World War II Flashcards
How long was World War II?
From 1939 to 1945
Who was overthrown at the end of World War I?
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Define Republic
A form of government who is head of state is not a king or a queen. It is a president
Where was the Weimar republic formed?
The democratic government was formed in a city called Weimar
Who signed the armistice?
Weimar Republic signed with the alleys. They agreed to stop fighting
Define armistice
Agreement between allies in war stop fighting so they can discuss peace terms
When was the peace treaty of Versailles signed?
In 1919
How was the peace treaty developed?
Leaders that one discussed and wrote down a peace treaty as they wanted revenge
Define revenge
Action taken in return for being hurt
List the rules that Germany had to follow
- Germany was dictated to, no say
- Pay for the cost of war - millions of reparations
- Lost land
4, Admit that they were to blame - Signed War Guilt Clause - Not allowed to build a defence force
Define reparations
Amount of money for damages paid by losing nation to the winners
When did Hitler blame the Jews?
Peace Treaty of Allies was humiliation by nationalist. Hitler blamed Jews
When did Hitler join the Nazi’s? When did he become a leader?
Joined in 1920s. He became a leader in 1921
Who were the Storm Troopers?
Set up armed groups of supporters who had a brown uniform. Known as SA = Sturmabteilung - German
What happened during the parades?
SA organised marching parades carrying the Nazi flag with the Swastika
Define Swastika
Symbol of Nazi Party
What was SA motto?
All opposition must stomped into the ground
Define opposition
a group of people who disagree with you
What were their rules against violence?
They beat up people who disagreed. No rules against use of violence
When did Hitler try to overthrow the Weimar government?
Hitler and Nazi Party in 1923
How did Hitler try to overthrow the Weimar government?
in a military Coup or Putsch
Define Coup
Violent overthrown of government - French
Define Putsch
Violent overthrown of government - German
The overthrow failed. What happened?
Hitler went to jail for 9 months
What did Hitler do in jail?
He wrote his book Mein Kampf (my struggles)
Did all officials agree with the government?
Many officials and judges did not support the democratic government which was Weimar
When was USA and the leading economy in the world?
In the 1920s
Why did US a lend money to the Weimar government?
To help Germany’s economy recover after World War I
When did the economic disaster begin in USA?
In 1929
What was the US economy controlled by?
The USA economy was controlled by stock market in the city of New York
Define stock market
A place where people buy and sell shares in a big business.
Where is the stock market in America?
Situated in a building on Wall Street
When did the Wall Street stock market collapse?
The Wall Street stock market collapsed in 1929.
What happened to the stocks people had bought?
It’s no longer had value. Thousands of people lost money they invested
What was the collapse of the US economy on the stock market known as?
The Wall Street crash which was the start of great depression
Define great depression
A period during the 1930s when there was a worldwide economic collapse and mass unemployment
Happened to the prices during the great depression?
Prices of goods became very high and no one could afford the inflated goods. All countries are traded with USA was affected
What happened in Germany during the great depression?
- Banks closed
- factories closed
- Workers lost their jobs
- Inflation rose
Define inflation
An increase in the price of goods
What happened when USA wanted their money back?
Germany was unable to pay them. More German business collapsed and more people became unemployed
What age do people in Germany vote?
People in Germany over 20 could vote
What were there separate elections for?
The Reichstag (parliament) and for the Head of State, the President
Who is the Chancellor?
What are the reasons of failure of democracy in the Weimar Republic?
- Germany did not have history of democracy as they were ruled by a king
- Germany was used to authoritarian leadership
- System of democracy was not fully supported
- Too many political parties in Germany. Not one party could win a complete majority of seats in the Reichstag
- Weimar government do you not have a strong enough government to deal with Germany is problem is
Define authoritarian
Strict, dictatorial, people had no freedom or say in how the government rules
What were the reasons for public support for the Nazi party?
- Great depression persuaded more people to vote for the Nazis as they promised law, order, jobs
- Many Germans wanted important world power
- Nazi party blamed way mark for severe punishment and humiliation of Treaty of Versailles
- They say Germany was not really defeated and the Germans were stabbed in the back by the government
- He received financial support from military and wealthy businessman
- It was a brilliant public speaker
When was the Nazi party is very organised
By 1932
Why did people believe that the Nazis could save them?
Your skilful propaganda skills
What happened during the elections in 1933?
Hitler’s Nazi party won the largest number of votes. Hitler became the chancellor of Germany
When was the Enabling Act passed? By who?
Reichstag. in 1933
What did the enabling act do?
A complete power to Hitler. Nazis became only party allowed in Germany
Who signed the enabling act?
Hidenburg what is the president and head of the state. He signed it
When did Hidenburg die?
He died in 1934
What happened when Hidenburg died?
Hit the combined the title of chancellor and president. Hitler became a dictator
What is the leader in German?
Der Führer
Define dictator
A leader with total power. One person makes all the rules
What did Hitler do once he became the leader?
Shutdown the Reichstag. He rude without rules in the German constitution. Nazi dictatorship was ruthless, cruel, violent and intolerant
When was the mass arrests? Who?
In 1933 and it was political opponents
Why was there a plan to house the opponents?
Eventually so many people were in jail
Define concentration camp
Those imprisoned or physically concentrated in one place
Where was the first concentration camp?
It was set up in a town called Dachau
Where the concentration camps like?
Large barbed wire in closure. Prisoners did hard labour, military Joes, regular beatings
What did Hitler describe racial purity as?
He was obsessed with racial purity. An Aryan is used to describe as the pure German race. It was white, blonde, blue eyes. They were superior
What was said about Jews?
They were inferior and undesirable
What is the hatred of Jews known as?
Hatred of Jews a new thing?
It was not a new thing in Europe as it existed for hundreds of years. They were often used as scapegoats when things went wrong
Define scapegoat
Someone who is blamed and punished for misfortune of others
What is used to increase anti-Semitism?
Propaganda was used at rallies, radio, poster, films, newspapers to increase it
what Prepare them for the Holocaust?
Define Holocaust
Mass killing of Jews in Nazi Germany
Why was it easy for Germans to accept anti-Semitism?
They were told that Jews were evil four years
Name the people who did not belong to the Aryan race
- Political opponents
- Jenovah’switness (Christain- refused because of beliefs)
- Male homosexual is his orientation was considered a hindrance
- Roma (Gypsies), blacks, slavs
- People who were physically or mentally disabled were killed
Define persecuted
Made to suffer
What did the Jews wear?
A yellow star of David
What did a political opponents where?
Red Triangle
What did Jenovah’s witness where?
Purple triangle
What did homosexuals wear?
Pink triangle
What did Roma wear?
Brown triangle
What did criminals wear?
green triangle
What were the Nuremburg Laws?
Made in 1935. Took basic rights away from the Jews
Happened to the Jews in the Nuremberg laws?
- They were dismissed from their jobs
- Expelled from school or university
- Stripped off of all cities in rights
- Prohibited from marrying non-Jews
- Forced to sit separately at the park benches
- Can’t use public facilities
True or false. What is Nazi Germany a facist state?
Define facist
Political Siri that the government should have complete control. Opposite of democracy. Political party serves their own needs and does not care about citizens
What was Nazi-Germany as a facist state like?
- Had total control over everyone and every aspect of life
Do you control the people how did the Nazi party do this?
You can’t your Nazi party had to persuade want to believe he sells all their problems using beer, terror, propaganda
What’s your features of facism?
- No opposition
- No freedom of speech
- People are encouraged to worship leaders
- Use of violence, ruthlessness, brutality to keep control people
- Secret police force
- Trade unions are banned
- Fastest leaders cooperate with the land owners and factory owners
- Propaganda
- Emphasis on military and willingness to go to war
- Patriotism
- Racism and persecution
- Hatred of democracy
In the 1933 election were the Nazis supported?
Germans did not support the Nazis
What cause created the SS Schutzstaffel?
The Nazis developed a policy of fear. This created the SS/Protection squad to enforce the policy of fear.
What did members of the SS Schutzstaffel wear?
Sleek black uniform with badges showing threatening symbols:
double lightning, skulls, silver daggers
What adjectives describe the policy for Lebensraum?
Aggressive, expansionist foreign
How did the Nazis want to expand Germany? What did they need?
They looked east to expand. The night he said Germans needed lebensraum. Finding additional space
Define Lebensraum
Germany word meaning space to live in
What could the Hitler’s aims for expanding Germany cannot be achieved without?
Strong armed forces
What role is building a strong defence force breaking?
Building a strong defence force breaks the Treaty of Versailles
When and how did the Nazis decide to re-arm secretly?
A meeting in 1933. The Nazi leaders decided that Germany would re-arm secretly.
What did the Nazis Annex?
Nazi army annexed Austria in 1938 which added additional territory
What Territory was added in 1939?
CzechSlovakia was added to the German Reich
Why did Britain and France do nothing about Germany expanding their territory?
Hitler assure them he would no longer go further in expanding German borders
Who did Britain and France promise to help if Germany invaded?
Britain and France thought that Poland was next therefore they promised to help if Germany invaded
When did Hitler’s army is invade Poland?
The 1st of September 1939
When did Britain and France declare war?
The 3rd of September 1939
Who side did Italy join?
Mussolini’s facost Italy joined Germany’s side
What was Russia’s a relation in World War II?
Russia remained neutral at the beginning but later joined the alleys when Germany attacked in 1941
Who are the Allied powers?
- Britain
- France
- Russia
Who are the Axis powers?
- Germany
- Italy
- Japan
What percentage of the population is did the Jews make up of?
Jews made up of 1% of the population and they fought for Germany in World War I
What did Jews living in Germany see themselves as?
Saw themselves as an integral part. The only difference was their religion
Why were German Jews shocked?
There was no place for them and they help fight for Germany in World War I
What did the laws make?
The laws made it increasingly impossible to live in Germany
What happened to the Jews when World War II broke out?
Jews had no rights
What happened to Jews trying to leave Germany?
Jews became desperate to leave Germany. It was difficult to get into other countries, as the governments over the world made excuses not to take in refugees
What led to the holocaust?
Nazi racial policies lead to the Holocaust which is the genocide of Jewish people in Europe through deliberate extermination of 6 million Jews
Define genocide
Mass murder
Define extermination
What type of process was the holocaust?
It was the end of a long process of anti-Semitism
What effort was the Holocaust?
Effort to completely annhilate Jews
Define annhilate
Cease to exist, wipe out completely
How many Jews lost their lives? How many non-Jews lost their lives?
6 million Jews lost their lives. 5 million non-Jews lost their lives
Who were the SS led by?
Heinrich Himmler
What were the SS men tour to? And why were they taught this?
SS men were taught racial hatred and told to harden their hearts to human suffering
What did the SS do you to the leader which was Hitler?
They had to declare absolute obedience and loyalty to Führer
When did the SAS become mobile killings squads?
In 1941 a group of men are called the Einsatzgruppen became special mobile killing squads
Define Eintsatzappen
Death squads. Men, women, children rounded up and shot by firing squads and put in mass graves
Why was shooting by firing squads inefficient to the Nazis?
It was too personal for Nazi Hitlers
How were the Einsatzgruppen affected?
They were psychologically negatively affected
What was a more efficient way of killing?
- The Final Solution wbecame the name for the Nazi Germany Plan. It was a systematic genocide for European Jews
Define the final solution
Name for Nancy pan of systematic killing of European Jews.
Why did the Nazis use the term final solution?
They use this term to refer to their plan. To disguise true nature of the crime
What was part of the final solution?
Establish extermination camps containing gas chambers
What was the process of the final solution?
- Victims are crowded into cattle trucks. Taken to camps
- Victims order to undress and were forced into gas chambers. Disguised as a shower rooms. Poisonous gas released and died within 15 minutes
- After gassing everything valuable was taken from the body such as wedding rings
- Bodies pushed into giant ovens
What gas was used in the gas chambers?
Zyklon B. Died within 15 minutes
How many people voted for the Nazis in 1932?
17 million voters out of 35 million
Was it safe to resist?
Half of the voters did not agree with these policies. It was dangerous to resist and it took great courage. Although many people did
What was the White Rose movement?
Who was the white rose movement?
Small, non-violent resistance group. Students from university of Munich. Sophie Scholl and her brother Hans
What was the white rose movement?
Spoke against Nazism and printed pamphlets. Took a suitcase full of pamphlets to university. Dropped copies in empty hallways. Students pick up leaflets after lectures
Was Sophie and Hans caught?
They were caught and taken into Gestapo custody. They were tired and executed by guillotine.
What happened to one of the leaflets for the White rose Movement?
One of the leaflets were smuggled out of Germany and copied by Allies and dropped from aircraft over Nazi Germany
Name the three main groups of churches
- Confessing church 2. Catholic church 3. German Christian
What is the Catholic church?
signed an agreement with the Nazis. Nazis would not interfere and church will not comment
What is the German Christian church?
Led by Ludwig Muller. He was given the title of Reich Bishop. Supported Hitler.
What was the confessing church?
They opposed the Nazis. Led by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He was forbidden to speak in public or publish anything for opposing nosy I tears. He worked as a spy part of a fight failed plot to assassinate Hitler. He was arrested and put in a concentration camp and executed by hanging
When did Nazi Germany army into the city of Warsaw?
They entered in Poland in 1939 after World War II broke out
Why did it become known as the Warsaw ghetto?
They built a wall to enclose a part of the city
What happened to a Jew who left the Warsaw ghetto?
They were locked in. The gates were guarded and any Juhu left was shot if they left without permission.
What policy did the Nazis pursue in the Warsaw ghetto?
A policy of show and natural extinction.
Was the Warsaw ghetto like?
Smell some broken toilet became unbearable. Freezing cold Polish winters caused water pipes to freeze. There was not enough food and diseases broke out as the ghetto was overcrowded
What happened to the Jews in 1941 and 1942 in the Warsaw ghetto?
Thousands of Jews were rounded up and transported to a death camp. The remaining 65,000 Jews were to be killed
What was the freedom fighter group?
They were preparing for the Op rising which was a great risk. They smuggled in weapons and dug escape tunnels linked to the sewer pipes
When and how did the Nazis attacked the Warsaw ghetto?
In April 1943 the Nazis attacked the ghetto which met with a gun fire and they were forced to Westlaw. They were turned and said the ghetto on fire and three poisonous gas into sewers. Survivors were sent to death camp
What was the defeat of Italy?
On the 27th of April 1945 the Allied forces were closing in on Germany. Italy was on the verge of defeat. The Italian dictator Benito Mussolini tried to flee Italy but he was captured by a Italian resistors
What happened to the Italian dictator when he was captured?
He was killed and his body was hung for public display in the square of the city of Milan.
When did the fastest Italian army surrendered World War II you?
The 27th of April
When was the defeat of Germany?
30th of April the Allied forces were closing in on Berlin. Hitler realised his Reich was on the verge of defeat I did not want to suffer the Italian dictator is fate
How did Hitler escape?
He committed suicide with his long-term mistress Eva Braun. He married her before the joint suicide
When did the German army surrender?
On the second of me in Berlin Germany the German army surrendered to the Russian army
When did Germany signed the armistice?
On the 7th of May Germany signed an armistice day. And all their forces surrendered
Did you the news of the German surrender hit the west? What happened to throughout Europe?
On the 8th of May. Celebrations erupted throughout Europe. But war between America and Japan was not over
Why did Japan need access to raw materials?
Japan is a small island and needed access to raw materials such as oil
What type of government did Japan have and what did they want to do?
Japan had a military fastest government during the 1930s and they wanted to expand territory
When did Japan invaded China?
In 1938
Why did America Place economic sanctions against Japan?
In order to assist China. It gave help to its government
Define sanctions
The act of punishing by not buying or selling goods to a country
Who did the Japanese government signed a military agreement with?
Hitler and Mussolini. Japan in Axis Power
What did the Germans and Italians want to give clear warning?
America was undecided about getting involved in the war. The Germans and Italians wanted the agreement to give clear warning to us that it would face war with Japan F entered on Britain’s side
Where did the American naval Pacific fleet move to?
From California to Pearl Harbor in Hawaii
What was pro harbour designed to demonstrate?
Designed to demonstrate the naval power available to the United States in the Pacific region. Act as a detriment to Japanese aggression against America
What had Japan planned to do to the American pacific fleet?
They planned a surprise attack. If they attacked and destroyed the Pacific Fleet they could continue their conquest of China
When did Japan attacked Pearl Harbor? And what happened after the attack?
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941. After the attack the US a joint on the Allied Side. The war in Europe became a world war
What happened to the Japanese American citizens in the USA?
Over 100,000 Japanese American citizens were rounded up and sent to entertainment camps which were mostly in California
Define interment
Confinement during wartime
What did the interment consist of?
Consisted of pretty constructed barracks surrounded by barbed wire and armed guards
What happened to the people placed in these camps in America?
They lost their jobs and were forced to take everything with them
When did the Japanese Empire expand? How did they do this?
In 1942 the Japanese Empire stretched into the south east Asia on the islands to the north and east of Australia
Name one of the most terrible massacre is Japanese committed in China
Japanese committed a number of massacres in China. The rape of Nanjing was the worst atrocities committed
How many people were killed by the Japanese?
Between 250,000 and 300,000 people were killed
Define attrocities
Shockingly cruel and inhumane
What did the Japanese do in 1937?
The Japanese soldiers defeated Nanjing and then killed the prisoners of war. Photographs are taken by the Japanese to document brutality
What happened to the Chinese prisoners of war who are killed?
Chinese president of wall were soaked with gasoline and burnt alive. Women over the age of 70 and girls under the age of eight were gang raped
What is a product of any war?
Prisoner of war
What was the attitude of the Japanese different to?
The attitude of the Japanese towards being taken as prisoners of war were different from the attitude of the Allied soldiers who were caught by the Japanese
What did the Japanese military issue orders to soldiers about?
Japanese military issued orders about surrender to all Japanese soldiers. A prohibitive Japanese soldiers from being taken as prisoners
What would happen to the Japanese soldier if he surrendered?
If a Japanese soldiers surrendered and was taking his prisoner of war he would bring shame to his family and country
What did defeat suffered by United States and Great Britain do?
Early months of the Pacific war thousands of Allied military soldiers became prisoners of the Japanese
What were the Allied soldiers kept in?
They were kept in filthy and overcrowded prisoner of war camps but eventually most of them are shipped to other parts of the Japanese Empire as slave labour. Brutal treatment they received by the Japanese guards always was the same
What is brutal treatment did the Allied soldiers receive?
Men were beaten with pic hands. Kicking, slapping were regular experiences which explains why the Japanese people who surrendered rotated with barbarity