Wilkins Ch 1&2 Vocab Flashcards
for test on 9/24
diminished reactivity to specific antigen(s); inability to react to skin-test antigen (even if person is infected with the organism tested) because of immunosuppression.
a state caused by the invasion, development, or multiplication of an infectious agent into the body
a soluble protein molecule produced and secreted by body cells in response to an antigen; it is capable of binding to that specific antigen.
: a substance that is capable, under appropriate conditions, of inducing a specific immune response and of reacting with the products of that response, that is, with the specific antibody
an individual who harbors pathogenic organisms without clinically recognizable symptoms; a carrier may infect those contracted.
asymptomatic carrier
the act of self-determination by persons with the ability to make a choice or decision. exists for both the dental hygienist and the patient.
an arthropod, insect, or other living carrier in whose body the infecting organism multiplies before becoming infective to the recipient.
biologic vector
continuing education unit; 1 unit commonly refers to 1 clock hour of instruction.
the science of the prevention and treatment of oral disease through the provision of educational, assessment, preventive, clinical, and other therapeutic services in a collaborative working relationship with a consulting dentist, but without general supervision.
Collaborative practice of dental hygiene
the skills, understanding, and professional values of an individual ready for beginning dental hygiene practice
postlicensure short-term educational experience for refresher, updating, and renewal; continueing education units may be required for relicensure
continuing education
term used to describe the relationship between patient, dentist, and dental hygienist when coordinating the efforts to attain and maintain the oral health of the patient
the science and practice of the prevention of oral diseases; the intergrated preventative and treatment services administered for a patient by a dental hygienist
dental hygiene care
the interpretation of information from generalization to specific facts
deductive reasoning
a laboratory test for antibody that is more specific than EIA and is used to validate seropositive reactions to the EIA
western blot
identification of an existing or potential oral health problem that a dental hygienist is qualified and licensed to treat
dental hygiene diagnosis
an organized systematic group of activities that provided the framework for delivering quality dental hygiene care
dental hygiene process of care
injection by route other that the alimentary tract, such as subcutaneous, intramuscualr
dental health specialist whose primary concern is the maintenance of oral health and the prevention of oral disease
dental hygienist
the services within the framework of the total treatment plan to be carried out by the dental hygienist, patient, and caregiver
dental hygiene care plan
Dental healthcare worker
Direct supervision
Dentist has diagnosed and authorized the condition to be treated, remains on premises during procedure, and approves the work done before dismissal of the patient
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; lab test to detect antibody in blood serum
Constant presence of a disease or infectious agent within a geographic area
Widespread occurrence of cases of an illness in a community or region
Ethical dilemma
Problem that involves two morally correct choices or courses of action. May not be a single answer
Sense of moral obligation; system of moral principles
The quality of being faithful
Keeping promises
Inanimate object or material on which disease-producing agents may be conveyed
General supervision
Dentist has authorized the procedure for a patient of record but doesn’t have to be present when it is carried out by a licensed DH
State of physical, mental, and social well-being, not only the absence of disease
Health promotion
Process of enabling people to increase control and improve their health through self-care, mutual aid, and the creation of healthy environments
Resistance that a person had against disease; may be natural or acquired
Incubation period
Time interval between initial contact with an infectious agent and the appearance of first sign or symptom of the disease
Inductive reasoning
Reasoning from detailed facts to general principles
antonym to dental healthcare worker
the dentist has diagnosed and authorized the condition to be treated, and remains on the premises while the procedure is performed, and approves the work performed
direct supervision
Enzyme linked immunosuppressant assay; a lab test to detect antibody in the blood stream
the constant presence of a disease or infectious agent within a geographic area
Virus particle made up of nucleoid and capsid
widespread occurrence of cases of an illness in a community or region
a problem that involves two morally correct choices or courses of action
ethical dilemma
a sense of moral obligation; a system of moral principles that govern the conduct of a professional group
value that means keeping promises
an inanimate object or material on which disease producing agents may be conveyed
the dentist has authorized the procedure for a patient of record but need not be present when the authorized procedure is carried out
general supervision
state of physical, mental, and social well being, not only the absence of disease
the process of enabling people to increase control and improve thier health through self care, mutual aid, and the creation of healthy environments
health promotion
the resistance that a person has against disease; it may be natural or aquired
an action taken by a dental hygienist to maintain or restore a patient’s optimal oral health
the time interval between the initial contact with an infectious agent and the appearance of the first clinical sign or symptom of disease
incubation period
the interpretation of information whereby specific facts form general inferences
inductive reasoning
organism capable of producing an infection
infectious agent
an artificially generated collection of particles suspended in air
persistent infection following a primary infection in which the causative agent remains inactive
latent infection
acceptance for licensure by a regulatory body on the evidence from a license obtained in another state where equivalent standards and requirements are required
license by credential
immunity either naturally attained by infection, with or without clinical manifestations, or artificially acquired by inoculation of the agent in a killed, modified, or variant form; in response, the body produces its own antibodies; usually lasts for years.
active immunity
host not possessing resistance against an infectious agent
susceptible host
suspension of particles in the air that consists partilally or wholly on microorganisms
microbial aerosols
Passage of infectious agent by breast milk across placenta
vertical transmission
the microscopic living organisms of a region
a principle or habit with respect to right or wrong behavior
avoidance of harm to others; a core value
capable of causing disease only when the host’s resistance is lowered
opportunistic pathogen
procedures for preservation of health of the oral cavity; personal maintainance of cleanliness and other measures recdommended by dental professionals
oral hygiene
inflammation of the parotid gland
Degree of pathogenicity or disease-evoking power of infectious agent
short-duration immunity either naturally attained by transplacental transfer from the mother or artificially acquired
passive immunity
a virus, micororganism, or other substance that causes disease
by way of, or through the skin
by way of or through a mucous membrane
While dentist is personally treating patient, hygienist is authorized to aid in treatment
Personal supervision
Employs the techniques and agents to abort onset if disease, reverse progress of initial stages of disease, or to arrest the disease process before treatment becomes necessary
primary health care
First time; no pre existing antibodies
primary infection
Early or premonitory system
yellowness of skin, sclerae, mucous membranes, and excretions due to hyperbilirubinemia
Symptomatic reactivation of a latent infection
recurrent infection
widespread epidemic usually affecting the population of an extensive region, several countries, etc
Process by which viruses reproduce and multiply
Virus with RNA as its core generic material; requires enzyme reverse transcriptase to convert its RNA into pro viral DNA
After exposure to the etiologic agent of a disease, the blood changes from negative to positive for the serum marker for that disease
Forecast of probable corse and outcome of treatment of a condition or disease
Identification of disease by serum markers of that specific conditions
serologic diagnosis
Specific finding by laboratory blood analysis that identifies an existing disease state
serum marker
Sexually transmitted disease
Presence of virus in body secretions, excretions, or in body surface lesions with potential for transmission
shedding (viral)
Approach to infection control where all human blood and certain body fluids are treated as infectious
universal precautions
Carrier that transfers infectious micros from one host to another
Substance or object serving as intermediate means by which infectious agent is transported and introduced into a susceptible host through port of entry
Legal relationship between dentist and dental team in practice
Character trait
Time between exposure resulting in infection and presence of detectable serum antibody
window period
Sub cellular genetic entity capable of gaining entrance to living cells and replication within such cells