Study Guide for Vital Signs and Infection Control Flashcards
Normal body temp for 70 year old?
37 degrees c
98.6 degrees f
What are vital signs?
Body temp, pulse, respiratory rate, blood pressure, smoking status
Which form of children temp reading is least accurate?
Armpit (axilla)
What is considered a medical emergency temperature?
Over 41 C or 105.8 F
What is within normal BPM for teenager?
60-100 BPM
Correct width of BP cuff?
20% greater than the diameter of arm where applied
Normal RPM for 2 year old?
25 per min
Rang for pre hypertension for stage 1?
Range for pre hypertension for stage 2?
> 160/>100
Sounds heard during determination of blood pressure
korotkoff sounds
Abmormal elevation of body temp
Phase of cardiac cycle where heart relaxes between contractions and the two vehicles are dilated by blood flowing to them
Contraction of heart, during which blood flow is forced into aorta
Unusually slow heart beat
Diff between systolic and diostoilc blood pressure
pulse pressure
What are some disadvantages of a questionaire
- impersonal: no oppurtunity to develop rapport
2. inflexible: no provision for additional questioning
T or F the oral thermometer can be used on an unconscious person
the artery located on the wrist is called
chain of events is required for the spread of an infectious agent. list them
- infectious agent
- reservoir
- port of exit
- transmission
- port of entry
- susceptible host
Hepatitis A is transmitted through
oral-fecal route
the stage before jaundice appears is called the
preicteric phase
hepatitis b is transmitted through
blood, saliva, body fluids, sexual intercourse
hepatitis D superimposes on the chronic
HBsAg carrier
T or F the risk of endocariditis is the same in mouths with ongoing periodontal infections as when the periodontal tissues are healthy
hep E is transmitted by
contaminated water; oral-fecal route
the same virus causes chicken pox and shingles
VCV varilcella zoster
name the herpes simplex infection that affects the fingers
herpetic whitlow or HHV1
herpes labialis occurs most frequently on the
normal respiration range
14-20 breaths per min
name the drug that is used to treat herpes simplex
name the conditions that recommended for premedication
- prosthetic cardiac valve
- previous endocarditis
- congenital heart disease
- cardiac transplantation with cardiac valvular disase
- joint replacement less than 2 years prior
which classification is a patient who has a mild systemic disease
which classification is a patient who is moribund and not expected to live
which vital signs are raised or increases during infection
temperature, pulse,
elevated medical and dental procedures should not be performed when the patients blood pressure is which of the following
T or F the body temp is higher during sleep and early mornings than it is in late afternoon and early evenings