Windows Command Line Tools Flashcards
What is the difference between administrative and standard user-command prompts?
Administrative command prompts provide elevated privileges compared to standard user-command prompts.
How do you view directories and files using a command?
Use the dir command, utilizing * and ** for pattern matching.
Example: dir *.txt
Shows all files in the directory that have the extens
How do you navigate to a directory using a relative path?
Use the cd command with a relative path, such as cd Users\student01\Documents.
How do you navigate to a directory using an absolute path?
Use the cd command with an absolute path, such as cd C:\Users\Student01\Documents.
What is the purpose of the chkdsk command?
It is an error-checking program that locates bad sectors and recovers readable information.
What does the /r switch do in the chkdsk command? chkdsk /r
Locates bad sectors and recovers readable information, implying /F when /scan is not specified.
What is the sfc command used for?
It is the System File Checker used to scan and repair system files.
What does the /scannow switch do in the sfc command? sfc /scannow
Scans all protected system files and repairs any issues.
What does the format command do?
It formats a specified drive to a particular file system, such as NTFS.
How do you format a drive using the format command?
format <driveletter>: /q /fs:NTFS to perform a quick format to NTFS.
format<driveletter>: fs</driveletter></driveletter>
What is the purpose of the diskpart command?
It is a disk management CLI used to manage disk partitions.
How do you create a primary partition using diskpart?
Use diskpart
list disk
select disk <disknumber>
create partition primary.
list volume <volumenumber></volumenumber></disknumber>
How do you copy a file from one location to another using the copy command?
copy <driveletter>:\Software\program.iso C:\Users\<username>\Downloads\Programs.</username></driveletter>
How do you copy and rename a file using the copy command?
copy memo.doc letter.doc – a copy of the document with a new name
copy robin.txt c:\birds – places a copy of robin.tx in c:\birds directory
What does the xcopy command do?
It copies files and directories, including their structure, from one location to another.