04 - ROVIRA Flashcards

(Atrophic Rhinitis)
- 3 week old to slaughter pigs
- Eradicated from most modern farms
- Clinical Signs?
- Gross lesions? (3 of them)
- sneezing, nasal discharge, poor growth, epistaxis
- lateral deviation/shortening of snout (brachygnathia superior)
atrophy of ventral and dorsal turbinates
bending of the nasal septum

(Atrophic Rhinitis)
- Nonprogressive atrophic rhinitis (NPAR)
caused by what?
- Progressive Atrophic Rhinitis (PAR)
caused by what?
- toxigenic bordetella bronchiseptica
- toxigenic pasteurella multocida

(Purulent (suppurative) Bronchopneumonia)
- how common?
- what age?
- clinical signs?
- Bacteria from the upper respiratory tract invade bronchioles and alveoli…. what four?
- very common
- 3-wk-old to slaughter pigs
- dyspnea, retarded growth
- pasteurella multocida
bordetella bronchiseptica
haemophilus parasuis
streptococcus suis
(Purulent (suppurative) Bronchopneumonia)

(Fibrinonecrotic Plueropneumonia)
- aka what?
- age?
- similar to bronchopneumonia but what?
- clinical signs?
- Bacteria from the upper respiratory tract invade bronchioles and alveoli…. which two?
- fibrinous bronchopneumonia
- 10-wk-old to slaughter pigs
- more severe
- dyspnea, depression, fever, DEATH
- actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
actinobacillus suis
(Fibrinonecrotic Plueropneumonia)

b or c… don’t know for sure…

pretty sure it’s b
(Mycoplasma Hyopneumoniae Pneumonia)
- aka?
- age?
- clinical signs?
- commonly complicated with what?
- M. hyopneumoniae colonizes what?
- enzootic pneumonia
- 10wk to slaughter pigs
- cough, retarded growth
- purulent bronchopneumonia
- the cilia of the respiratory epithelium
(Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae pneumonia)
- destruction of what?
- immune reaction… recruitment of what?
- secondary infections…. leads to what?

- cilia
- lymphocytes and macrophages
- purulent bronchopneumonia

(Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS))
- very important disease
- causes what in sows?
- what age?
- frequent complications: pneumonia, polyserositis, diarrhea
- reproductive disease; abortions, piglets born weak
- any (cause depression, dyspnea)
(Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS))

(Swine Influenza Virus)
- what age?
- clinical signs?
- multiple types of influenza (ABC) - which type is swine influenza?
- any
- acute onset of cough, fever, depression, nasal discharge
- A
(multiple subtypes… H1N1 H3N2 H1N2)
(swine influenza virus)
- influenza virus infects what?

- epithelial cells of trachea, bronchi and bronchioles >> alveoli


I have no idea (figure this out…)
(Swine influenza virus)

(Fibrinous Polyserositis)
- age?
- clincial signs?
- Bacteria from the upper respiratory tract become what?
what three bacteria (+ what they cause)
- often secondary to what?
- 3 to 15 wks pigs
- fever, depression, dyspnea, reluctance to move, CNS signs, lameness
- systemic and replicate in serosal surfaces
haemophilus parasuis - Glasser’s disease (polyserositis, arthritis, meningitis)
mycoplasma hyorhinis (polyserositis, arthritis)
streptococcus suis (meningitis, polyserositis)
- PRRSV infection
(Fibrinous Polyserositis)