the shekinah messiah and covenant Flashcards
god and limitations
• God is not limited to one place, God is everywhere, but Shekinah is when you feel or experience the presence.
shekinah and torah
The actual word Shekinah does not appear in the Hebrew scriptures, but there are many examples of people being in God’s presence:
what characteristics does the shekinah bring out from god
it is often used to refer to the feminine characteristics of God.
This gives the idea that God cares just like a mother cares for her children. It emphasizes God’s compassion and care, like a mother.
what do jewish people do due to the shekinah
Jewish people today focus on a spiritual connection with the divine presence; in worship, prayer, study or doing good in the world.
when did God revealed himself via shekinah
God reveals himself to Adam and Eve in the garden.
• God speaking to Moses from the burning bush.
what is the shekinah
Shekinah means “to settle or dwell” and refers to the divine presence of God.
As Jews believe God created the world, they believe God continues to work and be present in the world.
temple and shekinah
The Holy of Holies in the Temple in Jerusalem was thought to be a special place of God’s presence too.
Messiah (Mashiach) The anointed one who Jews believe will bring in a new era or age for humankind. This will include rebuilding the Temple and bringing in an age of universal peace.
are there certain beliefs about the messiah ?
There are many different beliefs about the nature of the Messiah and what he will actually do.
the messiah’s qualities
He will be a descendant of King David.
• He will be a charismatic leader and an inspiration to all.
human messiah or supernatural messiah
• He will not be a supernatural being but a human being.
potential messiah
• Many Jews believe that in every generation a person is born with the potential to be the Messiah.
What will the Messiah do?
In the Jewish scriptures, three actions of the Messiah are referred to:
• He will bring about a time of peace when people will live together without fighting. This is the Messianic Age
• He will restore Jerusalem and bring Jews back to Israel.
• He will rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. This was the most important place of Jewish worship which was destroyed in 70 CE
The traditional belief of messiah
The traditional belief is that the Messiah will be a great political leader and judge who will bring the world to an end.
Reform Jews and messiah
Reform Jews believe that it will be the good actions of humans that will bring a Messianic Age of peace. They have rejected the idea of an individual person who will be the Messiah.
judaism and the world to come beliefs
In Judaism there is a strong belief that humans should focus on the here and now. The world to come is beyond humans’ understanding.
The Messiah (Mashiach)
The term ‘Messiah’ comes from the Hebrew ‘Mashiach’, which means ‘anointed’..
kings and queens anointed
This refers to the way oil was put on the head of a king or queen at their coronation. It showed they were chosen by God for a special role
reference to the messiah in the torah
There is no reference in the Torah to a messiah.
The first clues appear in the writings of some of the prophets. Isaiah (1 1: 1-9) talks of it being a time in which the wolf shall live with the lamb, and in which the lion, like the ox, shall eat straw.
orthodox and reform
Some Orthodox Jews still believe that the Messiah will come. Reform Jews do not believe in a personal Messiah
messiah and being the centre of their religion
For some Jews a belief in the Messiah is central to their faith, but not for all.
end of the world messiah
Those Jews who believe in a personal Messiah hope that he will bring about the end of the world.
The Messianic Age definition
The Messianic Age is a term used for a future time of peace on earth when there will be no violence or hunger or crime.
The Messianic Age and goals
The Messianic Age is a goal or an ideal to strive for.
what happen to my israelite bois in egypt
As time passed their descendants became slaves in Egypt. They led hard lives and suffered at the hands of the pharaoh. Moses was chosen by God to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt.
moses being a prophet
Moses is thought by Jews as the greatest of all the prophets and as the first rabbi. He had a special relationship with God and is believed to be the only person who has seen God face to face.
meaning of moses covenant
This covenant identified the Jewish people as the chosen people of God.
is the torah important
The Torah is the most important part of the Jewish scriptures. Jews believe they are bound to follow its teachings because of the covenant with Moses.
what did moses do at da mountain
Whilst at Sinai Moses received all of the commandments that make up the Torah.
moses backstory
Moses was born an Israelite but was raised as part of the Egyptian royal family. He found out about his Jewish heritage and had to flee Egypt after killing an Egyptian taskmaster.
god meeting moses
God appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush and told him to return to Egypt to lead the Jewish people to freedom.
what did moses do
Moses led the people in the desert for forty years before arriving at the Promised Land.
covenant and rules withy moses
Moses took the people to Mount Sinai and here God made a covenant with the Jewish people. He received the Ten Commandments and the Torah.
pharoah and the army
Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his army after them and God then parted the Red Sea for the Jews to cross but brought it back down on the Egyptian army. The festival of Passover recalls this event every year.
While in the desert,
how did moses save the hebrews
With the help of Aaron his brother Moses asked Pharaoh to let the Jewish people go. Pharaoh refused to let them leave so God sent ten plagues on the Egyptian people and Pharaoh finally gave in.
Key Concept
Covenant A promise or agreement between two parties. Covenants were made between God with Noah, Abraham and Moses.
What is a Covenant?
A covenant is an agreement between two people or groups of people. It benefits both and there are conditions and obligations. It is like a contract, promise, agreement or deal.
God , the Jewish people and .agreement
In Judaism, the agreement is between God and the Jewish people.
• The Torah records God making relationships with individuals or groups through a covenant.
• The making of the covenant is marked by a special sign.
Covenant with Abraham
Abraham founded Judaism. He is often called ‘father’. Abraham, . They are the physical and spiritual ancestors of the Jewish people.
Promised Land’
The land is often called as the ‘Promised Land’ because of God’s repeated promise (Genesis 12:7, 13:15,
the promised land name
Abraham and his descendants made their new home in the land of Canaan (Genesis 12).
• This land is now known as Israel. It is named after Abraham’s grandson.
what did God tel abraham to do
The Bible says that God commanded Abraham to leave his homeland behind for a new life.
abraham occupations
Abraham was a shepherd by trade and came from Ur in Mesopotamia which is in modern-day Iraq.
why did abraham circumcised himself and his son
- Abraham sealed the covenant by circumcising himself and the males in his family.
- All males were to be circumcised and so carry a mark in their flesh of their relationship with God.
abraham successful family lineage
- Even though Abraham and Sarah were very old they had a son called Isaac.
- Isaac’s son Jacob would go on to found the twelve tribes of Israel.
why did abram change of name
• God promised Abraham that he would make a great nation out of him. so God changed his name from Abram to Abraham, meaning ‘father of many nations’.
what is circumcision
• Circumcision involves the removal of a boy’s foreskin on the eighth day after birth.