Women's Health Flashcards
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding General
Bleeding d/t anovulation or ovulation dysfunction
- problem in hypothalamic/pituitary axis, peri-menopause, chronic unopposed estrogen
- polyps
- adenomyosis
- leiomyoma (fibroid)
- malignancy (endometrial CA)
- cervicitis
- abnormal pregnancy
- coagulopathy
- ovulatory dysfunction: PCO, thyroid, prolactin, perimenopause
- chronic disease: liver, diabetes
- <20yo: hypothalamic immaturity, stress, wt changes
- 20-40yo: PCOS, thyroid disease, meds, wt change, impending premature ovarian failure
- 40-50yo: impending ovarian failure, r/o endometrial cancer
Meds: steroids, psych meds, narcotics, SERMs
- breakthrough bleeding with OCPs
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
- skin: hirsuitism, acne, bruising, petechiae, acanthosis nigricans
- thyroid enlargement
- breast: nipple d/c w/hyperprolactinemia
- abd: masses/tenderness
- pelvis: discharge, polyp, lesions, uterine enlargement, adnexal masses
Dx of exclusion
- pregnancy test
- other: CBC, Fe studies, thyroid, prolactin, FSH, Androgens, coags, LFTs, PAP, U/S, endometrial bx
Tx: correct endocrine problem
- hormones, OCPs, progesterone, surgery
Normal endometrial tissue in abnormal location; responds to hormonal stimulation
- w/d of hormones cause bleeding +/- pain and scar tissue
- typically 20-45yo, not during menopause
RF: nulliparous women, those who struggle w/pregnancy
Sxs: pelvic pain, dyspareunia, dysmenorrhea, backache, dyschezia, dysuria, infertility, menorrhagia
- menstrual hx: short cycles, irregular or heavy flow, dysmenorrhea; improves after childbearing
Dx: clinical
- Pelvic U/S to r/o fibroid or mass
- pelvic CT/MRI to differentiate tumors of ovary
- CA-125
- Pelviscopy w/bx only way to confirm dx
Tx: sx relief
- chronic OCPs + HD NSAIDs
- GNRH AG (6 mo); chronic progestins, DMPA
- surgical indications: unresponsive to meds, persistent pain/infertility, mass [ablation, deep dissection, hysterectomy]
Benign, smooth muscle tumor; estrogen-dependent*
- growth during reproductive yrs
- often have multiple
- MC pelvic neoplasm in women*
RF: obesity, genetics, race, early menarche, low parity, chronic anovulation (unopposed estrogen), estrogen secreting tumor of ovary
Sx: MC asx; can have abnormal uterine bleeding
- enlarged uterus, irregular or nodular
- submucosal location = most symptomatic -> excess bleeding, infertility, necrosis, expulsion, infection
Dx: Transvaginal U/S*
- endometrial bx
- indications: anemia, pain, urinary sx, growth after menopause*, infertility
Suppress estrogen:med mgmt MC
- GNRH analogs: downregulate GNRH, suppress FSH/LH leading to “menopause state”
- Progestins; Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors (NSAIDs - Naproxen)
Surgical tx: uterine artery embolization, endometrial ablation, myomectomy, hysterectomy
Common in menopause
Post-pregnancy fo uterus to prolapse
Bothersome = surgery
Follicular ovarian cyst
MC simple cyst
- result of unruptured follicle
- often present mid-menses if ruptured
- asx, possible mild/mod unilateral colicky pelvic pain if >3-5cm
Dx: HCG, pelvic U/S (benign cyst, filled with clear serous fluid)
Tx: NSAIDs; resolves after menses or w/in 6wk, repeat U/S
- surgery if >10cm d/t risk of torsion
Corpus Luteum
Post-ovulatory cyst formation of the corpus luteum exceeding >3cm; continues to produce progesterone
- rare w/OCPs
Sx: unilateral pelvic pain w/onset in late luteal phase, menses delayed up to 2wk, unilateral adnexal enlargement on exam
Dx: HCG, pelvic U/S
Tx: spontaneous resolution
- complication - may fill with blood
Corpus Hemorrhagicum
Blood in corpus luteum - rapidly enlarges
- late menses
- rapid progression of pain
- Pelvic U/S: cystic structure w/internal echos and densities, irregular borders; possible blood in pelvis
Tx: spontaneous resolution
- analgesics, rest, repeat U/S
Theca Lutein
Hyperactive luteal cells in response to high levels of gonadotropins and HCG in early pregnancy
- often bilateral
- may be a/w molar pregnancy (precancerous)
- may be caused by ovarian hyperstimulation from fertility drugs
Dx: HCG, pelvic US
Tx: stable = no intervention; resolves when hormones stabilize
- may take up to 6-12wk in early pregnancy
Mucopurulent = STI Red/inflamed = vaginal candidiasis
Cervical dysplasia General
Develop from precancerous lesion (CIN: cervical intraepithelial neoplasia)
- MC cause: HPV infection
- MC type: SCC (80%)
- Sexual transmission
RF: HPV infection, smoking, early age of first sex, multiparty, STIs, longterm OCPs, low SES, I/C, HIV
- asx
- post-coital bleeding
- watery foul d/c
- advanced disease: back pain, hematuria, hematochezia
Cervical dysplasia Dx and Screening
ID w/pap smear but dx w/bx
Transformation zone = squamo-columnar junction
- columnar epithelium is slowly replaced w/squamous epithelium = squamous metaplasia
- results in INC cellular activity and vulnerability to carcinogens and HPV integration
First screening age 21
- 21-29: pap smear cytology q 3yr w/no h/o abn
- 30-65: pap smear cytology w/HPV co-testing q 5y w/no h/o abn
- > 60: discontinue screening if no h/o neoplasia in past 20y
Screening: cytology
Diagnosis: histology
Cervical dysplasia dx / tx
ASC-US (atypical squamous cell - undetermined)
ASC-H (cannot exclude high grade lesion)
- DNA HPV + colp if >25yo, repeat in 1yr if younger; regular screening q 3y
LSIL: CIN I (mild dysplasia)
- <25yo repeat pap in 1y; 25-30 colp; >30 HPV + colp, repeat pap/HPV in 1y
HSIL: requires management
- CIN II: mod/severe dysplasia
- CIN III: CA in-situ
Tx options: ablation, excision (LEEP), excisional cone biopsy, surgery
Incompetent cervix
Cervix open and dilated earlier than it should have during pregnancy
- weak cervical tissue causes premature birth or loss of an otherwise healthy pregnancy
RF: h/o cervical bx, congenital conditions, cervical trauma, D&C
Sx: sensation of pelvic pressure, cramps, light vaginal bleeding
Dx: pelvic exam, transvaginal U/S
Tx: weekly progesterone supplementation
- serial U/S
- possible cervical cerclage to close cervix
Vaginal cystocele
Bladder bulges into vagina
Tx: support, kegals, surgery
Vaginal prolapse
Cause: weakness of pelvic and vaginal tissue, muscle
- MC in women who have had a hysterectomy
Tx: kegals, support, surgery