Work of the American Apothecary Flashcards
Why were laxatives popular medicines?
People could see they worked.
What was the number 1 tonic?
What is the existing laxative still in use?
What was the most common preparation in early American?
What are pills?
Hand or machine rolled spheres.
What were often made into pills?
What was often used as the inactive ingredient in pills?
What was china rhubarb used for?
Relieving constipation.
What are tinctures?
Alcoholic extractive solution of herbal drugs.
What is a decoction?
When an infusion is boiled.
What is an infusion?
A tea (not boiled).
What were preparations (before 1850s) often used for?
As components of more complex prescriptions.
What was paregoric used for?
Diarrhea and insomnia.
Where did Rx come from?
What changes in medicine after 1800?
It becomes more theory based rather than practical.
Who was Benjamin Rush?
- Founding father. 2. Depletive therapy. “Heroic therapy.”
Who created the “Law of Similars” (like cures like)?
Samuel Hahnemann, father of Homeopathy.
What did Samuel Hahnemann believe about contemporary preparations?
They were too strong and, thus, should be diluted.
Who were the eclectics?
People who rejected all mineral/chemical drugs.
Did the Rose Case (1703) make it ok for apothecaries to prescribe medicines?
Who was John Morgan? (2)
- Second hospital pharmacist. 2. Proposed first American medical school (1765).
Who was van Helmont? (3)
- Influenced by Paracelcus. 2. Alchemist and Mystic. 3. Proposed magnetic/sympathetic remedies.
What was the founding host of the American Pharmacological Association?
Philadelphia college of Medicine.
Who was Samuel Thomson?
Founder of Thomsonian medicine. Taught that herbs were the key to recovery.
Who was John Uri Lloyd?
American Pharmacist who was the leader of the Eclectic movement.