40,000 Jews enter Palestine
Second Aliyah
Who helped young migrants buy land (labor Zionism)?
Poale Zion
What was the role of Poale Zion?
Labor Zionism- help young migrants buy land
What did the World Zionist organisation do in 1899?
Created its own bank
What did the World Zionist Organisation do in 1899?
Created a bank
How come Kibbutz survive the war?
Donations from American Jewish charities
What was the impact of donations from Jewish American charities?
Kibbutz survived
When was the third Aliya?
What happened between 1919-23?
Third Aliya
How many Jews entered Palestine before 1921
18,000 Entered Palestine before 1921