07 Growth and Division, 1816-1832 Flashcards
cotton gin
machine for removing cotton seeds from cotton bolls
political party formed by supporters of Andrew Jackson
Denmark Vesey
free African American who operated a woodworking shop in South Carolina and allegedly planned an armed revolt to free the region’s slaves
director of a work gang on large plantations
Eli Whitney
American inventor of the cotton gin and developer of interchangeable parts
Era of Good Feelings
phrase used to describe James Monroe’s presidency because of the harmony in national politics
favorite son
man who enjoyed the support of leaders from his own state and region
Francis C. Lowell
industrialist who built textile machinery in the United States after touring British textile mills; opened a series of textile mills in Massachusetts; introduced mass production of cotton cloth to the US
Frederick Douglass
former slave who became a prominent leader of the antislavery movement
gang system
labor system on large plantations in which enslaved persons were organized into work gangs that labored from sunup to sundown
Henry Clay
made Secretary of State after the election of 1824
Industrial Revolution
time of change in business and industry in which manufacturing shifted from hand tools to large, complex machines; goods were made in factories instead of workshops in homes
interchangeable parts
uniform pieces that can be made in large quantities to replace other identical pieces
John C. Calhoun
Republican who proposed the Second Bank of the United States and sponsored a federal internal improvement plan
John Marshall
Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court whose rulings helped establish a strong federal government
Seminole leader who warned a U.S. general to stay out of Florida
labor union
organization of workers that works for better wages and working conditions
Missouri Compromise
agreement for admitting Maine to the Union as a free state and Missouri as a slave state
political campaign in which candidates criticize each other’s personalities and principles
Nat Turner
enslaved minister who led an armed uprising in Virginia to free slaves
National Road
major east-west highway started in 1811 that by 1818 ran from Cumberland, Maryland, to Wheeling, Virginia (now West Virginia)
plantation owner
protective tariff
tax on goods to help domestic manufacturers by taxing imports to drive up their prices
Quadruple Alliance
formed by the European countries of Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia, and later France, in order to put down movements against monarchies in Europe
revenue tariff
tax on goods that provides income for the federal government
Robert Fulton
American inventor who designed and built the Clermont, the steamboat that traveled upstream on the Hudson River in 1807
Samuel F. B. Morse
American inventor who perfected the telegraph and developed a code for sending messages
slave codes
state laws that limited the legal rights of enslaved persons
work stoppage
task system
labor system used in the South on farms and small plantations in which enslaved workers were given a set of specific jobs to accomplish every day and worked until these were complete
William Crawford
candidate in the presidential election of 1824 who represented the South
yeoman farmers
ordinary Southern farmer who owned four or fewer slaves, but usually worked the land themselves
7.1 Summarize how the Supreme Court rulings in McCulloch v Maryland and Gibbons v Ogden strengthened the federal government.
7.2 List the changes that occurred as a result of the Industrial Revolution.
7.3 Explain why industry lagged in the South compared to the North.
7.4 Compare the different campaign strategies of the candidates in the 1824 election.