GI Flashcards
Pill esophagitis
Meds: NSAIDs, KCl, quinidine, bisphosphonates, Fe, Vit C, Abx
Sxs: odynophagia, dysphagia, retrosternal chest pain
Mgmt: drink 1-2 full glasses of water after pill, sit upright for at least 1 hour after
Infectious esophagitis
Et: HSV, CMV, Candida, HIV
RF: h/o immune suppression, usually HIV, organ transplant or chemo, asthmatics using steroid inhalers
Sxs: odynophagia, dysphagia, atypical CP
Dx: EGD w/bx and cytology; HIV testing
- HSV: Acyclovir 200mg PO 5x/day x 7-10 days
- CMV: Ganciclovir 5mg/kg IV q 12hr x 3-4wk
- Candida: Nystatin swish/swallow; clotrimazole troches, ketoconazole, fluconazole
Eosinophilic Esophagitis
- food/environmental antigens stimulate inflammatory response
RF: chldren w/h/o allergics or atopy: allergies, asthma, eczema
- long h/o dysphagia to solids
- heartburn
- children: abd pain, vomiting, CP, FTT
- CBC w/diff (eosinophilia)
- Elevated IgE
- Barium swallow
- EGD w/biopsy: small-caliber esophagus w/strictures or corrugated concentric rings**; exudates, red furrows
- PPI PO BID x 2mo trial - f/u w/endoscopy and bx
- consider allergist
- common allergenic foods: peanuts, dairy, eggs, wheat, soy, shellfish
- topical corticosteroids: budesonide, fluticasone
Oropharyngeal dysphagia
Difficulty initiating swallow; high aspiration risk
Et: CVA, PD, MS, ALS, deconditioning
Sxs: wet quality of speech, coughing while eating
- h/o aspiration pneumonia
Dx: speech therapy eval w/swallow study
- modify diet: thickened liquids
- swallow training
- alternate feed route (PEG)
Mechanical aphagia
Food impaction = GI emergency
- h/o recently ingested food lodged in esophagus
Sxs: drooling and difficulty controlling secretions
Dx: refer to GI asap for EGD w/mechanical disimpaction
- repeat EGD in 6wk for bx
- PPI or Glucagon: antisecretory
- do NOT get esophagram
- complications: Boerhaave’s syndrome
Peptic Stricture
MC d/t GERD, typically GEjxn
Sxs: gradual onset solid food dysphagia
Dx: barium esophagram
- EGD w/bx
Mgmt: balloon dilation; bougie dilator
Zenker’s diverticulum
Diverticulum at pharyngoesophageal junction
Sxs: dysphagia, regurgitation, halitosis, nocturnal choking
Dx: esophagram
Mgmt: upper esophageal myotomy +/- diverticulectomy if symptomatic
Idiopathic motility disorder characterized by loss of peristalsis in distal 2/3 and impaired relaxation of LES*
- failure of esophagus to relax; gradual onset
- regurgitation, vomiting, wt loss, fullness, angina, choking, aspiration, pneumonia
- liquid and solid dysphagia**
- nocturnal regurgitation**
- barium swallow: Bird’s beak*
- manometry: INC LES pressure w/out reflexes
- isosorbide, nifedipine, verapamil
- botox injection
- balloon stretching*
- esophageal “heller” myotomy” - open w/fundoplication, cut nerves to plexus to relax LES and then tighten area so you don’t have reflux
Mallory-Weiss Tear
Longitudinal tears in mucosal membrane, distal esophagus*
Cause: retching against closed glottis
RF: alcohol, hiatal hernia
Sxs: specks of BRB or coffee-ground emesis of mild hematemesis after forceful retching
- most have no PE findings, possibly tachycardia
+/- melena
- Upright CXR: if hemodynamically unstable; evaluate for free air (Boerhaave syndrome - complete esophageal rupture)
- EGD after resuscitation*
- UGIB = inc BUN
- assess hemodynamic stability, need for resuscitation
- PPIs, antiemetics
- d/c w/OP EGD f/u
- consider RF for bleeding and consider admit
- active bleeding = endoscopic hemostatic therapy
GERD general
- incompetent LES (pressure <10 mmHg)
- transient reflux
- hiatal hernia
- abnormal esophageal clearance
- delayed gastric emptying
Heartburn reproducible by meals, bending or recumbency
Partial relief w/self-treatment
- heartburn, dysphagia, chest pain, cough, wheezing, hoarseness
- nocturnal awakenings, nighttime sxs - anatomical deficits (not just dietary/lifestyle)
- solid dysphagia: mechanical obstruction
- liquid and solid dysphagia: spasm, scleroderma, achalasia
Atypical sxs:
- nocturnal/chronic coughing
- hoarseness
- atypical CP
- sore throat
- asthma, reactive airway disease
- dental erosions
- pharyngitis
- halitosis
- neck masses
- wheezing
- abd tenderness/masses
Can progress to Barrett’s and adenocarcinoma
GERD dx/tx
- gold standard: pH monitor
- PPI trial
- serial EGD w/bx to r/o mucosal changes
- manometry, motility measures
- reduce acidic foods, caffeine, wt loss, upright position for sleeping, stress reduction
- H2Ras
- Trial PPI*
- Refractory: Nissen fundoplication
- Pt w/long-standing GERD (>5y) especially >50yo should have upper endoscopy to detect/screen for Barrett’s*
- dec acid secretion but don’t prevent reflux
- AE: HA, N, abd pain, bloating
- bone density: dec absorption of Ca d/t acid suppression = supplement Ca, Vit D
- Anemia d/t dec iron absorption
- SI bacterial overgrowth and B12 def
- Inc pneumonia in elderly
- Inc r/o C. diff
- hypoMg
MC w/alcohol or critically ill pt
RF: NSAIDs, stress, H. pylori
Sxs: often asx
- may have epigastric pain
- NV, upper abd pain, acute UGI bleed
Dx: EGD - petechiae, erosion, hemorrhage, inflammation on biopsy
- remove alcohol
- treat H. pylori
- IV PPI if GI bleed is present, ulcer prophylaxis for critically ill pt
D/t acidic gastric juice corroding gastric epithelium
- more common in males
- duodenal 5x more than gastric
- gastric more common in elderly
RF: NSAIDs, H. pylori, stress, tobacco, Zollinger ellison
Sxs: aching, burning pain
- duodenal ulcer: better with food
- gastric ulcer: worse with food
Duodenal ulcer bleed MC on posterior surface of duodenal bulb
Perfs more likely anterior d/t lack of protective viscera - free air = emergency
- gold standard: EGD w/urease test
- if bleeding on EGD: epi injection, electrocautery, laser ablation
- heal ulcer w/acid suppression and kill h. pylori [triple or quad therapy]
- gastric: PPI x 8wk
- duodenal: PPI x 4wk
- d/c NSAIDs
- surgery for complications (bleeding, perf, obstruction)
- perf = Graham steele closure
Acute cholecystitis
80% d/t obstruction of cystic duct by gallstone impacted in Hartmann’s pouch*
- acalculus: after trauma, critically ill, recent major surgery
Sxs: acute RUQ/epigastric pain, radiates to right scapula
+ Murphy’s sign
- palpable gallbladder
- h/o biliary colic now longer/more intense
- CBC: leukocytosis
- Inc bili, ALT, alk phos
- Abd U/S* - cholithiasis, U/S Murphy’s sign, GB wall thickening, pericholecystic fluid
- NPO, NG placement
- IV pain mgmt
- IV abx: Unasyn, Zosyn, Ertapenem
- Early lap chole/surgery consult
Chronic cholecystitis
MC symptomatic gallbladder disease
Biliary colic: transient gallstone obstruction of cystic duct w/RUQ pain
- may also be epigastric or LUQ may radiate to back or scapula
Dx: U/S*
- ALT/AST modestly elevated
- NSAIDs/opioids for acute pain relief
- Lap Chole
- Ursodiol to dissolve stones if not surgical candidate
RF: fat, female, fertile, forty
- rapid wt loss, DM, hemolytic anemia, pregnancy, hypertrig
Protective: low carb, high fiber, exercise, cardio, high Mg diet, coffee
Sxs: most asx; large can cause acute cholecystitis, CA
Dx: U/S
- most require no treatment
- possible cholecystectomy if sx persist
ETOH hepatitis
Men, highest risk = 12 drinks/day
- Rapid onset jaundice, liver failure
- HE, ascites, tender hepatomegaly, dark urine/acholic stool
Dx: >2:1 elevated AST>ALT
- Inc bili, INR
- leukocytosis, neutrophilia
- U/S r/o biliary obstruction*
Hepatorenal syndrome: renal failure
- addiction help, nutrition
- Maddrey discriminant index > 32 = treat w/prednisolone or pentoxifyline
Acute hepatic failure
Rapid liver failure + Hepatic encephalopathy
- acute: w/in 8wk after onset of liver injury
- cause: MC APAP [other: INH, pyrazinamide, rifampin, AEDs, abx, viral hep, liver ischemia, Budd-Chiari, autoimmune hep, fatty liver]
- encephalopathy: vomiting, coma, asterixis*, hyperreflexia, cerebral edema, Inc intracranial pressure
- ammonia = neurotoxin
- coagulopathy: dec hepatic production of coag factors
- HPM, jaundice
- Inc ammonia, PT/INR>1.5, LFTs, hypoglycemia
Mgmt: encephalopathy - lactulose: neutralize ammonia - rifaximin, neomycin: DEC bacteria producing ammonia in GI tract - protein restriction
Definitive: transplant
Viral hepatitis
- malaise, arthralgia, fatigue, URI, anorexia
- NV, abd pain, loss of appetite
+/- acholic stool
Icteric phase: jaundice
- encephalopathy, coagulopathy
- jaundice, edema, ascites, asterixis, hyperreflexia
- Inc ALT > Inc AST
- both > 500-1000 if acute
+/- bilirubinemia
Mgmt: clinically recover w/in 3-16wk
- 10% HBV and 80% HCV become chronic
Hepatitis A
Transmission: fecal oral
- contaminated water, food, international travel, daycare workers, MSM, shellfish
- adults spiking fever
- kids usually asx
- acute: +IgM HAB ab
- past exposure: +IgG HAV ab w/neg IgM
- self-limiting, sx tx
- HAV Ig post-exposure prophylaxis
- vaccine
Hepatitis E
Transmission: fecal oral
- water-borne outbreak
Dx: + IgM anti-HEV
- self-limiting
- highest morality during pregnancy (especially thrid tri) ** inc r/o fulminant hep
Hepatitis C
Transmission: parenteral
- IVDU, blood transfusion prior to 1992
Dx: \+ anti-HCV ab in 6wk doesn't imply recovery acute: HCV RNA +, anti-HCV +/- resolved: HCV RNA -, anti-HCV +/- chronic: HCV RNA +, anti-HCV +
Mgmt: antivirals
- screen for HCC via AFP, U/S
Hepatitis D
Requires Hepatitis B co-infection*
Hepatitis B
Transmission: parenteral, sexual, perinatal, percutaneous
- acute: 70% subclinical, 30% jaundice
- chronic asx carrier: +HBsAg, +HBe ab, low HBV DNA, normal LFTs
- chronic infection: + HBsAg, Inc ALT/AST, Inc HBV DNA and evidence of hepatocellular damage on liver biopsy
- acute: supportive
- chronic: tx may be indicated if Inc ALT, inflammation on biopsy, or +HBeAg
- alpha-INF 2b, lamivudine, adefovir, tenofovir, entecavir
Prophylaxis w/Hep B vaccine at 0, 1, 6 months
Hepatitis B labs
HBsAg: 1st evidence of infection before symptoms, if + >6mo = chronic infection
HBsAb: distant resolved infection OR vaccination (if alone)
- signifies immunity, pt not infectious, chronic infection if don’t establish this in 6mo
HBcAb: IgM (acute infection), IgG (chronic infection or resolved)
HBeAg: Inc viral replication, Inc infectivity
- >3mo = Inc likelihood of developing chronicity
HBeAb: waning viral replication, Dec infectivity
Chronic viral hepatitis
Disease > 6mo duration
- only Hep B, C, D
- may lead to ESLD or HCC
Dx: ALT, AST < 500
Liver cirrhosis
Irreversible liver fibrosis w/nodular regeneration leading to increased portal pressure
- MC cause: EtOH
- Other cause: HCV, NASH, hemochromatosis, autoimmune hepatitis, PBC/PSC, drug toxicity
Sxs: constitutional
- ascites, HSM, gynecomastia, spider angioma, caput medusa, muscle wasting, ,bleeding, palmar erythema, Dupuytren’s contracture
- hepatic encephalopathy: confusion, lethargy, asterixis, increased ammonia levels
tx: rifaximin, lactulose - esophageal varices
- SBP: fever, PMNs > 250 in peritoneal fluid
- U/S
- Staging w/Child-Pugh [total bili, serum albumin, PT, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy]
- ascites: Na restriction, diuretics, paracentesis
- pruritis: cholestyramine
- definitive mgmt: liver transplant
- screen for HCC w/US and AFP q 6mo
- excess straining
- sense of incomplete evacuation
- failed or lengthy attempts to defecate
- hard stools
- Dec frequency of stools
Alarm: rectal bleeding, heme + stool, wt loss, obstructive sxs, recent onset of sxs, rectal prolapse, change in caliber of stool, >50yo
Dx: clinical (DRE)
- TSH, BMP, glucose
- abdominal Xray, barium enema
- lifestyle: fiber, fluids, exercise
- bulk laxatives: psyllium, methylcellulose [ADR: inc flatulence/bloating - inc water intake]
- stool softener: docusate [ADR: bitter taste, N/D, cramping]
- osmotic laxative: PEG, Mg
- stimulant laxative: Senna, Bisocodyl [do NOT use for chronic constipation]
- Lineclotide, lupiprostone - if not pregnant
Crohn’s disease
Peak: 20-40yo
Affects any portion of GI tract, mouth to anus
MC affects: terminal ileum, Right colon
- diarrhea, hematochezia, recurrent abdominal pain, wt loss, malaise, anorexia, SBO
- extraintestinal: uveitis/episcleritis, oral ulcers, skin changes, joint pain
Dx: endoscopy (upper/lower)
- cobblestoning of bowel wall
- rectal sparing
- skip lesions
- granulomatous ulcers
- fistulas
- “string sign”
- anti-inflammatory meds, steroids, immunosuppressants, anti-diarrheal
- surgery to relieve obstructive sxs
- stricturoplasty
- goal: preserve length, remove affected area
- lleocecal anastomosis common
Ulcerative colitis
- insidious or acute presentation
- rectal bleeding, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain
- CRC likely, unless colectomy; incidence begins 8-10y after onset of UC
- toxic megacolon
- acute perforation (very thin walls)
Dx: colonoscopy (only if no active disease)
- continuous lesions
- profound leukocytosis
- Med: supportive
- surgical: acutely if complications; chronic if unmanaged with meds- can CURE and dec CA risk
- emergent colectomy w/toxic megacolon
- protocolectomy w/terminal ileostomy +/- J pouch = remove colon and rectum
- total colectomy
Irritable bowel syndrome
Chronic condition characterized by abd pain and bowel dysfunction
2:1 F:M, unusual if onset after 50y
RF: physical or sexual abuse, previous enteric infection, stress
- pain relief w/defecation
- RLQ/LLQ tenderness to palpation
Dx: diagnosis of exclusion
- CBC, stool studies, anti-TTG, abdominal Xray, flex sig, colonoscopy, hydrogen breath test, serum CRP
ROME Criteria: recurrent abdominal pain 1d/wk x 3mo associated with 2 or more:
- related to defecation
- a/w change in stool frequency
- a/w change in stool form
- decrease stress, cut out trigger foods (caffeine, lactose, fructose), low FODMAP diet
- probiotics may be helpful
- treat sxs - constipation, diarrhea accordingly