White Blood Cell Pathology-- from Neutrophilia, Lymphocytosis Flashcards
what types of neutrophils are seen along the vessel wall (right arrow)

marginal neutrophils.
what is seen here

A LEUKOERYTHROBLASTIC PICTURE: increase in immature RBC and WBC seen in differential and on blood film; caused by marrow infiltration, severe stress etc.
- often due to cancer.
- there are nucleated RBCs and well as blasts more immature than a left shift.
how does prednisone cause neutrophilia
by demargination and increased release of neutrophils from the marrow.
Patient quite well, not septic, not even febrile (i.e.
systemically well)
Inflammatory markers – ESR 14, CRP normal
Review of old labs:
– Nov 2014: WBC 13.2, PMNs 10.0
– Sept 2015: WBC 18.9, PMNs 14.0, metamyelocytes 0.9,
myelocytes 0.6, basophils 0.4 – Sept 8, 2016: WBC 33.5, ANC 25.5, bands 1.7,
metamyelocytes 1.0, myelocytes 1.3, basophils 0.7 – Sept 19, 2016 (after 10 days of antibiotics): WBC 21.8,
ANC 15.9, metamyelocytes 0.9, myelocytes 0.9,
basophils 0.4
Hematology consulted

basophils are high (should be 0.01-0.05, but it’s 0.7)
too many premature cells (metamyelocytes and myelocytes), neutrophils super high (should be 3.0-5.8)– definititely neutrophilic.
the myeloid line is compromised.
He probably has leukmia (CML)
basophils are an indicator of which type of leukemia?
think CML.
is CML a pediatric disease?what are risk factors of CML?
CML= affects mainly older adults. risk factors include exposure to ionizing radiation (atomic bomb survivors)
which chromosome is associated with CML
philadelphia chromosome (9;22). juxtaposes c-ABL oncogene of chromosome 9 to BCR gene on chromosome 22.
causes an expansion of myeloid cell population and resistnace to programmed cell death.

- elevated WBC– more neutrophils
- basophilia (see the granulated cell)
- anemia (white central pallor)



a person with CML who wasn’t receiving treatment because it wasn’t originally progressing starts feeling more tired, pain in bones and chest, and coughing a lot. PBS shows this. what is the new development

blast phase. acute leukemia acceleration. Without SCT or imatinib median survival is 3-5 months.
Symptoms of EBV
Tender lymph nodes
Fatigue – often extended duration
May have palpable splenomegaly
May have hepatitis
Typical age – teens/20s
Not necessarily aware of “sick contacts”

normal lymphoctyes

what cells are present

atypical lymphocytes–indicative of EBV or viral infection.
is reactive lymphocytosis polyclonal or uniclonal
polyclonal. can be due to EBV, rubella, pertussis, CMV.
this person is most likely suffering from:

CLL. Look at the enlarged soccer ball nuclei and the central pallor and irregularly shaped of the RB C(indicating autoimmune hemolytic anemia)
this person most likely has:

CLL. Smudge cells and some schistocytes or spherocyts (AIHA) are characteristic of CLL.
which cell morphology is characteristic of CLL
smudge cells,
soccer ball cells
schistocytes/autoimmune hemolytic anemia.
Is CLL a T cell of B cell disease
B cell. usually
which phenotypes indicate B cell lymphocytosis (CLL diagnosis)
CD5+, CD19+, Cd23+, Dim CD20, Dim surface lg.
diagnosing CLL
blood count and smear
-immunophenotyping and flow cytometry, looking for the presence of CD5+, CD19+, CD23+ Dim CD20, CD200+
don’t usually need to do a BMBx
if there is lymphocytosis do a lymphnode bx.