02 Colonizing America, 1519-1733 Flashcards
a Spanish explorer in the Americas
Francisco Pizarro
Spanish army captain who conquered the Inca empire
a Spanish fort
Native American religious leader who organized an uprising against the Spanish
low-ranking nobles
a system of rewarding conquistadors by giving them control of Native American villages
a huge ranch in New Spain
Spanish cowhand
Northwest Passage
the northern route through North America to the Pacific Ocean
coureur de bois
French fur traders
John Cabot
Englishman who explored North America for England
people who wanted to purify the Anglican Church of all Catholic elements
joint-stock company
company that pooled the money of many investors for big projects
privately owned ships licensed by the government to attack ships of other countries
Walter Raleigh
Englishman who sent an expedition that established a colony in Roanoke
Powhatan Confederacy
Native American group that lived in the area of Jamestown
representatives to Virginia’s legislative body
a system whereby land was given to settlers to entice them to go to Virginia
proprietary colony
a colony governed by the proprietor, or owner, of the colony
Puritans who broke away from the Anglican Church to form their own congregations
a group of Separatists who fled to America to escape persecution
William Bradford
a leader of the Plymouth colony
a Native American who helped the Pilgrims survive
John Winthrop
a Puritan who helped establish the Massachusetts Bay Colony
Massachusetts Bay Company
a company granted a charter to create a colony in New England
Great Migration
the emigration of thousands of people from England
people whose religious beliefs differ from those accepted by the majority
Roger Williams
founder of the town of Providence
Anne Hutchinson
founder of the town of Portsmouth
English Civil War
a war between the armies of the English Parliament and those of the English King
Oliver Cromwell
commander of Parliament’s army who seized power in England
Maryland Toleration Act
the act that granted religious toleration to all Christians in Maryland
the return of Charles II to the English throne
Henry Hudson
English navigator who explored the Hudson River valley for the Dutch in 1609
William Penn
a Quaker who founded the colony of Pennsylvania
opposition to war or violence as a means to settle disputes
James Oglethorpe
founder of the colony of Georgia