Year 10 Good And Evil Flashcards
Evil 😈
The absence of good and the impulse to seek our own desires
This is at the expense of the good of others results in suffering
Pain or loss which harms human beings
Some suffering is caused by other human beings moral evil. Some not natural evil
The loss or absence of a quality or something that is normally present 🎁
Evil is the privation of good
The quality of being like God
Seeking the wellbeing of others selflessly
The decision making part of a person s mind is called a will
A will is free if a person is able to choose right ↪ from wrong without being controlled by other forces
Examples of moral evil
Stealing murder attacks
Natural evil
This suffering are events that have nothing to do with people e.g 🌀 hurricanes
Moral evil
This is caused by people
Theft 🔫 murder bullying etc
St Augustine And Evil 😈
Evil exist due to the lack of goodness
Not enough good decision were made which made them to be privated
St Augustine And Evil 😈 quote
Evil is something not created by God
God perfect world
God created a perfect world but Adam and Eve brought up evil due to their sin
Schleiermacher German scholar
He said that if humans were able to chooser evil then evil must of existed
Alvin plantinga
If God made us to choose just good we will be robots
Survival of the fittest
Suffering is vital to survival other animals must kill others to live
Bible quotes on original sin
You are free to eat
He banished the man
How is God loving in the Adam and Eve story
He gave them warnings.
He did not kill them
Original sin
Due to the fall of mankind it causes us to have the inclination to be evil
Jewish people’s
Humans are not born evil rather sinless
We have two inclination
yetzer ha ra to- do evil
Yetzer ha tov - to be good
Ten days of attonance
We cannot hide evil from God but we can repent between rosh hashanah and yom kippur to atone and ask for forgiveness
Creationist and original sin
The Adam and Eve story is literal and they introduce evils as we are all descendents from them we have evil within us
Catholics And original sin
They do not take this serious and believe it shows the first time we betrayed god
God quality of allowing loving evidence
As a mother comforts her child
God as creator evidence
I am the source of all blessings
God as all powerful evidence
God is the king ♔
Jewish people and God’s quality
Similar to Catholics but they have no devil
In the Torah God saved the Israelites from Egypt and is the sole creator
What do atheist believe in God’s qualities
They believe in the inconsistent triad
This is because evil exists
Stephen fry and God’s qualities quote
Who creates a world of suffer
If God was all three qualities he would not create suffering
Catholics against Stephen fry
Suffering is a punishment frome God
Free will causes evil
A test of faith
It God’s plan
Mackie and free will
Suffering makes people worst
We doing not need evil to show how good is good is
Evil is to much
Mackie and free will
Suffering makes people worst
We doing not need evil to show how good is good is
Evil is to much
Christians against mackie free will
Evil makes is better Poole
Evil is the consequences for free will
God’s plan
Richard Swinburne and freewill
Free will defence
Part of evil and suffering is the result of the misuse of freewill
Williams rowe amp suffering
The fawn doing in a forest fire 🔥
No purpose for this to happen so God is inconsistent evil or note real
Christians and rower
It is God’s plan
God is 3 persons but one God
The trinity is one we do not confess three God but one God in three persons
Cathesim and the trinity
The trinity is one
Jesus In trinity
Fix the gap between humans and God he made it possible to rebuild the relationship
He relates to us
God the father
He is the creator and sustainer of all things
we prayer for him in the lord’s prayer
Holy spirit in the trinity
The holy spirit guides and sustains earth and it’s inhabitants
Unseen power of God
Importance of trinity
Shows that God is different from humans
God can reveal himself to humans in many ways
Nicene creed
A summary or list of key Christian beliefs
Nicene creed quote God
We believe in one God
Is he almighty and omnipotent
Jesus nicene creed
We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ
He is God incarnated
He is part of the trinity
Fully human and fully divine
Where in the Bible does it mentions the trinity
But all three parts of the trinity is shown in the baptism of Jerusalem
Jesus baptism quote
The spirit descended liked a dove
You are my son
Something is begotten when it’s been generated by procreation
It has been mothered or fathered
Weakness of trinity
Jesus said nothing about the trinity
The Bible never discuss it
If God’s eternal the why did jess diet
St Augustine And beloved
An idea that st Augustine used was that God is love
Someone gives love
Someone gets it
And love itself
This shows that love is important to Catholics
St Augustine And trinity
All members are equal
Jews and trinity
There is one God
Shekinah is God on earth
Jesus is not real
Jews and three person
God has many qualities but he still one
Human reason making moral decisions
The knowledge we have of whats right and wrong given by God
Natural law
The laws of right and wrong are the same for all people in all places at all times
Every human cam discover the natural law
Made flesh
The Christian beliefs that God became man in Jesus
Incarnated son
God became flesh by Jesus
Son of God means he is the second person of the trinity
Is Jesus human
Yes he is fully man and fully God
Jesus wasn’t just a good.person he was God too
Divine word
The people refers to Jesus as the word
The word was with God
And the word was God
Jews and Jesus incarnated
Jesus was a regular man
The schema says God is one
The kenosis hymn analysis
In human likeness….. he humbled himself
Jesus served us and. Cared for everyone even the outcasts
He was no God♔
how many mysteries does the rosary bead have
4 joyful sorrowful luminous glorious
rosary beads
remind us about the life of jesus
why did jesus died
he was betrayed by judas
the catholics church believes that human beings are saved by the works of jesus on earth dying for us
holy week quotes
hosanna blesses is he that comes in the name of the lord
what is holy week
palm sunday we wave palms
holy thursday jesus washes the feet of the apostles
good friday jesus death- no meat
eater sunday - beginning of a new way of life we eat chocolate eggs
paschal mystery
AKA holy week
it shows the last week of jesus before his crucifixion
paschal mystery quotes
jesus was truly human and he gave himself to rescue all; of us
why are the rosary beads important
it helps for meditation
bible study
it does not explain why suffering exist but identifies with the suffering of catholics
why are the rosary beads linked with evil
jesus suffered evil in his life mostly moral
we can help those in purgatory who may need our prays
why do catholics use statues
to help them focus on their prayers and devotion
bible and statues
god told moses to make a statue of a fiery serpent
it shows respect to god and reminds them of events e.g the cross for the cruxificatiom
why are some people against statues e.g jews
do not make false idols
this includes statues
the pieta
this statue is in italy
it is mary holding jesus
who is the pieta by
……. michelangelo
why is the pieta important
suffering causes pain
greater things come from suffering
we can relate to the loss of mary
where did the beatitudes come from
the sermon on the mount
what did the beatitudes teach
it taught people how to live your life
beatitudes - hypocrites
someone pretending to be good and holy when they are sinful
go to your room and pray to god
charity and beatitudes
give in private
do not show off
jews and beatitudes
they believe
to show constant love and to live in humble fellowship with our god
they do not believe in jesus so they do not believe in the beatitudes
sources of wisdom for jews
written traditions
nevi’im - prophets
ketuvim - writings
why did jesus create the beatitudes
because people got so obsessed i rules they forgotten the true meaning of them
he did not want to replace them but said to follow out of love not for just doing it
natural law was created by whom
natural law definition
it is based on the idea that God has made humans good and has given them a natural law to do good and avoid evil
worship god ordered society reproduce learning defend the innocent
natural law moral code
it offers a universal moral code because most people believe in preserving life building a good society and education
natural law rules
it brings clear rules and helps them be like the way that god requires
natural law in 2018
be homosexual and atheism is fine in our society and natural law is against this
it does not fir our society now
natural law and priest
priest and nuns are not allowed to get married and have children so are they breaking natural law?
natural law and freewill
it does not allow everyone to make their own choices for example reproducing and being religious
natural law and reproduction
some people are unable to have children . does that mean that they are sinning ?
the catholic stool
this helps catholics to make the right choices
the bible
and magisterium
humans and conscience
if humans follow there conscience then evil would not exist
conscience quotes
a guilty conscience
are written on the heart
conscience mistakes
people make mistakes about the voice of god
e.g the yorkshire ripper believe god taught him to murder women
conscience and chaos
is everyone believed in the conscience life would be chaotic as everyone would have different rules for what is right and wrong
conscience and god
since it is god speaking it should be good
conscience and inform
you must be sure that it is your conscience speaking as it could be something else
you must inform yourself by reading the bible
why do bad things happen
god gave some of his divine power to give us freewill and we make moral evil
there is no true answer though
is suffering always evil
no it can be the circle of life
suffering in the bible that was not evil
jesus suffering dying on the cross was not evil but it was needed to save humanity
jews and suffering
they believe the same way catholics do
it is not in our power to explain the suffering of the righteous
catholics go on a pilgrimage to become closer to god
where do catholics go on pilgrimage
lourdes in france
importance of lourdes
it heals the sick and needy
it is centred for the vulnerable
pilgrimage quotes
prays with feets and experiences
do jews MUST go on pilgrimage
no they do not have to
is pilgrimage important for Jews
yes they celebrate the passover (this is pesach ) and sukkot
these are pilgrim centred festivals
where do jews go
jews may go to the the wailing walls of the graves of teachers and rabbis