Study Guide Ch 12&14 Flashcards
pink study guide, test oct 28
cell jujnction
act of chewing
the pitted orange peel appearance
formation of pus
the tissue serving as a liner fro the intraoral mucosal surfaces
oral epithelium
material such as fluid, cells and cellular debris
fiber producing cells
a fibrous change of the mucosa membrane
development of horny layer of flattened epithelial cells containin keratin
abnormal thickening of the keratin layers
increase in size of tissue or organ
may result in leathery , hard or nodualar surface
the depression between the lingual or palatal and facial papilla
severity is expressed as:
slight, moderate, or severe
factors influencing color of healthy gingiva are:
vascular supply
thickness of epithelium
degree of keratinization
physilogical pigmentation
in the lining of a sulcus the tooth wall is enamel :
gingival or periodontal pocket?
calculus on the subgingival surface is attached to the enamel:
gingival or periodontal pocket?
calculus is attached to cementum or partly to cementum and partly to enamel:
gingival or periodontal pocket?
tooth surface wall will be entirely cementum or partly to cementum and partly to enamel:
givgival or periodontal pocket?
true statements on the True in False section include:
the rest are false on the test , there are only 5 true statements
Chronic Disease tissue may be hard………
A gingival pocket is a pocket formed by…….
IgA is the most common immunogl……
In the absence of inflammation…..
A patient with a diastema…..
the area that surrounds the tooth socket and the supporting bone is called
alveolar bone
lamina dura, radiographically
the area surrounding the tooth socket and supporting bone appears______radiographically
radio opaque
the first fibers to form before tooth eruption occurs
alveolar crest fibers
one of the last fibers to form
apical fibers
the fiber that is lost when bone is destroyed in the furcation area in disease
this fiber absorbs occlusal forces
oblique fibers
this fiber originates from the cementum and runs apically to insert into the alveolar crest
alveoalr crest fibers
this fibers orginates from cementum of the apex of the root, spreading out apically and laterally into bone
apical fibers
this fiber is found in the middle third of the root apical to the horizontal fibers
oblique fibers
this fiber originates from cementum and runs at right angles and inserts into bone
horizontal fibers
name the two directions transseptal fibers run
medially and distally
the _______ fibers are on the terminal ends of the pinciple fibers
which papillae on the tongue are most numerous
what furcation is thru and thru with a Nabors probe and is visible directly
Class IV
a gingival (pseudopocket) if formed by the
coronal migration at gingival margin or attachment
sharpeys fibers are:
collagen fibers
tissue consistency refers to
the mucogingival junction is located between the
alveolar mucosa and attached gingiva
the fibers of the attached gingiva are mainly
the tissue lining of a healthy gingival sulcus consists of what
nonkeratinized epithelium
the gingival fibers funciton to do what
brace marginal gingiva and tooth
what numbering system is adopted by the ADA
humans are ________that is having two sets of teeth
branches of the facial nerve to muscles of the face are emneshed in which salivary gland
autoclace efficiency should be checked once a week by
spore forming bacteria