evolution 1 Flashcards
charles darwin
1800s scientist who came up with evolution
his evidence came from a voyage around the world when he saw 15 types of finch birds each with beaks suitable to its environment
darwin suggested that each bird type must of evolved via mutation and natural selection so he thought that humans must of dead the same too.
survival of the fittest
animals suitable for environment survive and pass on gene
1800 98% of moths were white which made it easier to hide in the trees but during the industrial revolution soot stain everywhere so darker moths survive better
95% became dark
catholics on evolution
catholics can agree with evolution, genesis is only symbolic and scientific findings must not be dismissed.
pope john Paul said that evolution is a great way to explain how life starte
catholics response to evolution
genesis is seen as a purpose, god’s intention was a loving plan was the main symbol of genesis, it was never truly specific how God created earth, so it is okay to believe in the big bang and evolution
catholics response to evolution
religion explains why it happens but science explains how so it goes hand in hand
Catholics believe that life must of started at one point so evolution shows this
pope john paul and evolution
pope john paul says that evolution is a great merit and it can teach us about the world. it shows us about the making of the human body and how god loves us
catholics, richard Dawkin and the soul
Dawkin is a scientist and cannot studied what a soul is , and he dismisses as a philosopher as spirits cannot evolve from matter, however catholics may say that the souls is from a different dimension of reality, spiritual from a another world a share in the life of god. it’s gods breath in our body
catholics, richard Dawkin and the soul 2.0
catholics may also say that science is not in a position to say anything about the soul because souls are not the type of thing science studies
random creation and catholics
catholics don’t see any problem as seeing God’s creating the universe as random as ST Thomas Aquinas says “that divine providence does not exclude fortune and chance “
we will never understand God’s plan so it could be a possibility
catholics and the creation
catholics may ask an atheist “how the universe came into existence” and which we have no answer for that but the question “why is there something rather than nothing ? how did all of the complexity begin”
who is george Lemaitre
a belgian Roam catholic priest astronomer and physicist
what is lamaitre famous for
he was the 1st person to formulate the idea of an expanding universe which became the big bang theory of the origin of the universe
why do catholics believe science backs up God as creator
it show that god is omniscient.
there had to be laws such as gravity for the matter of the universe to solar systems and only someone as smart as God could of done this
why do catholics believe science backs up God and genesis story
they believe that both are correct.
one of God’s days could of been billions of days
genesis 1:3 god said let there be light some catholics believe that this tells us about the big bang
francis collins quote
one of the greatest tragedies of our rime is this impression that science and religion have to be at war
what is a gene
genes carry information that determines your traits which are features or characteristics that are inherited from your parents
richard dawkins and natural selection
he picks up charlies darwin ideas and adds random genetic changes
richard dawkins and God
he’s atheist so he believes that the universe needs biological impulses to drive it
“ all designs in the universe is a indirect / direct from natural selection ………..design cannot precede evolution and cannot underlie the universe”
richard dawkins and Genes
they are pockets of information struggling to survive which causes evolution
richard dawkins and souls
no such thing as a soul
humans are packets of gene just surviving