08: Special Sensory (Audition And Vestibular); Overview Of Sensory Examination Flashcards
True or false: the auditory system will encode both the frequency (pitch) and amplitude (intensity) of sound waves.
Which part of the ear allow for impedance matching allowing the energy of a sound wave to be transferred from an air medium to a fluid medium?
A. External ear
B. Middle ear
C. Inner ear
Which of the following chambers of the membranous cochlea contains endolymph?
A. Scalia tympani
B. Scalia media
C. Scalia vestibuli.
True or false: Hair cells of the Organ of Corti are considered the sensory receptors of the auditory system.
True or false: High frequency sounds are encoded toward the apex of the cochlea.
They are encoded in the base
How is amplitude of a sound wave encoded in the cochlea?
A. By sound waves of different frequencies reaching their peaks at specific locations along the basilar membranes causing the firing of specific primary afferents
B. By primary afferents increasing their firing rates proportionately to increase in sound intensity.
C. By additional higher threshold primary afferents becoming active as sound intensity increases.
D. Both B and C
Which of the following statements best describes what will happen as a result of upward movement of the basilar membrane?
A. Bending of the stereocilia toward the tallest stereocilia opens cation channels resulting in hyperpolarization of the hair cell and an increase in the release of the neurotransmitter glutamate.
B. Bending of the stereocilia toward the tallest stereocilia closes cation channels resulting in hyperpolarization of the hair cell and an decrease in the release of the neurotransmitter glutamate.
C. Bending of the stereocilia toward the tallest stereocilia opens cation channels resulting in depolarization of the hair cell and an increase in the release of the neurotransmitter glutamate.
Which type of primary afferents make up the majority of nerve fibers of the cochlear nerve?
A. Type I
B. Type II
C. Type III
True or false: The direct pathway will process information about pitch and volume from one ear and convey that information ultimately to ipsilateral primary auditory cortex.
The direct pathway will process information about pitch and volume from one ear and convey that information ultimately to contralateral primary auditory cortex.
The auditory system maps the localization of low frequency sounds in the horizontal plane by determining which of the following?
A. By comparing sounds that reach the tympanic membrane directly or indirectly in one ear.
B. By comparing the differences in the timing of sounds arriving at both ears.
C. By comparing the differences in intensity of sounds arriving at both ears.
True or false: Neurons in the primary auditory cortex are arranged in frequency columns.
Damage to which of the following structures can cause conductive hearing loss?
A. Cochlea
B. Tympanic membrane
C. Cochlear nerve
- During a Weber test, your patient reports hearing the sound louder in the left ear.
- You follow this by performing a Rinne test. During the test, the patient reports hearing the sound in the left ear during the bone conduction phase of the test but not during the air conduction phase.
- When Rinne testing the right ear, they report hearing the sound during both the bone and air conduction phases of the Rinne test.
Based on these results, you determine which of the following?
A. The patient has sensorineural hearing loss in the left ear.
B. The patient has sensorineural hearing loss in the right ear.
C. The patient has conductive hearing loss in the left ear.
D. The patient has conductive hearing loss in the right ear.
The patient has conductive hearing loss in his left ear. The patient lateralized toward the affected ear during the Weber Test and then failed to hear the sound during the air conduction phase of the Rinne Test.
True or false: When extending your head in the shower to rinse shampoo from your hair, you are performing movement of the head around the y-axis.
Which of the following structures are contained in the vestibule?
A. Horizontal semicircular canals
B. Vertical semicircular canals
C. Otolith organs
Which of the following structures will transduce rotational head movements?
A. Horizontal semicircular canals
B. Saccule
C. Utricle
Where are the hair cells of the semicircular canals located?
A. Macula
B. Ampulla
C. Vestibule
The ampulla is at the base of the canals; the hair cells of the otolith organs are contained in the macula.
True or false: When the anterior semicircular canal on the left side is excited, the posterior semicircular canal on the right side is excited
True or false: When the stereocilia of the hair cells are deflected toward the tallest stereocilia, the hair cell will hyperpolarize.
They will depolarize
Which of the following structures will sense rotational movements around the x and y axis?
A. Horizontal semicircular canals
B. Anterior and posterior semicircular canals
C. Utricle and saccule
Which of the following best describes what happens secondary to a head turn to the right?
A. The left horizontal semicircular canal afferents will become excited and the right semicircular canal afferents will become inhibited.
B. The right horizontal semicircular canal afferents will become excited and the left semicircular canal afferents will become inhibited.
C. Both the right and left semicircular canal afferents will become excited.
True or false: A head tilt relative to gravity will cause some hair cells of the otolith organs to depolarize and others to hyperpolarize.
Which of the following statements best reflects the function of the vestibulocochlear network in response to a head turn to the right?
A. Excitation of the right horizontal canal will activate motor neurons of the right Abducens and left Oculomotor nucleus in order to produce compensatory eye movements to the left.
B. Excitation of the right horizontal canal will activate motor neurons of the right Abducens and left Oculomotor nucleus in order to produce compensatory eye movements to the right.
C. Excitation of the right horizontal canal will activate motor neurons of the left Abducens and right Oculomotor nucleus in order to produce compensatory eye movements to the left.
Which of the following primitive reflexes would result in an increase in extensor tone in the limbs on the right side and an increase in flexor tone in the limbs on the left side secondary to a head turn to the right?
A. Tonic labyrinth reflex
B. Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex
C. Symmetrical tonic neck reflex
True or false: The medial vestibulospinal tract will play an important role in righting reactions.
Which of the following networks contribute to our bodily self-consciousness?
A. Vestibulo-ocular network
B. Vestibulospinal network
C. Vestibulothalamocortical network
What information about sound is conveyed by the amplitude of a sound wave?
Volume (intensity)
Which part of the ear is instrumental in transmitting sound waves?
Middle ear
Which structure of the ear contains the sensory receptors of the auditory system?
Inner ear (cochlea)
What is tonotopic organization?
The basilar membrane is “tuned” so that sound frequencies are represented from the base (high frequencies) to apex (low frequencies).
Does upward deflection of basilar membrane result in excitation of cells?
Downward results in inhibition!
Which cranial nerves are important for the mediation of the acoustic reflex?
What does the auditory systems processing of binaural information allow us to do?
Localization of sound
Monaural processes pitch and sound.
How is auditory information transmitted to the primary auditory cortex?
hair cell > spiral ganglion > anterior cochlear nucleus > lateral lemniscus > inferior colliculus > medial geniculate nucleus > primary auditory complex
What does the integration of auditory information in association cortices allow us to do?
Integrate sensory information and language functions
What is the difference between conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, and what clinical tests are used to evaluate for hearing loss?
If the hearing loss is conductive, the sound will be heard best in the affected ear. If the loss is sensorineural, the sound will be heard best in the normal ear.
What information about sound is conveyed by the frequency of a sound wave?
The range of important speed sounds is:
A. 0-10,000
B. 125-5000
C. 250-6000
D. 500-10,000
What activities involve translational (linear) movements along the x axis? Rotational movements?
Translational: forward and backward
Rotational: “roll”; lateral flexion of head
What activities involve translational (linear) movements along the y axis? Rotational movements?
Translational: side to side
Rotational: “pitch”; flexion and extension of head
What activities involve translational (linear) movements along the z axis? Rotational movements?
Translational: up and down
Rotational: “yaw”; rotation of head (shaking head no)
What type of movements to the semicircular canals detect?
direction and magnitude of movement
Vorizontal canals: rotation around z axis
Verticial canals rotation around x and y axes
What type of movements to the otolith organs detect?
linear accelerations and head tilts relative to gravity
What system mediates reflexive eye movements that are designed to allow us to keep an image focused on the retina despite head movement?
A. Vestibulospinal network
B. Vestibulo-occular network
C. Vestibulothalamocortical network
D. vestibulocerebellum
What system is responsible for primary and righting reflexes?
A. Vestibulospinal network
B. Vestibulo-occular network
C. Vestibulothalamocortical network
D. vestibulocerebellum
What system provides input that contributes to the conscious perception of motion and spatial orientation?
A. Vestibulospinal network
B. Vestibulo-occular network
C. Vestibulothalamocortical network
D. vestibulocerebellum
Which of the following systems is NOT involved in postural control?
A. Vestibular
B. Somatosensory
C. Visual
D. Motor
E. Auditory
True or false: A strabismus is a rhythmic oscillating motion of the eyes.
This is a nystagmus.
How are objective and subjective vertigo different?
Subjective: Perception of body moving/spinning
Objective: Perception of objects/environment moving/spinning
This disorder of the inner ear can lead to vestibular dysfunction, hearing loss, tinnitus, and a feeling of fullness in the ear.
Meniere’s Disease
True or false: The medial vestibulospinal tract is important for initiating head/neck responses that allow us to right our head in response to changes in body position.
True or false: The medial vestibulospinal tract is important for initiating body responses that allow us to maintain balance.
The lateral vestibulospinal tract is important for initiating body responses that allow us to maintain balance.
This reflex involves extension movements of the extremities in the same direction as the displacing force.
A. Protective reaction
B. Equilibrium reaction
C. Righting reaction
D. Primitive reflexes
This reflex is a complex response to changes in posture or movement as a means to restore balance.
A. Protective reaction
B. Equilibrium reaction
C. Righting reaction
D. Primitive reflexes
This reflex involves maintaining correcting orientation of the head and body with respect to vertical.
A. Protective reaction
B. Equilibrium reaction
C. Righting reaction
D. Primitive reflexes
This reflex is generally temporary and fades with age due to descending inhibitory control.
A. Protective reaction
B. Equilibrium reaction
C. Righting reaction
D. Primitive reflex
________ transduce motion of the head into electrical signals; a process known as mechanotransduction.
Hair cells
What type of cells are the primary cell of the vestibular system?
A. Pseudounipular
B. Bipolar
C. Multipolar
What direction do our eyes move when the head turns to the right?
Side-to-side movements of the body or right and left head-turning result in the eyes moving in the opposite direction.
What direction do our eyes move when the head tilts upward?
Up and down movements of the body or flexion/extension movements of the head result in the eyes moving in the opposite direction.
Which of the following tests would be used to assess the vestibular system? Select all that apply.
- Weber Test
- Rinne Test
- Visual tracking
- Dix Hallpike
- Acuity
- Visual Fields
- Romberg test
- Visual tracking
- Dix Hallpike
- Romberg test
Which of the following tests would be used to assess the visual system? Select all that apply.
- Weber Test
- Rinne Test
- Visual tracking
- Dix Hallpike
- Acuity
- Visual Fields
- Romberg test
- Acuity
- Visual Fields
Which of the following tests would be used to assess the auditory system? Select all that apply.
- Weber Test
- Rinne Test
- Visual tracking
- Dix Hallpike
- Acuity
- Visual Fields
- Romberg test
- Weber Test
- Rinne Test
True or false: Graphesthesia is the perception of the form and nature of an object without the use of visual information.
This describes stereognosis.
True or false: Stereognosis is the ability to sense writing on the skin without the use of visual information.
This describes graphesthesia.
Which somatosensory system would you be testing if you were doing a pin prick test and temperature assessment?
Which somatosensory system would you be testing if you used a tuning fork, Semmes Weinstein monofilament examination, and localized touch?