Why and how do historians disagree about the Industrial Revolution? Flashcards
What is historiography? What is the historiography about the IR?
- the debate about meanings found within history
- was the IR an evolution or revolution?
What were cottage industries?
- small-scale production of goods in homes
When was the IR first called a revolution? By who?
- 1884
- Toynbee
What is the evidence for economic growth as a result of the IR?
- 1780s-90s: sharp rise in imports and exports
- industrial output increased from 2% to 3-4%
What was Britain’s international status? How is this evidence for the Revolution aspect?
- ‘workshop of the world’ by 1850s
- renowned for the variety and quality of its industries
What are examples of the variety of industries in Britain?
- metal trade in Birmingham
- woollen cloth in Yorkshire
What were causes of the IR? (5)
- availability of capital, raw materials, political stability and improvements in agriculture, increasing population
Why was the increasing population an important cause of the iR?
- increased demand for food and goods
- increased workforce
What did David Hume, a contemporary philosopher, say spurred on the IR?
What stimulated the growth in trade?
- shipbuilding, exploration and colonisation; the East India Company
What did the growth in trade stimulate?
- development in banking and finance = more capital for investments
Why did political stability cause the IR?
allowed new ideas to flourish
How did the geography of Britain help contribute to the IR?
- surplus of natural resources to drive new tech, i.e fast flowing streams, iron & coal
- island nation = canal building
What are limits to the IR?
- 1851: agriculture still biggest factor, employing around 2mn
- north developed whilst older industrial centres/ towns declined
What is the Traditionalist view?
- the economic, social and political changes in Britain were large scale and a revolution
Who are Traditionalist historians?
- Toynbee
- Ashton
- Landes
What did Ashton say about the IR?
” a wave of gadgets swept over England.”
What did Ashton say about the scale of change in Britain?
“from every social class and all parts of the country.”
What is the Revisionist view?
- IR was a slower, small-scale change
- evolution
Who are Revisionist historians?
- Crafts
- Harley
What are quotes to support the Revisionist view?
- “narrower phenomenon”
- “localised”; traditionalists focus on statistics which make their arguments biased - only a few booming industries