Written Exam Question Bank Flashcards
What regulation governs the issue of ATC licences in the UK?
What details must appear on an ATC licence?
- State issuing the licence
- Title of the licence
- Serial no. of the licence given by the authority issuing the licence
- Name, DOB, address, nationality and signature of the holder
- Competent authority
- Certification of validity plus dates of first issue
- Signature of issuing officer and date
- Seal or stamp of competent authority
For what reasons may action be taken against an ATCO’s licence?
- Deficiency in, or doubts about, competence to provide an ATC service
- Doubts about whether an individual is a fit person to hold a licence, in relation to their character or behaviour, including their integrity, reliability and self-control
- Inability to meet the appropriate medical standards
What is the suspension of an ATC licence?
To place licences, ratings or endorsements in abeyance, with conditions set.
What is the revocation of an ATC licence?
The act of withdrawing licences, ratings or endorsements
WIthin what time period must an MOR be filed?
72 hours
What must accompany an ATC licence?
Valid medical certificate, and language proficiency
How many licences may a person hold?
From what weight limit does an ACN/PCN apply?
Aircraft above 5700kgs
TORA for runway 26 is 2271, LDA is 1970. What is the length of the displaced threshold?
TORA for runway 08 is 2271, LDA is 1838. What is the length of the displaced threshold?
What colour are runway markings?
What colour are taxiway markings?
What is a “Just Culture”?
A culture in which “front-line operators or others are not punished for actions, omissions or decisions taken by them that are commensurate with their experience or training, but where gross negligence, wilful violations and destructive acts are not tolerated”
What is the spacing between lights on tall buildings/obstructions? What colour are these lights?
45m, red lights
What does aerodrome lighting provide the pilot with?
Roll guidance
Limited distance to go
List the lighting categories and their associated minima
List the precision approach runway categories and associated minima
Define a non-precision instrument runway
An instrument runway served by visual aids and a non-visual aid providing at least directional guidance adequate for a straight in approach.
Define a precision approach runway
An instrument runway intended for the operation of a/c using precision approach aids that meet the facility performance requirements defined in ICAO Annex 10 appropriate to the categories of ops
When shall Aerodrome lighting be displayed?
By day: when vis <5km or cloud base <700ft
At night: Irrespective of weather conditions
When requested by parent ACC
When deemed necessary by the controller
As instructed in MATS part II
Which transponder mode, A or C, gives altitude?
Who is responsible for terrain clearance for VFR flights?
Who is responsible for terrain clearance for IFR flights?
Approach Control except when A/C cleared for a visual approach or in class F & G airspace
What is the definition of a holding procedure?
A pre-determined manoeuvre which keeps an aircraft within a specified airspace while awaiting further clearance.
Which direction is a standard holding pattern?
At what rate are hold turns made?
Rate 1 (3 degrees/sec) or with 25 degrees of bank (whichever uses less bank)
What are the normal holding speeds you would expect to see below 14000ft?
CAT C, D & E- 230 KIAS
How long usually is an outbound leg in a hold?
1 min (1.5 above 14000ft)
What is an EAT?
Expected Approach Time
The time at which ATC expects an arriving a/c, following a delay, will leave the holding fix to complete its approach for landing
When shall an EAT be issued?
When arriving a/c are subject to a delay of 10 mins or more (or as determined by authority)
When shall an EAT be revised?
When it differs from the original EAT by 5 min or more (or as determined by the authority)
List the types of precision approach
List the types of non-precision approach
ILS (LLZ only)
What is the definition of a precision approach?
An instrument approach and landing using precision lateral and vertical guidance with minima as determined by the category of operation
What is the definition of a non-precision approach?
An instrument approach and landing which utilises lateral guidance but does not utilise vertical guidance
When is an a/c deemed to be stabilised on the approach?
A/C on correct flight path
Small inputs required to maintain correct flight path
A/C in landing configuration
Sink rate no greater than 1000ft/min
All briefings and checks complete
What are the segements of the instrument approach?
- Arrival
- Initial (IAF IF)
- Intermediate (IF to FAF/FAP)
- Final (FAF/FAP to MAPt)
- Missed Approach
What are the segements of the missed approach?
Initial – MAPt to Start of Climb
Intermediate – Start of climb to 150ft obstacle clearance
Final – 150ft obstacle clearance to point where new approach/hold/en-route phase begins
What can a missed approach point be?
Decision height/altitude
Nav facility
Specified distance from Final approach Fix
What is the ICAO definition of identification?
The situation which exists when the position indication of a particular a/c is seen on a situation display and is positively identified
What is the definition of the act of identification?
The act of correlating a particular position indication with a specific a/c target by means of laid down procedures.
What are the methods of PSR identification?
Turn method
Departing Aircraft Method
Position report method
Transfer of identification
By how many degrees must an a/c be instructed to turn for identification using the turn method?
30 degrees or more
What must you consider before instructing an a/c to turn for the purpose of identification?
PSR coverage
Other surveillance returns
Rules of the Air
Proximity of airspace
Within what distance must an aircraft be identified using the departing a/c method?
1nm from the end of the runway in use
What must be considered when using the departure method?
Aircraft overflying the airfield
Aircraft making missed approach
Aircraft departed from an adjacent runway
Aircraft holding overhead the airfield
What ways can a position report be used for identification?
Using a report over an exact reporting point shown on the situation display
Reporting their DME distance and range from a facility displayed on the situation display
Reporting over a notified visual reporting point displayed on the situation display
What is an exact reporting point?
A point established;
Overhead a VOR or NDB
Notified fix defined by VOR radial or a VOR radial and a bearing from an NDB
Position defined by VOR radial with a range from a co-located or associated DME
Within what distance from a DME can an a/c report be used for identification?
How can transfer of identification be effected?
Designation by automated means, provided that only one position indication is indicated with no possible doubt
Notification of the aircrafts discrete SSR code or aircraft address
Notification that the a/c is Mode S / ADS-B equipped with an ident feature when coverage is available
Direct designation (pointing) of the Position Indication where two situation displays are adjacent or a conference type of display is used.
Designation by reference to bearing and distance from a geographical position or nav facility, together with the track of the observed position indication if the route of the a/c is not known to both ATCO’s
Not more than 30nm from the VOR/DME facility
Instructing an aircraft to change SSR code by the and accepting controller observes this
Issuing an instruction to squawk IDENT and accepting controller observes this
When shall an a/c be informed of their position?
Upon identification, except when identification is established:
Based on pilots report of aircraft position or within 1nm of the runway on departure
By use of ADS-B/Mode S ident or assigned discrete SSR code
By transfer of identification
When pilot requests this information
When pilots estimated position differs significantly from controllers estimate based on observed position
When pilot instructed to resume own navigation after vectoring If current instructions had deviated from assigned route
Immediately before termination of ATS surveillance service if a/c observed to deviate from intended route
How is position information passed to a/c?
Reference to a well-known geographical position
Magnetic track and distance to significant point, an en-route aid or approach aid
Direction (using compass point) and distance from known position
Distance to touchdown when on final approach
Distance & direction from centre line of ATS route
What actions should an ATCO take in the event of misidentification?
Tell pilot to resume own navigation
Climb aircraft to safe level
Provide vertical separation/pass ETI
Continue to search for aircraft
Cancel any descent clearance and advise pilot to climb to original level
If identification is lost what action must be taken?
Inform pilot that identification is lost
What is the definition of Radar Map
Information superimposed on a situation display to provide ready identification of selected features
What is the definition of video mapping?
The electronic superimposing of a. map or plan on a situation display
Is it possible to achieve identification and validation simultaneously?
What is verification?
A check that the a/c’s mode C readout is within agreed parameters
What is validation?
Checking that the correct code has been selected by the pilot and is showing on the situation display
An Approach control surveillance (APS) rating entitles the holder to act as an ATC in the provision of an approach control service…
… with the use of surveillance equipment
The approach control surveillance rating has…
…associated SRA, PRA and TCL endoresments
A surveillance radar approach rating endorsement entitles the holder to provide…
…non-precision radar approaches with the use of surveillance radar equipment
What is meant by an Approach Procedure with Vertical Guidance (APV)?
An instrument approach utilitsing barometric vertical guidance as well as lateral guidance but which does not meet the full requirements established for precision approach and landing ops
What is GNSS?
A generic term for all satellite nav systems
The minimum decision height for Localiser Performance Approaches with vertical guidance (LPVs) is…
“A method of navigation which permits a/c operation on any desired flight path within the coverage of ground or space based nav aids or within the limits of the capability of on board self-contained systems, or a combination of these” is the definition of:
What action should a controller take when a pilot reports “TCAS RA”?
Acknowledge by saying “C/S roger”
After a pilot has reported “TCAS RA” when can a controller next issue instructions to a/c?
When the pilot reports “clear of conflict”
What action should a controller take when a pilot announces climbing due to a TAWS alert?
Pass appropriate pressure setting
Following an RA when does ATC resume responsbility for separation for that a/c and any others affected by the manoeuvre?
When the pilot reports clear of conflict and current clearance resumed
A radar handover may be effected provided that…
…satisifactory two-way comms is available between them
Prior to transfer of responsibility, the accepting controller is to be informed of…
any level or vectoring instructions
If the SSR is not available, a controller may transfer identity of an a/c to another controller by;
Any of the above methods