World Civilizations: European Renaissance and Reformation Flashcards
What years did the renaissance occur during?
What was the renaissance?
An explosion in creativity, art, writing, science and thought
What is the birthplace of the renaissance?
Florence, Italty
What made Italy ideal for the renaissance?
- Emerging city states
- Classical Greek and Roman heritage
- Wealthy merchant class
What did the bubonic plague do?
Killed 60% of population and disrupted the economy, it opened up job opportunities
What was the name of the banking family that controlled Florence?
What inspired artists and scholars to move to Italy?
The fall of Constantinople
What is humanism?
The intellectual movement focused on human achievement
What are some examples of worldly pleasures?
Fine food, nice homes, good clothes
What was a patron of the arts?
Somebody who was a financial supporter of artists
Who were patrons of the arts?
Church leaders who beautified cities enjoyed art work and wealthy merchants
What was expected of a Renaissance man?
He was to excel in all fields: The arts Politics Combat Sports Science Etc...
What book taught men on how to become a universal person?
Baldassare Castiglione’s: The Courtier
What was expected of a Renaissance Women?
Had to be educated and upper class Expected to inspire art but not create it
Who was the father of humanism?
What type of changes did art see?
Artists used realistic style, copied from classical art
Painters used perspective
Sculptors show natural expression and postures
What is the vernacular?
A writer’s native language
What type of changes did writing see?
Writers wrote in the vernacular
Self expression and individuality was present in writing
Who were examples of renaissance men?
Leonardo Da Vinci
Francesco Petrarch
Niccolo Machievelli
What is the book, The Prince?
A book written by Machiavelli, examines how rulers can gain power than keep it
Who invented the printing press?
Johann Gutenburg of Germany
What was the first book printed on the printing press?
The Bible
What did the printing press allow for?
- Made information widely available
- Illiterate people could have books read to them
- Maps and discoveries were published
- Legal proceedings were published so people could realize their rights
- Political and religious structures begin to be questioned