05a. The structures and functions of the eye Flashcards
What is (1)?
optic nerve/s
What is (2)?
optic disc/**blind spot **
What is (3)?
**Fovea **
(high concentration of Cones)
What is (4)?
What is (5)?
What is (7)?
Ciliary muscles
What is (8)?
What is (9)?
What is (10)?
What is (11)?
Aqueous Humour
What is (12)?
What is (14)?
Vitreous humour
What is the function of the cornea?
protects the eye and helps to focus light rays on the retina
What is the function of the aqueous and vitreous humour?
Provide structure/shape to the eye and provide nutrients to eye structures.
What is the function of the iris?
contains muscles that control the size of the pupil
What is the function of the pupil?
an opening in the iris that helps control the amount of light entering the eye (dilates or constricts)
What is the function of the lens?
focuses light onto the retina, by adjusting its shape according to the distance of the object being viewed (bulges – to focus on nearby objects; flattens – to focus on distant objects)
What is the function of the ciliary muscles?
control the shape of the lens.
What is the function of the retina?
Contains photoreceptors (rods and cones). Receives and absorbs lights and processes images.
What is the function of Rods?
respond to very low levels of light
responsible for night-vision and peripheral vision.
sensitive to movement
What is the function of Cones?
respond to high levels of light (and do not respond well to dim levels of light).
Detect fine detail and are involved in colour vision.
What is the function of the optic nerve/s?
transmits the visual information from the retina to the primary visual cortex of the brain (Transmission)
Which structure protects the eye and helps to focus light rays on the retina?
Which two parts of the eye provide structure/shape to the eye and provide nutrients to eye structures?
aqueous and vitreous humour
Which structure contains muscles that control the size of the pupil
Which structure helps control the amount of light entering the eye (dilates or constricts)
Which structure focuses light onto the retina, by adjusting its shape according to the distance of the object being viewed
Which structure controls the shape of the lens?
ciliary muscles
Which structure receives and absorbs lights and processes images?
Which photoreceptors respond to very low levels of light
responsible for night-vision and peripheral vision.
sensitive to movement
Which photoreceptors respond to high levels of light (and do not respond well to dim levels of light).
Detect fine detail and are involved in colour vision.
Which structure transmits the visual information from the retina to the primary visual cortex of the brain?
Optic nerve/s