stewardship Flashcards
they believe in stewardship as they believe that god given them the role.,
pikuach nefesh suggest that human life must be a prioty
genesis story
genesis shows christians that their role on earth is to be stewards of the earth
the first rule was to rule and care for earth which was given be God
humans and stewards
we must also care taking role in relations to looking after the planet
quote catholics
the LORD God took man and put him in the garden of Eden to work and take care of it “
Genesis 2;15
good stewardship from Pope Francis
it could be local or international
education in environmental responsibility….such as avoiding using paper and plastic
Pope Francis
love your neighbour as yourself
this is the greatest commandments to love God and others
to catholics this means loving everyone as we all live on earth as neighbors
e.g charity work in 3rd world countries
love your neighbour as yourself quotes
whoever claims to love God but hate their brother and sister is a liar
1 John 4;20
the common good
we must all contribute something good to a society. common good
catholics may help be funding cafod etc
the universal destination of Goods
the catholic church says that the current generation does not own the earth rather the future generations do so we must care for the environment for the next generation
the universal destination of Goods quotes
you shall not steal exodus 20;15
refusal to help to care for the environment is stealing from other generations
the CC2401
the seventh commandment forbids unjustly taking your neighbours goods
it commands justice and charity in the care of earthly goods and fruits of peoples labour.
for the common good you should not take it
they agree with catholics minus god
good without god
the world is fragile yet beautiful so stewardship is important
humanist opinions
more should be done about preserving endangered animals. them dying does damage to us too, e.g. BEES care about the future we only have one planet and future generations
humanist vs catholics
humanist believe that we should live a good life as we only have one
population control Humanism
demands are increasing, more people are being born
leads to tension poverty and war
birth control programmes to limit population so the people alive can enjoy living
human are prejudice to those tat are a different species and believe that they are inferior.Humanist believe that all species are all important
made in 1946 after ww2 to give emergency aid to children
unicef slogan
for every child
unicef examples
given water to children in need
school building and health care teaching
how many countries do hey help in
over 100
what does unicef stands for
united nations international children emergency fund