Endocrine Flashcards
Hyperthyroidism General
RF: goiter, h/o autoimmune, radioactive iodine therapy, Fhx, smokers; amiodarone, estrogen, levothyroxine
- MC: Graves (autoimmune) - thyrotoxicosis (elevated T3/T4) leads to goiter, exophthalmos, pretibial myxedema
- Primary: thyroid tumor producing TH
- Secondary: pituitary TSH-secreting tumor
- Tertiary: hypothalamic TRH secretion
- skin: warmth, pretibial myxedema
- eyes: stare/lid lag, grave’s = exophthalmos
- heme: inc RBC mass, plasma volume
- CV: tachy, afib, HF, HTN
- resp: dyspnea, DOE
- GI: wt loss - metabolic rate and gut motility increased; diarrhea; malabsorption
- Male repro: dec libido, delayed ejaculation
- Female repro: menstrual cycle abn
- neuro: nervous, hyperkinesia, insomnia, fatigue, rapid speech, tremor
- msk: prox muscle weakness, hyperreflexia
- metabolic: hyperglycemia, low HDL
Hyperthyroidism Dx/Tx
TSH: low FT4: high TSI (thyroid stimulating Ig): Grave's Thyroid uptake scan I-23: - Grave's: diffuse uptake - Thyroiditis: no uptake - Toxic nodule: unifocal uptake - Toxic multinodular goiter: patchy uptake
Tx: refer to endo
- sx tx: BB (propranolol) - dec HR, block conversion of T4 to T3; steroids if severe
- curative: PTU (pregnancy) or methimazole
- surgical: thyroidectomy
- radiological tx: I-131 radioactive ablation (Grave’s toxic adenoma, TMNG)
Hypothyroidism General
RF: goiter, h/o autoimmune, Hep C, Fhx, previous radiation
Primary: (MC) problem w/thyroid gland
Secondary: pituitary problem (TSH)
Tertiary: hypothalamus problem (TRH)
Autoimmune: Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (MC): + TPO abs lead to follicular destruction
Drugs: amiodarone, IFN, IL-2, lithium
MC sxs: fatigue, cold intolerance, wt gain
- skin: cool, pale, lateral eyebrow thinning, dry skin
- eyes: periorbital edema
- heme: anemia
- CV: dec CO
- Resp: fatigue, DOE
- GI: constipation
- renal: dec GFR, impaired ability to excrete water
- repro: same as hyper
- neuro: difficulty concentrating
- endo: hypothermia
- msk: joint pains, aches, stiffness
Hypothyroidism Dx/Tx
TSH: high
FT4: low
TPO (thyroid peroxidase): + Hashimoto’s
LT4 (levothyroxine): recheck in 6-8wk
- half-life 7d
- may require dose INC during pregnancy
Type 2 DM General
RF: h/o gestational DM, HTN, dyslipidemia, obesity
- drugs: steroids, antipsychotics, immunosuppressants, niacin, thiazides, statins, BB
- any age w/BMI>25 plus: sedentary, Fhx, ethnic, gestational, PCOS, large baby, HTN, CVD, HLD
- everyone at 45, q 3yr if wnl
Sxs: polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia
- blurred vision
- recurrent candida infections
- fatigue
- weakness
PE: orthostatics, fundoscopic, thyroid, FOOT exam, skin
Type 2 DM Dx/Tx
C-peptide: distinguish between type 1 and type 2
A1c 5.7-6.4 = prediabetes
Diabetes: a1c >6.5, FBG>126 on two readings, one random glucose >200, 2hr OGTT >200
- glycemic control, a1c <7
- BP < 140/90
- HLD control, smoking cessation, wt loss
- Immunizations: flu, hep B, pneumovax
- screen for depression, sleep apnea
- Insulin for pregnancy
- reassess meds in 3mo
Type 2 DM Complications
- annual dilated exam
- optimize BS/BP control
- measure Scr, urinary albumin, GFR, K yearly
- do NOT give metformin w/mod-severe CKD
- use ACE/ARB
- assess annually w/monofilament and sensory
- large fiber: loss of sensation / ataxia in glove stocking region, no pain
- small fiber: includes pain (charcot) or autonomic symptoms (ED, gastroparesis) - [tx: amitriptyline, gabapentin, pregabalin, duloxetine]
Sleep apnea
- refer to sleep specialist
Foot lesions
- always look at feet
Other: Coronary heart disease, stroke, PVD, microalbuminuria, sexual dysfunction, gastroparesis
Primary (familial): uncommon
Secondary: d/t DM2, nephrotic syndrome, CKD, hypothyroidism, smoking, obesity, drugs
Start screening lipid panel at 35
Sxs: xanthoma, xanthelasma
- assess for other cardiac RF
Dx: FLP, baseline LFTs if starting statin
- f/u FLP and LFTs 1-3mo after starting statin, then q 3-12mo
- Mediterranean diet, oily fish, salmon
- INC duration of exercise
- Statin if ASCVD > 7.5%, LDL > 190, DM, or h/o ASCVD disease
Levels elevated after eating
high risk for pancreatitis when >1000
>500 = counseling on ETOH
FLP: TG should be less than 200
Tx: dec ETOH, fried/fatty food