1-E-2,3: Disinfection, Sterilization, Standard Precautions Flashcards
What is disinfection?
Disinfection decreases the number of microorganisms.
What methods can disinfect equipment?
Boiling water and chemical liquids can disinfect equipment.
What are examples of chemical disinfectants?
Examples include germicides, bactericides, fungicides, and virucides.
What is sterilization?
Sterilization completely destroys all organisms and spores.
What methods can sterilize equipment?
Moist or dry heat, steam under pressure, chemical sterilization, and ethylene oxide can sterilize equipment.
What are steam sterilizers also known as?
Steam sterilizers are also known as steam autoclaves.
What is medical asepsis?
Medical asepsis decreases the amount of microorganisms.
How does medical asepsis differ from sterile technique?
Unlike sterile technique, medical asepsis does not completely remove spores.
What is the number one way to reduce nosocomial infections?
Proper hand hygiene is the number one way to reduce nosocomial infections.
When should hands be washed?
Hands must be washed after touching blood, other body fluids, and other secretions or excretions.
When should hands be washed after using gloves?
Hands should be washed after gloves are removed.
When should hands be washed between treating patients?
Hands should always be washed between treating patients.
When should gloves be worn?
Gloves should be worn when touching blood, body fluids, contaminated articles, mucous membranes, and skin that is not intact.
When must gloves be changed?
Gloves must be changed between procedures on the same patient.
What is the purpose of wearing a gown?
A gown is worn to protect skin and clothing.
When should a mask be worn?
A mask should be worn when a procedure is likely to cause splashes or sprays of blood or other body fluids.
What do particulate respirators protect against?
Particulate respirators protect the worker against small droplet nuclei.
What should you never do with needles after use?
Never recap needles after use to avoid needle sticks.
What should be done if a needle stick occurs?
If a needle stick occurs, it must be reported immediately.
How should used needles be discarded?
Discard in labeled, puncture-resistant containers after use.
Where should containers for needles be kept?
Containers should be kept close to the area where needles are being used.
What should never be done with the same needle?
Never use the same needle for different patients.
What should not be done with needles using hands?
Do not bend or break needles with hands.
How should contaminated materials be handled?
Always handle very carefully to keep the contamination from spreading to other materials.
What should be done with single-use contaminated equipment?
It must be discarded properly.
What is required for reusable contaminated equipment?
It must be cleaned or sterilized before being used again.
How should contaminated linens be handled?
They must be handled with gloves and placed in a labeled biohazard bag that won’t leak.
What should be done with contaminated linens?
They are thrown away or placed in a labeled bag to be sent for decontamination.
Where should other linens used daily be placed?
They must be placed in a bin located in the treatment room for cleaning before reuse.
When should linens be changed?
Linens should be changed before treating each patient.
How should sharp equipment like needles be disposed of?
It must be placed in a puncture-resistant container.
How should supplies be used?
Supplies should be used for only one patient.
What should be done with used supplies?
They should be sent to be re-sterilized or thrown away.
What should be done with alpha-cradles?
They cannot be reused and must be thrown away.
Can vac-locks be reused?
Yes, but they must be properly cleaned between patients.
What should be done with patient blood and body fluid leaks?
They should be cleaned up immediately.
What cleaning solutions should be used for spills?
Use proper disinfectants or a bleach solution.