05_Organizational Psych: Overview and Motivation Flashcards
Scientific management:
Taylor’s Primary motivating factor
Individuals are driven by economic self-interest
Money = most effective motivator
Human Relations Movement (Mayo):
Greater emphasis on worker needs, motives, and relationships
Identified the “Hawthorne effect”
Hawthorne effect:
Research phenomenon: job performance improved as a result of participating in the research study
Productivity increased regardless of changes were made in work environments
Informal Workgroup Norms
Production above or below the informal norm results in social pressure to conform
Rate busters = workers who produce too much
Chiselers / Just lazy = coworkers who produce too little
Determinants of MacGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y Management styles
Based managers’ assumptions of employee characteristics
Beliefs of Theory X Managers
Employees dislike work and avoid it whenever possible
Employees must be directed and controlled
Beliefs of Theory Y Managers
Work is as natural as play
Employees are capable of self-control and self-direction
Relationship Between Motivation and Performance
High motivation alone does not lead to high performance
Performance Equation
Ability + Motivation + Environment
Maslow’s five basic instinctual needs
Maslow’s Need-Hierarchy Theory of Motivation:
Pre-potent motivators
Needs are arranged in a hierarchy
Each need acts as a motivator only when lower needs are met (prepotent)
*Self-actualization is ongoing, the only need that is never completely met
Criticisms of Maslow’s Need-Hierarchy Theory
Needs are not always activated in the order described
Unfulfilled needs, especially psychological needs, take precedence over other needs
Maslow’s needs rated highest by Managers
ERG Theory (Alderfer):
Three Needs
[*More empirically supported than need-hierarchy theory]
Need Theory:
McClelland used thematic apperception tests to identify these 3 needs that underlie job motivation
Need for achievement
Need for power
Need for affiliation