ABES Oral Board Flashcards
How will you become aware of a radio failure?
Pilot may squawk 7600
Loss of communication between a/c and ATCO with no response when called
What else might cause an apparent radio failure?
Electrical failure
It could be failure of the ATC radios
How can you contact a pilot below R/T cover?
Use another a/c as a relay
What other means of communication exist between a/c and ground?
Aldis lamps and flares
What is the RTF squawk?
How can you determine if a receiver is still working?
Ask the a/c to squawk ident
What if a/c is not transponder equipped?
Ask the a/c to make a turn (if VFR remember to tell them to maintain VMC and keep terrain safe)
How do you mitigate against a pilot not being able to read items back to you?
By using words twice or repeating the clearance/instruction
What procedure should a pilot follow if RCF whilst following a SID that hasn’t been given any heading/level restrictions?
The procedure should be flown in accordance with the published lateral track and vertical profile, including any stepped climbs, until the last position, fix, or waypoint, published for the procedure, has been reached.
Then, for that part of the period of seven minutes that may remain, maintain the current speed and last assigned level or minimum safe altitude if this is higher.
Following the period of seven minutes, adjust the speed and level in accordance with the current flight plan and continue the flight to the appropriate designated landing aid serving the destination aerodrome. Attempt to transmit position reports and altitude/flight level on the appropriate frequency when over routine reporting points.
If for operational necessity an a/c cannot continue with the AIP procedures then;
- Aircraft departing on a northbound SID route TAMAR at FL50 or last assigned level, then route direct to EVN and follow the
standard inbound procedure - Aircraft departing on a Shark SID Procced to EVN via BRN at FL50
or last assigned level then follow the standard inbound procedure.
To ensure separation Medway will not release aircraft below
FL110 to guard against RTF climbing to lose fuel.
What procedure should a pilot follow if RCF when vectored off of a SID?
If being radar vectored, or proceeding offset according to RNAV, continue last acknowledged
ATC instructions for 3 minutes only, then proceed in most direct manner possible to rejoin FPL route.
If for operational necessity an a/c cannot continue with the AIP procedures then;
- Aircraft departing on a northbound SID route TAMAR at FL50 or last assigned level, then route direct to EVN and follow the
standard inbound procedure - Aircraft departing on a Shark SID Procced to EVN via BRN at FL50
or last assigned level then follow the standard inbound procedure.
To ensure separation Medway will not release aircraft below
FL110 to guard against RTF climbing to lose fuel.
Procedures for a RCF a/c when following a STAR
After the 7 minute criterion arrange descent as close as possible to the descent planning profile. If no such profile published arrange descent to be at the minimum published level at the designated IAF.
On reaching the landing aid serving the destination, begin further descent at the last acknowledged EAT. If no EAT has been acknowledged, the descent should be started at the calculated ETA. If necessary, remain within the holding pattern until the minimum holding level, published for the facility, has been reached. The rate of descent in holding patterns should not be less than 500 FT per minute.
If ‘Delay not determined’ has been given, do not attempt to land at the destination aerodrome, divert to the alternate destination specified in the current flight plan or another suitable airfield.For AVON;
Descend to or maintain last assigned level, proceed via STAR to EVN via BRN to hold maintaining the last assigned level (if partial RCF with operable receiver proceed in accordance with ATC instructions), commence descent for landing at last acknowledged EAT (if no EAT given or acknowledged, on arrival at the EVN) in accordance to current ATIS. If no ATIS received proceed as for runway 26 and subject to surface wind indication land or circling approach to most appropriate runway.
Action to be followed by pilot if given ‘delay not determined’
If ‘delay not determined’ has been given leave AVON CTR on a track of 185 degrees M from BRN at last assigned level.
What is the RCF procedure a pilot will follow when being vectored for an approach?
Remain at or above the MSA.
Takes one of three options;
- Continue visually
- Continue using an approved final approach aid
- Route to the IAF to conduct the approach from there.
What is the RCF procedure for VMC inside CAS?
Continue visually and join aerodrome cct
What is the RCF procedure for VMC outside CAS where the a/c has been cleared to enter a) VFR and b)SVFR?
a) Continue visually and join aerodrome cct
b) Remain outside CAS and land at another suitable aerodrome
What is the RCF procedure for a SVFR a/c that is inside CAS when RTF occurs a) inbound b) transitting?
a) continue visually and join the aerodrome cct
b) Leave CAS asap and land at the nearest suitable aerodrome
Describe the speechless code
When a/c is still able to transmit
Can get them to adopt C/S ‘Speechless x’
Ask closed questions and responses will be;
. = yes
.. = no
… = say again
-..- = further emergency
- = Manoeuvre completed
What are the three main questions if a further emergency is suspected?
Can you maintain height?
Can you make a normal descent?
Can you make a normal landing?
What does STORCALE stand for?
S - Separate
T - Transmit (levels, EATs, wx etc)
O - Other (inform other a/c or RCF)
R - Request assistance (from APP/DIR to attempt contact etc, other a/c to relay messages)
C - Continue to transmit info
A - Alternates (notify alternates)
L - Liaise (with operator, transmit blind info as requested)
E - Emergency (actions as considered appropriate, overdue action etc)
Why do a/c dump fuel?
Due to rough running engine
To lose weight
What are the implications of overweight landings?
Gear collapsing
Overrun of runway due to higher landing speeds
Where to dump fuel?
Over the sea if possible at or above 10,000ft (execeptionally at least 7000ft AGL in winter and 4,000ft in summer to allow evaporation)
Inside CAS at Avon we do it at BRN at FL100 (or assigned level if higher)
What is the fuel jettisoning procedure for RCF a/c at Avon?
Route direct BRN via TAM
Squawk 3617 on reaching the BRN hold and climb to FL100 (or maintain assigned level if higher).
Commence fuel jettisoning
On completing re-select 7600 and descend in BRN hold to FL80, when level route to EVN at FL80
Who makes final decision regarding dumping?
The captain
To what should a/c be kept close if possible, and why?
The airport, just in case of further emergency
What separation should be applied between fuel dumping and other a/c?
What is the lost a/c sqauwk?
What separation do you provide against unknown a/c inside CAS?
5nm or 5000ft, do not let the blips merge
How do you identify lost a/c on radar?
They will be squawking code 0030
may do triangle procedure (for those with RCF total/partial failure- left hand turns for complete)
What information should you give to a pilot when identified?
Give them their position and any corrective action required
What cautions should be exercised when vectoring lost VFR a/c?
The a/c’s ability to maintain VMC and terrain clearance
What if no radar contact?
Contact other radar equipped units to provide assistance.
D and D VHF and UHF frequencies?
VHF- 121.500
UHF- 243.000
Service provided by D and D which can instantaneously provide an a/c’s position
Monitoring squawk codes?
Monitoring unit who uses that code
Allows you to contact a/c if required however it does not imply that any type of service is being provided
Data is to be considered unvalidated and unverified
Use of mode S
Can help you get a/c reg, aerodrome of dep etc.
What is the Hijack squawk and ATC response?
ATC will respond with ‘confirm squawking assigned code?’
What are your subsequent actions regarding hijack/ unlawful interference?
a) Transmit, and continue to transit, information pertinent to the safe conduct of the flight, w/o expecting a reply from the a/c
b) Monitor and plot the progress of theflight with the means available, and co-ordinate transfer of control with adjacent ATS units without requiring transmissions or other responses from the a/c, unless comms with the a/c remains normal
c) Pass information to relevant ATSU’s
d) Provide normal clearances and information unless otherwise directed
e) Government may withhold clearance to enter national airspace or land at any national airfield
f) Try to provide separation if a/c ignores lack of clearance
Who should you inform of an a/c undergoing Hijack/Unlawful interference?
Watch supervisor at parent ACC
Information on unlawful interference in European airspace to be reported to other states
Reporting action listed in national procedures
Relay of messages to a/c subject to Hijack/Unlawful interference
Pass messages verbatim to a/c
for example
‘c/s, i am instructed by His Majesty’s Gov to refuse entry into UK airspace. What are your intentions?’
‘c/s, i am instructed by His Majesty’s Gov to inform you that landing clearan/ce has been refused for any airfield within the UK’
‘c/s, I am instructed by His Majesty’s Gov that you are to hold at (e.g. location on the aerodrome, ERP, or Lat/Long) at (level). Acknowledge’
What are the categories of bomb warnings?
What is a red category for a bomb warning?
Specific warning where threat is of a nature which identifies a specific target or where the caller has been positively identified or the organisation involved has been identified and is judged credible.
What is a amber category for a bomb warning?
Warning that can be related to one or more targets, but where there is doubt about its credibility or existing counter-measures.
What is a red category for a bomb warning?
Warning which may not identify a target or specific group of targets
or which otherwise lacks credibility.
Which are considered emergencies and who has final decision?
Only those assessed by bomb threat assessors as RED or AMBER are treated as emergency
The captain of the a/c has final decision
Who determines a bomb threat category?
Bomb threat assessors from MoD, DfT, Airport Operators, and Airline Operators
What vectoring considerations are there for a/c experiencing a bomb threat?
Avoid vectoring them over densely populated areas
What is the effect on subsequent inbounds from an a/c with a bomb warning?
Advise them of situation, expect delay and take them to the hold. Find out further actions from Airport Authority
Effect on RFFS authority for bomb warning?
Check with SAFO as to what happens to RFFS cat, depends on the situation.
What effect does an engine fire on departure have on radius of turn and rate of climb?
Increased radius of turn as pilot may not bank as sharply as usually.
Rate of climb decreases with loss of power
What effect would an engine fire on dep have on an a/c’s ability to follow a SID?
The increased turn radius and loss of climbing power may mean an a/c is unable to follow a SID profile correctly.
If an a/c needs to return immediately following an engine failure what considerations are there re vectoring and level instructions?
Give a/c plenty of room as turns may take longer
A/c may only be able to make turns in one direction
Level instructions should be given with plenty of time to arrange descent profile
Try not to offer intermediate level-offs
What type of approach would you give a/c if they had an engine fire on dep?
One with precaution, ensure the approach is as stable as possible with early turns
What direction of turn would you expect from an a/c with a full or partial engine failure?
Depends on the type of a/c, some may have to turn into the engine others away. Pilot should inform you
What runway would the a/c use in emergency?
Whichever one the pilot needs
What considerations are there for an a/c landing with engine failure re runway length?
They may no longer be able to thrust reverse so may need a longer Landing Distance
After landing what might happen to an aircraft with an engine failure?
The runway may have to be closed if the aircraft cannot vacate the runway
For what reasons may an a/c not be able to maintain height?
Engine failure
Loss of power
Bird strike
What priority is afforded to a/c declaring minimum fuel?
What is the APS ATCO’s response to an a/c declaring minimum fuel?
ATCO’s respond to a ‘Minimum fuel’ declaration by confirming estimated delay in minutes (or no delay) if in the Hold or en-route or by passing track mileage if a/c is being vectored .
If fuel shortage becomes critical what phraseology should be used?
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, Fuel
What priority is afforded to a/c that have declared Mayday Fuel?
Cat A
Who runs UK SAR helicopters?
What agency is responsible for scrambling such helicopters and co-ordinating SAR efforts?
Callsign or helicopters engaged in SAR ops?
SRG- Rescue xx
What priority category are helicopters engaged in SAR ops?
Cat A- where safety of life is involved
Cat B- on SAR or HEMS flights where priority is required
What is the APS ATCO’s point of contact when SAR required?
ACC supp or D and D
What is the police callsign and flight priorities?
A- When involved in a police emergency
B- Under normal operational priority
Z- Training
What is the HEMS callsign and what flight priorites are associated with them?
Helimed HLE
A- Safety of life involved
E- Repositioning
Z- Training
Which helicopters are exempt from SVFR minima?
SAR (inc training)
Rail track inspection
Squawk for police air support?
What is the sqauwk for a/c conducting powerline/pipeline inspections?
What is the Helimed squawk?
What is the SAR scene of search frequency?
Reasons for total engine failure in multi engine a/c?
Fuel issues
Bird strike
High angle of attack on a jet a/c
Information to give to pilot?
Nearby aerodromes
Nearby farmstrips or abandoned aerodromes
Distance and range to both
Runways available
Who to inform if a/c can’t reach airfield?
D and D
Other a/c in the vicinity if they are required to orbit over a potential crash site to make locating it
What factors would affect an a/c’s ability to reach an airfield when losing height?
Elevation of airfield
What action to take when using Radar?
Follow the path of the a/c closely
Offer bearings and distances to suitable aerodromes, or other potential landing areas if required.
If a/c disappears from Radar get lat/long of the last position to pass on
Who else can help locate downed a/c?
Other a/c
Persons on the ground if they call in
What happens to rate of descent as a/c gets lower?
It decreases as the air thickens
What effect do turns have on rate of descent?
Increases it
No compass, no gyro
Instruct a/c to conduct turns at a specified rate, normally rate 1
You will have to guide turns, by saying start left/right turn now, stop turn now.
30 seconds for a 90 degree turn
1 minutes for a 180
2 minutes for a 360
Hydraulic Problems
No flaps-faster approaches
No slats-faster approaches
No speed brakes- faster landings
No gear
No thrust reversers
Electrical problems
Loss of instruments
Loss of comms
Loss of lights
Engine failure
Ballistic recovery systems
SR22 Caps
Define Distress
A condition of being threatened by serious and/or imminent danger and of requiring immediate assistance.
Define urgency
A condition concerning the safety of an a/c or other vehicle, or of some person on board or within sight, but which does not require immediate assistance
What is the RT phraseology for distress messages?
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday
What is the phraseology for an urgency message?
Pan-Pan, Pan-Pan, Pan-Pan
List the 3 phases of emergency
INCERFA- Uncertainity
DETRESFA- Distress
Describe the INCERFA phase of emergency
Uncertainity- A situation where uncertainity exists as to the safety of an a/c and its occupants
RTF fail- when no comms received within 30 mins of expected time
Overdue- Fails to arrive within 30 mins of the ETA or fails to land within 5 minutes of the expected landing time after being cleared for approach
Exceptions- No doubt exists as to the safety of the a/c and its occupants
Duration- max of 30 mins
Action- Inform JRCC
Describe the ALERFA phase of emergency
Alert- A situation where apprehension exists as to the safety of an a/c and its occupants
RTF fail- Attemps to establish comms during uncertainity phase have failed
Overdue- Enquiries to relevant sources during the uncertainity phase have failed to reveal any news, or, has been cleared to land and fails to land within 5 minutes of the estimated landing time
Impaired operating efficiency- Not to the extent that a forced landing is likely
Exceptions- Evidence exists that would allay apprehension as to the safety of the a/c
Max of one hour
Describe the DETRESFA phase of emergency
Distress- A situation where there is reasonable certainity that an a/c and its occupants are threatened by grave and imminent danger and require immediate assistance
RTF- Further attempt to establish comms during the ALERT phase have failed
Overdue- More widespread enquiries during the alert phase have failed to reveal any news, or, the fuel on board is considered to be exhausted or insufficient to enable to a/c to reach safety
Operating efficiency- Likelihood of a forced landing
Is known to have crashed or force landed
Exceptions- Reasonable certainity that a/c and occupants are not thereatened by grave and imminent danger and do not require immediate assistance.
Duration- Until a/c is found and the survivors are rescued or it is clear that there is no longer any chance of doing so.
What is the definition of a full emergency?
When it is known that an aircraft in the air is, or is suspected to be, in such difficulties that there is a danger of an accident.
What is the definition of an Aircraft Accident/ Aircraft Accident Imminent?
Aircraft accidents, which have occurred or are inevitable on, or in the vicinity of, the aerodrome.
What is the definition of a weather standby?
When weather conditions are such as to render a landing difficult or difficult to observe
What is an Aircraft Ground Incident?
When an aircraft on the ground is known to have an emergency situation other than an accident, which requires the attendance of the emergency services.
What is a local standby?
When it is known that an aircraft has, or is suspected to have, developed some defect but the trouble would not normally involve any serious difficulty in effecting a safe landing.
What are Unlawful Acts?
Acts or attempted acts such as to jeopardise the safety of civil aviation and air transport
What are the time limits for overdue action?
Maximum of 30 minutes from ETA for preliminary action
1 hour has elapsed with no sign full overdue action initiated
5 mins if a/c has not appeared within the estimated time of landing once already cleared to.
What are ATC actions for Overdue action?
Inform D and D and ACC sup
What does NITS mean?
Pilots actions
Nature of emergency
Intentions of flight crew
Time available
Special handling requirements
What does DODAR mean?
Diagnose problem
Options- which are available?
Decide which option is best
take Action to bring that option about
Review situation and actions taken
What does ASSISTS mean?
Controller actions
What is ANC?
Pilot priorites
How would an a/c experiencing RTF let us know they were experiencing a further emergency?
Squawk 7700
When can normal ops resume during an RTF?
- When it is determined that alternative action can be taken, or resuming normal ops would not impair safety
- If communication is re-established (in which case inform unit where RT fail was initiated)
- When positive information received that aircraft has landed (and inform unit where RT fail was initiated)
What needs to be co-ordinated with ATC regarding fuel dumping?
Route to be flown
Level to be used
Estimated duration of fuel dump
Frequency to be monitored while fuel dumping
What is the definition of a strayed a/c?
An a/c which has deviated significantly from its intended track, or which reports it is lost
What is the definition of an unidentified a/c?
An a/c which has been observed/reported to be operating in a given area but whose identity hasn’t been established
What document gives advice on dealing with emergencies?
Who should you inform regarding an a/c that has crashed outside of the radius of action of the aerodrome RFFS?
ACC sup
If a military a/c with an emergency declares they are carrying dangerous goods/explosives who is to be informed?
D and D
To whom is an alerting service provided?
- Aircraft provided with an air traffic service
- Aircraft having filed a flightplan or otherwise known to an ATSU
- Aircraft subject to unlawful interference
When an a/c is in need of SAR aid who shall you inform?|
ACC sup