08 The Spirit of Reform, 1828-1845 Flashcards
an immediate end
American Antislavery Society
organization that worked for emancipation
American Colonization Society
they wanted to move African Americans to Africa
benevolent society
organization that focused on spreading God’s word and solving social problems
caucus system
a system of selecting presidential candidates in which members of a political party chose the nominee for president
Charles Grandison Finney
a preacher of the Second Great Awakening
Daniel Webster
senator from Massachusetts and opponent of nullification
Dorothea Dix
a reformer who worked to improve conditions for the mentally ill
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
woman reformer in the antislavery movement who organized the first women’s rights convention
freeing of all enslaved people
Force Bill
law that authorized the president to use the military to enforce acts of Congress
Frederick Douglass
an African American abolitionist
an approach to end slavery gradually
Horace Mann
a leader of the public education movement
Indian Removal Act
law that provided money to relocate Native Americans
John C. Calhoun
vice president of the United States and proponent of the idea of nullification
Joseph Smith
founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism)
a nativist political party
Lyman Beecher
a minister who preached the power of individuals to improve themselves and society
feelings of hostility toward foreigners
the idea that states have the right to declare a federal law null, or not valid
Panic of 1837
economic crisis in which many banks and businesses failed, thousands of farmers lost their land, and unemployment soared
name given to prisons during the prison reform movement
a movement that advocated feeling over reason and the individual above society
to withdraw
Second Great Awakening
a movement in the early 1800s to revive Americans’ commitment to religion
spoils system
the practice of appointing people to government jobs on the basis of party loyalty and support
Tariff of Abominations
tariff of 1828 that made imports extremely expensive
moderation in the consumption of alcohol
Trail of Tears
forced march of the Cherokee in Georgia to Arkansas and Oklahoma, during which thousands died
a philosophy that urged people to overcome the limits of their minds and to embrace the beauty of the universe
an ideal society
William Lloyd Garrison
an abolitionist and founder of the antislavery newspaper, the Liberator
8.1 In what ways did the US become more democratic during Jackson’s presidency?
8.2 What religious denominations increased their influence in the US during the Second Great Awakening?
8.3 How did the Second Great Awakening affect the reform movements of the mid-1800s?
8.4 Which individuals helped build support for abolition, and what did they do to win that support?