world 45 Flashcards
what are the two most common causes of right-to-left intracardiac shunts in CRYPTOGENIC STROKE
when does one see a PARADOXICAL EMBOLIS
conditions that raise the RIGHT ATRIAL PRESSURE above the left atrial pressure (VALSALVA) can produce a transient right-to-left shunt across the PFO that may result in paradoxical embolization
foramen ovale is patent in 25% of adults (compared to0.1% w/ ASD)
what is the best test for hypo/hyperthyroidism
initiation of transcription is governed by the binding of transcription factors to the regulatory region of the gene. Transcription factor II D binds where
TATA promotoer sequence located ~25 bases upstream form the coding region of the gene
elongation factors facilitate what in tRNA
tRNA binding and the TRANSLOCATION steps of protein synthesis
chicks with anti-phospholipid antibody are at greater risk for what complications
- PE
- ischemic stroke/TIA
- unexplained embryonic or fetal loss
- premature birth due to placental insufficiency or preeclampsia
chicks with anti-phospholipid antibody have what lab findings
LUPUS ANTICOAGULANT EFFECT- paradoxical aTT prolongation NOT REVERSED on plasma mixing studies
attenuated S2 heart sound indicated what
what is seen in CREST syndrome
Calcinoshs Raynauds phenomenon Esophageal dysmotility Scleodactyly Telangiectasias
PULMONARY HTN develop due to damage to pulmonary ARTERIOLES (attenuated heart sounds and cor pulmonale)
what causes limited and systemic sclerosis
increased DEPOSITION of COLLAGEN in TISSUES (thought to be triggered by monoclonal T cell in the affected tissues that secret a variety of cytokines (TGF-beta), which increase collagen and ECM proteins by fibroblasts)
earliest damage is seen in SMALL ARTERIOLES and CAPILLARIES
pt with PYRUVATE DEHYDROGENASE DEFICIENCY gets build up of PYRUVATE which gets shunted to lactate via lactate dehydrogenase, resulting in potentially life-threatening lactic acidosis. how is this disease manged
KETOGENIC DIET (high fat, low card diet w/ moderate levels of protein) and LYSINE and LEUCINE are the only truly ketogenic
LYSINE and LEUICINE can provide energy for these peeps in the form of ACETYL-CoA without increasing lactate production
how does AML present
adults (65)
pancytopenia (fatigue form anemia, bruising/bleeding from thrombocytopenia, infection from possible functional neutropenia despite leukocytosis)
white count around 15,000 at presentation
over 20% blasts
urinary concentration of creatine and inline remain equal to what
filtered load of the substance regardless of the serum concentration
what is cystitis c’ path in the glomerulus
filtered at glomerulus w/ no active reabsorption
metabolized by renal tubular cells, which results in variable urinary excretion
appears in urine at level low serum concentration
what are PAH concentrations like at differed filtered amounts
urinary exertions exceeds total filtered amount always because its actively secreted
what are the possible causes of HYPOXIA with a NORMAL A-a gradient (b/w 5-15)
the normal A-a gradient indicates that the low PaO2 is due directly to low PAO2
what causes an increased A-a gradient
thickening of alveolar capillary membranes (alveolar hyaline membrane disease)
right-to-left shunt
V/Q mismatch (pneumonia, COPD)
L2 nerve rood radiculopathy results in what
sensory loss: upper anteromedial thigh
weakness: hip flexion (iliopsoas)
L3 nerve rood radiculopathy results in what
sensory loss: lower anteromedial thigh
weakness: hip flexion (iliopsoas), hip adduction, knee extension (quads)
L4 nerve rood radiculopathy results in what
sensory loss: lower anteromedial thigh, knee, medial calf and foot
weakness: hip adduction, knee extension (quads), PATELLAR reflex
L5 nerve rood radiculopathy results in what
sensory loss: buttocks, poterolateral thigh, anterolateral leg, dorsal foot
weakness: foot dorsiflexion and inversion (tibialis anterior), eversion (peroneus), and toe extension (extensor digitorum braves)
S1 nerve rood radiculopathy results in what
sensory loss: buttons, posterior thigh and calf, lateral foot
weakness: HIP EXTENSION (gluteus maximus), knee flexion (hamstrings), foot plantar flexion (gastrocnemius), ACHILLES refelx
a postitive straight leg raise test (pain elicited in the supine patient when the left is held straight while raised off the examining table) is a sign of what
most sensitive for intervertebral disc herniation causing sciatica
whats going on in hemochromatosis
excessive intestinal iron absorption and accumulation within parenchymal tissues that result in end organ damage
MISSENSE mutation in HFE gene (C282Y)
enterocytes and hepatocytes sense false low iron levels
- increased divalent metal transporter 1 internal iron absorption
- decreased hepsiden synthesis- increasing ferroportin expression and promotes iron secretion into circulation
what is depersonalization/derealization disorder
persistent or recurrent experiences of 1 or both:
- depersonalization (feelings of detachment from, or been an outside observer of, one’s self)
- derealization (experiencing surroundings as surreal)
intact reality testing
what is dissociative amnesia
inability to recall important personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature
not explained by another disorder (PTSD, substance use)
what is dissociative identity disorder
marked discontinuity in identity and loss of persona fence with fermentation into 2 or more distinct personality states
associated with severe trauma or abuse
what is stress incontinence
sphincter dysfunction or weakness when intrabdominal pressure exceeds the urethral sphincter pressure (SNEEZING, COUGHING) causing involuntary urice leakage
what is overflow incontinence
impaired detrusor contractility or bladder outlet obstruction (tumor obstructing urethra)
involuntary and continuous urinary leakage when the bladder is full and often have incomplete emptying
post-void volume usually high
what is urge incontinence
detrusor overactivity causing sudden and/or frequent urge to urinate and empty the bladder
fucked up in MS tx with antimsucarinic
visceral obesity as measured by weight circumference or waist-to hip ratio is an important predictor of what
insulin resistance
what is seen in silicosis
CALCIFICATIONS of the RIM of HILAR NODES (EGGSHELL calcifications) and BIREFRINGENT SILICA PARTICLES surrounded by fibrous tissue on histology
associated with TB
IMPAIRS MACROPHAGE effector arm of cell-mediated immunity
anterolateral humeral fracture fucks what up
-wrist drop and sensory loss to posterior forearm/dorsolateral hand
anteromedial humeral fracture fucks what up
MEDIAN NERVE and branchial artery (pulseless hand)
where is the ulnar nerve found in he elbow
posterior to medial epicondyle
damaged in hyper flexion injuries (falling on outstretched elbows)
tamoxifen is metabolized by what into what
thiopurine methyltransferase is responsible for the metabolism of what
thiopruines like 6-MP and azithriopurine
decrease activity of N-acetyltransferase results in dmininsed ability to metabolize what
over expression of p-glycoprotein causes what
multidrug ressitance
what nerve MOST LIKELY gets fucked up in thyroid surgery
RECURRENT LARYNGEAL (the inferior thyroid artery comes close to the nerve near the thyroid)
- unitlateral injury: hoarseness
- bilateral injury:inspiratory stridor and respiratory distress due to complete VOCAL CORD PARALYSIS
what other nerve (not recurrent laryngeal) can get fucked in thyroid surgery
external branch of superior laryngeal (innverbates cricothyroid muscle)
proximity to superior thyroid artery makes it ligatable in surgery
how do FIBRATES cause cholesterol gallstones
they inhibit cholesterol-7-alpha-hydroxylase which makes cholesterol into bile slats
this inhibition increases the cholesterol/bile salts ratio leading to formation of cholesterol stones
what are the crystals in gout
patient resists simultaneous extension of the leg and thigh, particularly at the hip. what muscle is fucked up
PSOAS major
what are the signs of a psoas abscess
flank pain
inguinal mass
difficulty walking
risk facts are FM, IV drug use, HIV, immunosuppression
what is the most common sign of post procedure atheroemolism
what are signs that should make you suspicious of atheroemolic disease following invasive vascular procudre
blue toe, livedo reticularis (blue veiny legs) w/ normal peripheral pulses
see CHOLESTEROL CLEFTS in arterial lumen
whats the initiation stage of acute tubular necrosis
ischemic injury to renal tubules precipitated by hemorrhage, acute MI, sepsis, surgery
whats the maintenance stage of acute tubular necrosis
decreased urine output, fluid overload, increasing creatinine/BUN, HYPERKALEMIA
whats the recovery stage of acute tubular necrosis
gradual increase in urine output leading to high volume diuresis
electrolyte abnormalities incude DECREASED: K, Mg, PO4, and Ca due to slowly recovering tubular function
ether and other inorganic solvents can inactivate what kind of viruses