Midterm Study Guide Flashcards
Which herb in Gui Zhi Tang is not in the formula Dang Gui Si Ni Tang?
Sheng Jiang
This formula has the sahdow of Gui ZHi Tang in it, having all the Gui Zhi Tang herbs except for one.
Dang Gui Si Ni Tang
According to the lecture, what is the best diagnosis for Gui Zhi Tang?
Ying and Wei Disharmony
According to Formulas and Strategies, this formula warms the channels, disperses cold, nourishes blood and unblocks the blood vessels. According to the lecture, it warms more than the channels, having more interior effect as well since it is from the Jue Yin chapter of Shang Han Lun.
Dang Gui Si Ni Tang
Which formula has the same herbs as Si Jun Zi Tang- Four Gentlemen Decoction except for one different herb?
Li Zhong Wan - Regulate the Middle Pill
Which herb from Si Jun Zi Tang is NOT in Li Zhong Wan - Regulate the Middle Pill?
Fu Ling
According to the lecture, what would happen if you gave Si Jun Zi Tang - Four Gentlemen Decoction to a patient with a Li Zhong Wan - Regulate the Middle Pill diagnosis?
Becuase it would make the situation worse.
What formula would we use for the following signs and symptoms:
boost middle jiao qi and weak yang, assist rebellious qi move downward, and stop vomiting. We see headache, vomiting, diarrhea, cold limbs so bad you want to die
wu zhu yu tang
Of the two formulas, which is weighted more on the wei side, and which is weighted more on the ying side
dang gui si ni tang
gui zhi tang
dang gui si ni tang - wei
gui zhi tang - ying
which Warm the Middle and disperse cold formula can we find: ren shen, pao jiang, and bai zhu
Li Zhong Wan
which formula deals with yang ming, jue yin, and shao yin
wu zhu yu tang
which stage of the shan hun lun is li zhong wan a part of
tai yin stage
which is not true of li zhong wan: it treats middle jiao yang deficiency it is more serous than si jun zi tang damp exists in the presentation it drains downward
it drains downward
Mu tong and xi xin are found in which formula from warm the channels and disperse cold?
dang gui si ni tang
which formula is more serious? li zhong wan or fu zi li zhong wan
zi li zhong wan
which Tonify Qi formula has shu di huang, wu wei zi and sang bai pi
bu fei tang
formulas from the tonify qi category are split into these two categories
tonifying and moving
which Tonify Qi formula contains bai bian dou, shan yao, lian zi, jie geng
shen ling bai zhu san
what is a contraindication for someone wanting to take yu ping feng san
should not be taken if the patient already presents with a cold
which formula shows the most deficiency: sheng ling bai zhu san su jun zi tang liu jun zi tang yi gong san
sheng ling bai zhu san
which Tonify Qi formula contains dang gui
bu zhong yi qi tang
which formula is more yin-nourishing sheng mai san yu ping feng san both neither
sheng mai son
which herb is not in dang gui shao yao san bai shao ze xie bai zhu shu di huang
shu di huang
which formula contains shao yao gan cao tang inside
bu gan tang
which does not contain some version of si wu tang inside it
dang gui shao yao san
which formula addresses liver yin and blood deficiency, and contains mu gua
bu gan tang
which formula has wine-fried herbs to reduce the cloying effect, and should be in the yang tonifying section
Ai Fu Nuan Gang Tang
tao hong si wu tang contains…
si wu tang + tao ren & hong hua
name the herbs in si wu tang
dang gui, chuan xiong, shu di huang, shao yao
bu gan tang contains…
si wu tang + suan zao ren, mu gua, and gan cao
name the herbs in dan gui shao yao san
shao yao dang gui chuan xiong bai zhu fu ling ze xie
which Tonify Qi formula helps the kidney grasp the qi to help one breathe better
ren shen ge jie san
According to Lecture, which of the following formulas has a balance of herbs that harmonize Ying and Wei?
Gui Zhi Tang
According to lecture, which of the following formulas tends to be more nourishing with herbs that tip the balance more to ying side?
Xiao Jian Zhong Tang - Minor Construct the Middle Decoction
Match the herbs w the formula in which you can find them:
Gui Zhi Tang herbs with double Shao Yao plus Yi Tang.
Hua Jiao, Gan Jiang, Ren Shen, Yi Tang.
Fu Zi, Gan Jiang, Zhi Gan Cao
Xiao Jian Zhong Tang
Da Jian Zhong Tang
Si Ni Tang
Which of the following is an action of Ren Shen that makes it special among herbs that tonify?
It generates fluids
According to Formulas and Strategies, this is the main formula for addressing the 4 rebellions or reversals:
Si Ni Tang
Which of the following herbs in Gui Zhi Tang has the primary role in helping to preserve the yin, according to lecture?
Shao Yao
Which is not true about Si Ni Tang and Tong Mai Si Ni Tang?
Unblock the Pulse has more Huang Qi
The chief ingredient of Xiao Jiang Zhong Tang with 18-30g is what?
Yi Tang
According to lecture, which formula to Rescue Devestated Yang is the most strong?
Bai Tong Tang
According to lecture, which of the following formulas that rescue devestated yang would likely be most appropriate for a normal post-partum situation or after running a marathon?
Du Shen Tang
What is Cong Bai’s special nature?
it is warming but the effect doesn’t last long
The herbs in Bai Tong Tang differ from those in Si NI Tang by replacing Gan Cao with?
Cong Bai
Which is the most warming of the following (formulas the warm interior)
Da Jian Zhong Tang
The herbs in this formula are the same as those in Regulate the Middle Pill - Li Zhong Wan except that instead of Gan Jiang in this formula there is Fu Ling:
Four Gentleman Decociton - Si Jun Zi Tang
According to the lecture, Two Cure Decoction- Er Chen Tang, is in which of the following formulas: (that tonify qi)
Six Gentleman Decoction - Liu Jin Zi Tang
According to the lecture, what is the main type of blood deficiency that Tangkui Decoction to Tonify Blood (Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang) deals with?
Decreased blood circulation due to Qi deficiency
This formula from the Tonify Qi and Blood chapter contains Si Jun Zi Tang and Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang:
Restore the Sp Decoction (Gui Pi Tang)
According to Formulas and Strategies, the diagnosis for restore the SP Decoction (Gui Pi Tang) is:
Sp Qi and HT Blood Deficiency
Which of the following is not true about Zhi Gan Cao Tang?
It is from the Tai Yin Section of the Shang Han Lun.
Becuase it is from the Tai Yang Section of the Shang Han Lun
This formula contains Si Jun Zi Tang plus Si Wu Tang:
Eight Treasure Decoction (Ba Zhen Tang)
What do y add to the Four Gentleman - Si Jun Zi Tang to get Extraordinary Merit Powder - Yi Gon San?
Chen Pi
This formula addresses the sinking of the Yang due to SP/ST def - it tonifies middle Jiao Qi and raises SP yang. ONe of its indications is porlapse:
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Tonify the middle and Aument the Qi Decoction Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang contains Four Genleman Decociton - Si Jun Zi Tang except for which herb that is missing?
Fu Ling
This formula (to tonify qi)specifically addresses LU Qi Deficiency and has the actions of augmenting qi and stabilizing the exterior according to Formulas and Strategies?
Bu Fei Tang
Which herb is NOT in Four Substance Decoction with Scuttelaria and Coptis - Qin Lian Si Wu Tang?
Huang Qi
According to Formulas & Strategies, what formula to tonify blood has the diagnosis of concurrent blood def and blood stasis?
Four Substance Decoction with Safflower and Peach Pit - Tao Hong Si Wu Tang
Mutton plays an important role in which tonify blood formula, which is frequently taken post-partum?
Dang Gui Sheng Jiang Yang Rou Tang
According to Formulas & Strategies, this tonify blood formula treats pain/spasms and blood deficiency with injury to fluids.
Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang - Peony and Licorice Decoction
This formula tonifys the blood and drains heat. According to Formulas & Strategies, it is indicated for concurrent blood deficiency and excessive heat. Dr Pai noted how this formula is not clear in its intension and the ingredients suggest it is attemtping to be tonifying and draining at the same time.
Four Substance Decoction with Scutellaria and Coptis - Qin Lian Si Wu Tang
According to lecture, what is the main type of Blood Deficiency that Tangkui Decoction to Tonify Blood (Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang) deals with is:
Decreased Blood Circulation Due to Qi Def
This formula (from Tonify Qi and Blood) contains Si Jun Zi Tang and Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang:
Restore the SP Decoction (Gui Pi Tang)
According to Formulas and Strategies, the diagnosis for Restore the Sp Decoction (Gui Pi Tang) is:
Sp Qi and HT Blood Deficiency
Which of the following in NOT true about Zhi Gan Cao Tang?
It is from the Tai Yin section of the Shang Han Lun
it is from the Tai Yang section
This formula contains Si Jun Zi tang plus Si Wu Tang:
Eight Treasure Decoction (Ba Zhen Tang)
what is the diagnosis for Tai Shen Pan Shi San
Qi and blood deficiency with a lack of nourishment of the fetus
which formula is warmer - Ba Zhen Tang or Shi Quan Da Bu Tang
Ba Zhen Tang is NOT as warming as Shi Quan Da Bu Tang
what is the diagnosis for Ren Shen Yang Rong Tang
HT and SP Qi & blood deficiency due to damage from overexertion
which formula from T. Qi & Blood has the 4 gent., 4 sub., ba zhen tang, shi quan ba du san + wu wei zi and yuan zhi
Ren Shen Yang Rong Tang
which formula from T. Qi and Blood has 4 gentleman, dang gui bu xue tang + long yan rou, mu xiang, and yuan zhi
Gui Pi Tang
which formula from T. Qi and Blood has the following herbs:
huo ma ren, gui zhi, sheng jiang, shu di huang, mai men dong, e jiao, ren shen, shao yao, da zao & gan cao
Zhi Gan Cao Tang
which formula from T. Qi & Blood contains su jun zi tang - fu ling, + si wu tang
Tai Shen Pan Shi Tang
which formula from T. Qi & Blood contains the following herbs: he shou wu ren shen dang gui chen pi wei jiang
He Ren Yin
which formula from T. Qi & Blood can be used for the depletion of qi and blood in the after affects of chronic malaria
He Ren Yin
what is the purpose of Huo Ma Ren in Zhi Gan Cao Tang
calms the shen and counteracts the rising tendency in Zhi Gan Cao Tang
what is the simple elegant formula Dr.pai says is for weakness in the joints and is the meeting place of tendons and bones
Er Zhi Wan
what is the pattern in which we would use Yi Guan Jian
yin deficiency of LV and KD with qi stagnation
Zhu Jing Wan helps diminished visual acuity due to…
LV and KD deficiency with some dampness
which formula can be found within Hu Qian Wan?
Da Bu Yin Wan
which two herbs in the drain damp are known to drain damp but are less harmful to the yin
che qian zi and ze xie
what is the common direct side effect of too much or wrongful use of yin tonifying herbs?
dr. pai split liu wei di huang wan into two main parts, a nourihsing part and a moving part. The nourishing part is the following herbs?
Shan yao, shan zhu yu, shu di huang
dr. pai noted that the herbs in liu wei di huang wan also could be paired according to the organs they affected, LV SP KD. which herbs in the formula did he say were the SP ones?
Shan Yao
Fu Ling
Many formulas are based upon Liu wei di huang wan. This formula is Liu Wei di haung wan plus zhi mu and huang bai.
Zhi bai di huang wan
Qi ju di huang wan varies form Liu Wei di hunag wan
Gou Q Zi and Ju Hua
This formula varies from Liu Wei Di Huang Wan in that it adds Sheng Di Huang, changes Fu Ling to Fu Shen and adds 3 other herbs:
Ming Mu Di Huang Wan
Which of the following statements is true?
A: Dang Gui Di Huang Yin addresses both Yin and Yang Deficiency.
B: Liu Wei Di Huang Wan uses warm and moving herbs.
C: Du Qi Wan contains Du Huo and Huang Qi.
A: Dang Gui Di Huang Yin addresses both Yin and Yang Deficiency
What is the difference between Restore the Left KD Pill and Six Ingredient Pill with Rehmanniae (LWDHW)?
Restore the Left KD Pill has more tonifying and cloying quality
According to Formulas & Strategies, Great Tonify the Yin Pill, like Anemarrheanae, Phellodenron and Rehmanniae Pill (Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan) deals with Yin Def with:
According to Formulas & Strategies, this formula addresses atrophy disorder due to LV and KD deficiency:
Hidden Tiger Pill (Hu Qian Wan)