Pulmonary Flashcards
Acute bronchitis
MC: viral
- persistent of cough >5d, most often lasts 10-20d after
- if febrile, consider pneumonia or influenza
- cough (wet/dry)
- reported low grade fever (real fever uncommon)
- URI, myalgias, wheezing
- chest wall tenderness from muscle strain
- lungs often clear
- CXR: normal or bronchial wall thickening [not typically needed; indicated for abnormal vitals, extremes of age, comorbidities]
- supportive care, antipyretics (NSAIDs, APAP, decongestants)
- bronchodilator if wheeze or asthma
- antitussive likely not helpful
- NO abx (consider for elderly, significant comorbidity, high suspicion for pertussis)
- d/c home w/PCP f/u; likely better in 2-3wk
May cause acute bronchitis
Post-tussive vomiting; whoop; severe paroxysmal cough
duration > 1wk
Dx: NP swab w/PCR
Tx: Azithro
MC serious viral airway infection of adults (M/M)
- sudden onset: HA, F/C, sore throat, myalgias
- complicated: progressive dyspnea can lead to RF
Dx: NP swab
- rapid IF/EIA for flu A/B
Oseltamivir (NA inhibitor)
- pt >2wk; best w/in 48hr x 5d
1’ influenza pneumonia
Rapid INC in severity of pulmonary sxs*
- CXR w/diffuse bilateral opacities
- hypoxemia
- scant sputum production
- culture only yields normal flora
2’ bacterial pneumonia
Initial improvement then relapse of pulmonary sxs
MRSA common
Always treat influenza and CAP
Bacterial pneumonia (general)
2+ sxs: fever, cough, SOB + acute infiltrate on CXR or auscultory findings
- other sxs: pleuritic CP, sputum, hypothermia, chills/rigors, sweats; fatigue, myalgias, abd pain, anorexia, HA
- tachypnea: most sensitive sign for peds
Pneumococcus MC patho across all ages
Typical - GS, consolidation on CXR
Atypical - don’t GS; diffuse interstitial pattern on CXR
- sputum: > 25pmn/LPF and < 10sec/LPF + alveolar macrophages
- Blcx x2 if admission (prior to abx)
- suspect sepsis = lactate
- procalcitonin
- urinary ag: pneumococcus or legionella
- invasive procedures reserved for fulminant course (e.g. ICU, complex, unresponsive to abx)
Pneumonia (H flu)
- fever, chills, pleuritic CP
Chronic lung disease (COPD)
Pneumonia (H flu)
- fever, chills, pleuritic CP
Chronic lung disease (COPD)
Pneumonia (Legionella)
Man-made water systems
No human-human transmission
GI sxs, high fever, subtle hyponatremia, relative bradycardia
Dx: sputum w/abundant PMNs but no organism
- may appear more ill than exam or CXR reads
- CXR: patchy unilobar infiltrate progressing to consolidation ~3day
Pneumonia (Mycoplasma)
“Walking pneumonia” - common in healthy kids and young adults
bullous myringitis
GI > cardiac > MS > neuro > derm sxs
Dx: cold agglutinins
Pneumonia (Chlamydophila)
pharyngitis, laryngitis
Dx: IgM, IgG titers
Pneumonia - other etiologies
Alcohol: Klebsiella - currant-jelly sputum (necrosing lung)
Splenectomy: pneumococcus, H flu
CF: pseudomonas
Leukemia or I/C: aspergillus
Milk/postparturition products: coxiella burnetti (fever; usually a farmer or vet)
Rabbits: tularemia
Rats: yersina pestis (plague)
Psittacine birds: chlamydia psittaci
Bacterial Pneumonia Treatment
Abx w/in 6hr
OP: azithro, doxy, resp FQ
Gen med/ICU: 2g Ceftriaxone IV q 24hr + 500mg azithro IV q 24
- OR 750mg Levoflox IV q 24hr
- add Vanc or Linezolid to cover MRSA
HCAP or I/C: Vanc + anti-pseudo BL
Complications: parapneumonia effusion, empyema
- may take 5-7d for fever to disappear
- switch to PO when clinically improved, stable, can ingest oral meds, and GI functioning
- smoking cessation and vaccination
1 point for each:
- confusion
- urea>7
- RR>30
- SBP<90 or DBP<60
- age >65
0-1: outpatient
2: short stay vs. supervised outpatient
3-5: hospital, assess for ICU
Aspiration Pneumonia
RF: CVA, dysphagia, severe deconditioning, esophageal disorder
Et: acute aspiration of gastric contents may lead to respiratory failure
- anaerobic pulmonary infection, typically polymicrobial
- may progress to lung abscess
- fever, chills, shakes, productive cough, pleuritic CP
- may present w/wt loss and foul sputum (abscess)
Dx: CXR - infiltrate dependent position
- may show cavitary lesions +/- air-fluid levels
- swallow study to determine if aspiration
- Amp/Sulbactam 4.5g q 6hr IV
- Ceftriaxone + clinda 900mg q 8hr IV OR metro 500 q 8hr IV
Pcn allergy - levo/moxiflox PLUS clinda/metro