Word-order Flashcards
Qual é a ordem correta de verbo e objeto?
O verbo vem antes do objeto. Ex.: “Sue bought some new shoes yesterday.”
Qual é o erro em “He speaks very well English”?
O objeto (“English”) deve vir imediatamente após o verbo: “He speaks English very well.”
Em frases com lugar e tempo, qual deve vir primeiro?
O lugar (place) deve vir antes do tempo (time). Ex.: “We went to a party last night.”
Como ordenar “Lisa walks to work every day”?
“Lisa walks to work every day.” (Não: “… every day to work.”)
Qual é o lugar de palavras como “always” e “never” na frase?
Elas geralmente vêm antes do verbo principal ou depois de “am/is/are/was/were”.
Qual é a diferença entre “still”, “yet” e “already”?
“Still” indica continuidade, “yet” é usado para até agora, e “already” para algo antes do esperado.
Em “I gave Sarah the keys”, que estrutura alternativa pode ser usada?
“I gave the keys to Sarah.”
Quando usamos “still” em vez de “yet”?
Usamos “still” para algo que continua: “She is still here.”
Qual a ordem correta em “Do you always drink coffee in the morning?”
“Always” vem antes do verbo principal: “I always drink coffee in the morning.”
Como fica “They never go out at night” usando “always”?
“They always stay in at night.”
Em frases com dois verbos, onde colocamos “always”?
Entre os dois verbos. Ex.: “I will always remember you.”
Qual é a ordem correta: “She plays also tennis” ou “She also plays tennis”?
“She also plays tennis.”
O que significa “She’s still in bed”?
Significa que ela ainda está na cama.
Como usar “yet” em perguntas?
Colocamos “yet” no final. Ex.: “Has she arrived yet?”
Onde colocamos “already” em frases afirmativas?
Antes do verbo principal ou depois do auxiliar. Ex.: “She has already eaten.”
Qual é o erro em “Give to me that book”?
A ordem correta é: “Give me that book.”
Como fica “Did you lend him some money?” na outra estrutura?
“Did you lend some money to him?”
Em “I sent you an email”, qual a alternativa correta?
“I sent an email to you.”
Como ordenar “I usually go to bed early”?
Está correto.
Qual é o erro em “I gave her it”?
A frase correta é “I gave it to her.”
Onde colocamos “never” com “am/is/are”?
Após o verbo: “They are never late.”
Qual a posição de “sometimes” em “You sometimes look unhappy”?
“Sometimes” pode vir no início ou no meio da frase. Ex.: “Sometimes you look unhappy.”
Qual é a diferença entre “She hasn’t gone yet” e “She’s still here”?
Ambas indicam continuidade, mas “yet” é usado em negativas e “still” em afirmativas.
Como fica “We went to the cinema yesterday” com tempo antes de lugar?
“We went yesterday to the cinema.” (Errado: lugar vem antes do tempo.)
Como usar “always” em “I am tired”?
“I am always tired.”
Qual o erro em “They’ve all gone to cinema”?
A frase correta é “They’ve all gone to the cinema.”
Em que situação usamos “She’s already gone out”?
Quando algo aconteceu antes do esperado.
Quando usamos “give something to somebody” em vez de “give somebody something”?
Preferimos “give something to somebody” quando usamos “it” ou “them”.
Qual é a forma correta: “I lent to him some money” ou “I lent him some money”?
“I lent him some money.”
O que significa “I don’t know yet”?
Significa que ainda não sei, mas saberei mais tarde.
Organize: “yesterday / Sue / some new shoes / bought”
“Sue bought some new shoes yesterday.”
Reescreva: “He speaks English very well” com foco no verbo.
Está correto.
Reorganize: “Lisa / every day / walks / to work”
“Lisa walks to work every day.”
Corrija: “They’ve lived for 20 years in the same house.”
“They’ve lived in the same house for 20 years.”
Use “always” em “I drink coffee in the morning.”
“I always drink coffee in the morning.”
Substitua “never” em “My brother never speaks to me” por “always”.
“My brother always speaks to me.”
Complete: “Do you ______ go to restaurants?”
“Do you often go to restaurants?”
Corrija: “It is still here raining.”
“It is still raining here.”
Corrija: “Where’s Emma? She isn’t here still.”
“Where’s Emma? She isn’t here yet.”
Transforme: “She has already seen the film” usando “still”.
“She still remembers the film.”
Organize: “to your father / Give / them”
“Give them to your father.”
Corrija: “I gave her the book it.”
“I gave it to her.”
Adicione “yet” em “Has he come?”
“Has he come yet?”
Adicione “already” em “I know what happened.”
“I already know what happened.”
Coloque “sometimes” na frase: “You look unhappy.”
“Sometimes you look unhappy.”
Corrija: “We invited to the party a lot of people.”
“We invited a lot of people to the party.”
Complete: “She ______ gone to bed.”
“She has already gone to bed.”
Organize: “still / It / raining / is.”
“It is still raining.”
Corrija: “I gave to Sarah the keys.”
“I gave Sarah the keys.”
Adicione “usually” em “They have dinner at 7 o’clock.”
“They usually have dinner at 7 o’clock.”
Substitua “already” em “She has already finished her homework” por “yet”.
“She hasn’t finished her homework yet.”
Transforme: “I can never find my keys” usando “sometimes”.
“I sometimes find my keys.”
Corrija: “She gave to him the book.”
“She gave him the book.”
Organize: “to you / I / sent / an email.”
“I sent an email to you.”
Adicione “just” em “She’s gone out.”
“She’s just gone out.”
Corrija: “He plays also tennis.”
“He also plays tennis.”
Use “still” em “She hasn’t arrived.”
“She is still not here.”
Corrija: “Have you yet seen the movie?”
“Have you seen the movie yet?”
Organize: “to me / Give / it.”
“Give it to me.”