Zemilogy and Social Harm Flashcards
What are the key readings?
What are the key points from Tombs?
* social harm ‘allows us to incorporate omissions, decision and non-decisions taken, policies developed, defended and implemented.’ p.62
The Grenfell tower in context
* Murray 2017= Notting Dale Ward was in the 10% of the ‘most multiply deprived LSOAs in England’ p.62
* Kensington and Chelsea has inequality in economic
* life expectancies differ by 14-15 years between the low class and rich when in places such as Kensington and Chelsea
* the tower was refurbished for aesthetic purposes
* Grenfell Action Group believe that ‘only a catastrophic event will expose the ineptitude and incompetence’ p.65
Grenfell: dimensions of social harm
* Pemberton 2015= typology of harms (physical and mental, autotomy ‘in relation to our attempts to achieve self-actualisation’ p.66 and relational harms)
What are the issues of crime?
Crime is a social construct: definitions vary
Many crimes are relatively trivial: receive undue attention
Many non-crimes cause serious harm: not dealt with by CJS
Crime legitimises expansion of crime control industry -
Crime supports existing power relations
What are the issues with Criminal Justice?
Criminal justice ignores the most damaging forms of harm
Criminal justice is not effective
Criminal justice views prison as the solution to crime
Criminal justice is primarily concerned with inflicting pain -
Criminal justice relies on private interests to fund the expanding penal system
What are the issues with criminology?
Criminology has accepted the social construct of “crime”
Criminology still produces theories to explain why people commit “crime”
Criminology no longer explores wider socio-political questions -
Criminology serves class-based political & economic agendas
What is zemiology?
The study of social harm beyonf individual based harm
What is the focus of zemiology?
Focus = social injuries & harms caused by states & corporations +
Harms that affect lives but are rarely criminalised
What are the main concerns of zemiology?
Harms perpetuated b the state + harms perpetuated by organisations
Who found the key sources of harms?
Hillyard and Tombs 2004
What are the sources of harm?
Physical, economic, emotional, sexual harms, cultural harms
What are physical harms?
From medical treatment; work accidents; environmental pollutants; lack of food/shelter; state brutality
What are economic harms?
From poverty; unemployment; fraud & malpractice; price-fixing; taxation
What are emotional harms?
Discrimination & prejudice; disproportionate CJS attention
What are sexual harms?
Oppression of sexual minorities; inadequate response of CJS to victims
What are cultural harms?
Absence of culturally safe environment; stunting of autonomy & development; challenges to or denial of identity
Who found what social harms are?
Tombs et al 2005
What are social harms?
Encompasses social, economic, psychological and environmental harms.
Who looked at decriminalising criminology?
Muncie 2000