WK2 Warm int cold & Rescue Devastated Yang Flashcards
What is the action of Xiao Jian Zhong Tang -
Minor Construct the middle Decoction?
warms and tonifies the middle burner and moderates spasmodic abdominal pain
What are the herbs in Xiao Jian Zhong Tang -
Minor Construct the Middle Decoction
Yi Tang - maltosum Gui Zhi- Cinnamomi Ramulus Shao Yao - Paeoniae Radix Zhi Gan Cao - Glycyrrhizae Radix Sheng Jiang- Zingiberis Rhizoma Da Zao - Jujubae Fructus
What formula should be referenced when talking about Xiao Jian Zhong Tang - Minor Construct the Middle Formula, and how does this original formula differ from this related formula?
Based on Gui Zhi Tang. Bai Shao is dosed twice as high as Gui Zhi and Yi Tang is added. This moves the very balanced Gui Zhi Tang into a more Ying based formula - less warming but more nourishing for the middle jiao. More for Qi Deficiency, however the cloying Yi Tang could make this hard to digest even with the moving Gui Zhi and Sheng Jiang.
What are the herbs in Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang - Astragalus Decoction to Construct the Middle?
Huang Qi - Astragali Radix Yi Tang - maltosum Gui Zhi- Cinnamomi Ramulus Shao Yao - Paeoniae Radix Zhi Gan Cao - Glycyrrhizae Radix Sheng Jiang- Zingiberis Rhizoma Da Zao - Jujubae Fructus
What is the action of Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang - Astragalus Decoction to Construct the Middle?
For more sever qi deficiency characterized by spontaneous sweating, shortness of breath, occasional fevers and a thin, faint frail pulse
How does Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang - Astragalus Decoction to Construct the Middle differ from Xiao Jian Zhong Tang and Gui Zhi Tang?
this formula is more balanced than the Xiao Jian Zhong Tang (which was tilted on the nourishing side) now the Huang Qi is balancing it more towards the original formula. “bigger version” of gui zhi tang and closer energetically to the original. more moving - Huang Qi is directly addressing the qi level.
What are the herbs in Da Jian Zhong Tang - Major Construct the Middle Decoction?
Hua Jiao - Zanthoxyli Pericarpium
Gan Jiang - Zingiberis Rhaizoma
Ren Shen - Ginseng Radix
Yi Tang - Maltosum
What is the action of Da Jian Zhong Tang - Major Construct the Middle Formula?
Warms and tonifies middle burner deficiency, directs rebellious qi downward and alleviates pain
How does Da Jian Zhong Tang - Major Construct the Middle Formula compare to Xiao Jian Zhong Tang - Minor Construct the Middle Formula?
Only four herbs in Da Xiao Jian Tang, and the two only share Yi Tang. This formula is balanced between the two moving herbs (Hua Jiao, Gan Jiang) and the two nourishing herbs (Ren Shen, Yi Tang). This is stronger for more yang def, not extreme Yang Deficiency, but more than just Qi Deficiency. The middle jiao is debilitated - it is not moving, not transforming so everything is stagnating and dampness is forming because things are not moving. Don’t need fu ling just need to get things moving and warming to transform.
What are the herbs in Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang - Licorice and Ginger Decoction?
zhi Gan Cao - Glycyrrhizae Radix preparata
Gan Jiang - Zingiberris Rhizoma
What is the action of Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang - Licorice and Ginger Decoction?
Warms the LU and Strengthens the ST
What are the herbs in Si Ni Tang - Frigid Extremities Decoction?
Fu Zi - Aconiti Radix lateralis
Gan Jiang - Zingiberis Rhizoma
zhi Gan Cao - Gylcerrhiza Radix
What is the action of Si Ni San - Frigid Extremities Decoction
rescues devastated yang, warms the middle burner, and stops diarrhea
What is the direct translation and meaning of Si Ni San?
“4 rebellions”” the cold is invading the body through the four extremities and the warmth is retreating to the center. reversal condition.
What is the representative formula for Shao Yin Syndrome from the Shang Han Lun?
Si Ni San
Is Si Ni San and balanced formula? Why or why not?
No - it is prominently warming. It is to rescue devastated yang. There is no fire and no fuel for the fire - so this formula gives both the fuel and the light for the fire. This is a short term formula.
What modern situations would Si Ni San be used for?
hypothermia or homeless people in winter close to death.
What are the herbs in Si Ni Jia Ren Shen Tang - Frigid Extremities Decoction plus Ginseng?
Ren Shen - Ginseng Radix
Fu Zi - Aconiti Radi Lateralis
Gan Jiang - Zingiberis Rhizoma
zhi Gan Cao - Glycyrrhizae Radix preparata
Why does Dr Pi not like Si Ni San Jia Ren Shen Tang?
The addition of Ren Shen negates the usefulness of both strong warming effect of Fu Zi and Gan Jiang.
What are the herbs in Tong Mai Si Ni Tang - Unblock the Pulse Decoction for Frigid Extremities?
sheng Fu Zi - Aconiti Radi Lateralis, fresh
Gan Jiang - Zingiberis Rhizoma
zhi Gan Cao - Gylcerrhiza Rad
What makes Tong Mai Si Ni San different from Si Ni San?
Tong Mai Si Ni San use a very high dosage for FRESH Fu Zi, which is toxic. This is stronger than Si Ni San.
What are the herbs in Bai Tong Tang - White Penetrating Decoction?
sheng Fu Zi - Aconiti Radi Lateralis, fresh
Gan Jiang - Zingiberis Rhizoma
Cong Bai - Alli Fistulosi Bulbus
What is the effect of the Cong Bai in Bai Tong Tang?
Cong Bai has a powerful, yet short lived moving effect. When it combines with the fresh Fu Zi it makes a very strong, yet short lived push. Can be very intense. Probably stronger in that moment than Tong Mai Si Ni San - but the effect doesn’t last too long. So Tong Mai Si Ni San is probably stronger in the long term.
What kind of cold is Tong Mai Si Ni San and Bai Tong Tang for?
true cold, false heat. Patients have devastated yang and are truly cold but have a subjective feeling of heat. Shao Yin Stage.
What are the herbs in Shen Fu Tang - Ginseng Aconite Accessory Decoction?
Ren SHen - Ginseng Radix
Zhi Fu Zi - Aconiti Radix lateralis preparata
What would Dr Pi use Shen Fu Tang -Ginseng Aconite Accessory Decoction for?
Devastated Yang. But he wouldn’t as there are better formulas for this.
What are the herbs in Du Shen Tang - Unaccompanied Ginseng Decoction?
Ren Shen - Ginseng Radix
What is the action of Du Shen Tang - Unaccompanied Ginseng Decoction?
tonify the source qi and stabilize collapse
What situations does Bensky say Du Shen Tang is appropriate for? What does Dr Pi say it is appropriate for?
Bensky: for hemorrhaging and heart failure - no longer used for this (stop bleeding formula because they didn’t have anything else to use to replenish the blood).
This can actually hasten death.
Bleeding priorities:
1) how to stop the bleeding
2) how to replenish the blood lost.
Dr Pi: Maybe used after marathon and childbirth (long labor only).