St Augustine And Creation Ex Nihilo And Jewish Views Flashcards
what is creation ex Nihilo
that before God create the world there w as nothing if God did not create the earth there will still be nothing
when was creation ex Nihilo was a proper teaching
in 1215 it became official in the Catholic faith
“creator of all things visible and invisible…. who by his almighty power, from the beginning of time has created both orders in the same way out of nothing” Catholics church
St Augustine of hippo
well educated
led an immoral life
became a Christian
Saint of people who want to give up bad habits and sin
St Augustine evidence for characteristics of God
you created this out of nothing
there was nothing from which you could make heaven and earth. therefore you must have created from nothing
from nothing then you created heaven and earth
St Augustine evidence for creation ex Nihilo
the one great and the other small. for there is nothing that you cannot do. you are good and all that you make is good
what do Jews believe about creation
that God is the source of all life and he he mention in the Torah as the sole creator
evidence for God being the sole creator In Judaism
blessed be he who spoke and the world existed
the model ani prayer thanks God for life
alternate evidence for God creating the world
in Genesis God created the world in 6 days and the seventh should be shabbat and kept holy as God rested on the seventh day
the second creation story evidence for Judaism
Adam and Eve were the first humans created on the sixth day by God in his own image.
they were made from dust and dominant everything on earth
rosh hashanah
celebration day when God created everything
new year
orthodox Jews
they believe that everything is literal and true accounts
reform Jews and creation
they believe that it is not literal and should be interpret
they are not historical
God started the universe through the bg bang and has guided creation to where it stands today
Catholics God as omnipotent
God has the power to create the universe 🌌
he most be omnipotent to do creation ex Nihilo
in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
a way of being respectful to God’s creation is through stewardship
to work and take care of it
Catholics And God as being omnibenevolent
creation is a result of God’s love
God looks at creation and saw it was good
God called the vault sky and there was evening and there was morning - the second day
God shown compassion to Adams loneliness and gave him a woman 👩
the LORD God made woman from the rib he had taken out of the man
Catholics And God as being transcendent
God exists outside space and time
he is not physical so he nit confined to creation
before space and time exist God did
God’s spirit hovered above the water
Catholics And God being eternal
had no begining and end just like a circle
God has no beginning God is the ultimate reality has no being or end
in the beginning
Catholics And God being a creator
God spoke creation into existence
it was not random and the universe never always existed
and God said let there be light and there was light
God create all life
let us make mankind in our own image
Catholics And God being immanent
God gets involved in creation and is with us in our day to day lives
he gets his hands dirty when he makes Adam from dust
then the Lord our God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living being
where do Catholics Believe all of God’s qualities were revealed
in the Genesis creation account