Tonify Yang Flashcards
What is the action of Shen Qi Wan - Kidney Qi Pill?
Warms and Tonifies the KD Yang
What are the herbs in Shen Qi Wan - Kidney Qi Pill?
Sheng Di Huang - Rehmanniae Radix Shan Zhu Yu - Corni Fructus Shan Yao - Dioscorea Rhizoma bao Fu Zi - Aconiti Radix lateralis baked Gui Zhi - Cinnamomi Ramulus Ze Xie - Alismatis Rhizoma Mu Dan Pi - Moutan Cortex Fu Ling - Poria
What does Dr Pi think Shen Qi Wan should be called?
Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan
So you know it is from the Jin Gui Yao Liu Wei
Which formula is contained inside Shen Qi Wan? Of these two, which formula was written first?
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (only Shen Qi Wan changes Shu Di to Sheng DI).
Shen Qi Wan written first, 800 years previous to Liu Wei Di Huang Wan.
For a Yang Tonifying formula, Shen Qi Wan is puzzling. What are the puzzling attributes and why do they make this the best tonify yang formula (according to Dr Pi)?
There are only two tonify yang herbs: Fu Zi and Gui Zhi, and these are dosed very low (9g) vs all of the Yin Tonifying herbs some of which are dosed very high (Di Huang, 24g). According to Dr Pi, when tonifying Yang the danger is it will dry up the yin - so nourishing the yin to protect it while feeding the yang is essential to an effective tonify yang formula.
What is the diagnosis for Shen Qi Wan?
KD Yang Deficiency
What are the herbs in You Gui Wan - Restore the Right [Kidney] Pill?
zhi Fu Zi - Aconiti Radix lateralis preparata
Rou Gui - Cinnamomi Cortex
Lu Jiao Jiao - Cervi Cornus Colla
Shu Di Huang - Rehmanniae Radix preparata
Shan Zhu Yu - Corni Fructus
chao Shan Yao - dry-fried Dioscorea Rhizoma
chao Gou Qi Zi - dry-fried Lycii Fructus
Tu Si Zi - Cuscutae Semen
Du Zhong - Eucommiae Cortex
Dang Gui - Angelicae Sinensis Radix
What is the action of You Gui Wan - Restore the Right [Kidney] Pill?
Warms and Tonifies the KD yang, replenishes the Essence, tonifies the Blood.
In You Gui Wan - Restore the Right [KD] Pill are the nourishing and moving sides balanced? How does this affect the formula?
This formula is more moving and warming - will burn up yin depending on the patient.
What is the diagnosis for You Gui Wan- Restore the Right [KD] pill?
Kd Yang deficiency with waning of the fire at the gate of vitality
What are the herbs in You Gui Yin - Restore the Right [Kidney] drink?
Shu Di Huang - Rehmanniae Radix preparata
Shan Zhu You - Corni Fructus
chao Shan Yao - dry fried Dioscorea Rhizoma
Gou Qi Zi - Lycii Fructus
Zhi Fu Zi - Aconiti Radix lateralis preparata
Rou Gui - Cinammomi Cortex
Du Zhong - Eucommiae Cortex
What is the action of you Gui Yin - Restore the Right [Kidney] Drink?
warms the KD and replenishes the Essence
Is You Gui Yin - Restore the Right [KD] Drink a balanced or unbalanced formula? How does this effect its action?
Fairly balanced between yin nourishing and yang tonifying and moving herbs. Closer to Shen Qi Wan. Use to regain control of yang when it is rising but not for use when yin and yang are separating [Dr Pi-ism].
What are the herbs in Tu Si Zi Wan - Cuscuta Seed Pill?
Shan Yao - Dioscorea Rhizoma duan Mu Li - calcined Ostrea Concha Ji Nei Jin - Gigeriae Galli Endothelium Corneum Sang Piao Xian - Mantidis Ootheca Wu Wei Zi - Schisandrae Fructus Lu Rong - Cervi Cornu Pantotrichum Rou Cong Rong - Cistanches Herba Zhi Fu Zi - Aconiti Radix lateralis preparata Wu Yao - Linderae Radix Yi Zhi Ren - Alpinae Oxyphyllae Fructus Tu Si ZI - Cuscutae Semen
What is the action of Tu Si Zi Wan- Cuscuta Seed Pill?
Warms the KD and prevents abnormal leakage
What does Dr Pi say about Tu Si Zi Wan? What does Bensky say?
tonifying herbs are conservative -boosting the yang can damage yin if used inappropriately.
Bensky says the multiple stabalize and bind herbs focus this formula on retaining essence.
What is the diagnosis for Tu Si Zi Wan - Cuscuta Seed Pill?
KD Qi Deficiency with an inability to grasp the essence
What are the herbs in Zan Yu Wan - Special Pill to Aid Fertility?
Shan Zhu Yu - Corni Fructus Shu Di Huang Rehmanniae Radix prep Gou Qi Zi - Lycii Fructus Bai Zhu - Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma Dang Gui - Angelicae Sinensis Radix Zhi Fu Zi - Aconiti Radix lateralis prep Rou Gui - Cinnamomi Cortex Rou Cong Rong - Cistanches Herba Ba Ji Tian - Moriandae Officinalis Radix Yin Yang Huo - Epimedii Herba She Chuang Zi - Cnidii Fructus Jiu Cai Zi - Alli Tuberosi Semen Xian Mao - Curculigninis Rhizoma Du Zhong - Eucommiae Cortex
What is the action of Zan Yu Wan- Special Pill to Aid Fertility?
Warms and Tonifies the Lower Base (Kidneys)
What does Dr Pi say about the balance of yin and yang nourishing herbs in Zan Yu Wan - Special Pill to Aid Fertility? What does he say this formula would be used for? What does Bensky say about the action of this formula?
Dr Pi: small amount yin nourishing herbs and large amount of Yang Tonifying herbs makes this Rx purely stimulating - makes Yang thrive but at expense of Yin. Would be used fortestosterone def - but not a good formula.
Bensky: “…in accordance with the principle that one should tonify the Kidney yin when tonifying the Kidney yang…other ingredients are added for the specific purpose of nourishing and moistening the yin and blood. This ensures that the yin and yang remain in harmony and are rooted to each other at the source.”
What is the diagnosis for Zan Yu Wan - Special Pill to Aid Fertility?
Waning of the fire at the gate of vitality with cold and deficiency fo the essential Qi.
What are the herbs in Di Huang Yin Zi - Rehmannia Drink?
Shu Di Huang - Rehmanniae Radix prep
Shan Zhu yu - Corni Fructus
Shi Hu - Dendrobi Herba
chao Wu Wei Zi - Schisandrae Fructus (dry fried)
zhi Mai Men Dong - Ophiopogonis Radix prep
Yuan Zhi - Polygalae Radix
jiu COng Rong - wine prep Cistanches Herba
Ba Ji Tian - Morindae Officianalis Radix
bao Fu Zi - baked Aconiti Radix lateralis
Rou Gui - Cinnamomi Cortex
Shi Chang Pu - Acori Taterinowii Rhizoma
Fu Ling - Poria
What is the ation of Di Huang Yin Zi - Rehmanniae Drink?
Enriches the KD Yin, tonifies the KD yang, opens orifices and transforms phlegm.
Di Huang Yin Zi - Rehmanniae Drink is associated with stroke. What way does Bensky say, and what way does Dr Pi say?
Bensky: essential for treating sequelae of stroke
Pi: will create a stroke.
What is the diagnosis for Di Huang Yin Zi - Rehmannia Drink?
KD Yin and KD Yang deficiency with upward flaring of deficient Yang and Phlegm turbidity blocking the orifices.
What are the herbs in Er Xian Tang - Two Immortal Decoction?
Xian Mao - Curculiginis Rhizoma Yin Yang Huo - Epimedii Herba (aka Xian Ling Pi) Ba Ji Tian - Morindae Officinalis Radix Huang Bai - Phellodendri Cortex Zhi Mu - Anemarrhenae Rhizoma Dang Gui - Angelicae Sinensis Radix
What is the action of Er Xian Tang - Two Immortal Decoctin?
Warms the KD yang, tonifies KD essence, drains fire from the KD and regulates the Ren and Chong.
What is the nature of the yang tonifying herbs in Er Xian Tang - Two Immortal Decoction?
Xian Mao, Yin Yang Huo and Ba Ji Tian are the hottest herbs in the Tonify Yang category. Somewhat mediated by the addition of two CH hearbs: Huang Bai and Zhi Mu. Zhi Mu generates fluids and the last herb Dang Gui tonifies the blood.
What is the diagnosis for Er Xian Tang - Two Immortal Decoction? What was it developed for?
KD Yin and Yang deficiency with flaring up of the fire at the gate of vitality.
Developed in 1950s to treat hypertension in menopausal women.