What is Psychology Flashcards
-is the scientific study of mind and behavior
-comes from the greek word “psyche” (life) and “Logos” (Explanation)
What do Psychologists do?
A set of hypothesized statements about the relationships among events
-Undertaken because the researcher is interested in the research topic
Pure Research
No immediate application to personal or social problems and has therefore been characterized as a research for its own sake.
Pure Research
Frequently enchances tomorrow’s way of life.
Pure research
-Designed to find solutions to specific personal or social problems
Applied Research
-Are doctors, They finished med school and they can give diagnoses and prescription
-Finished masters and do therapy
-Help with psychological disorders adjust to the demands of life
-evaluate problems such as anxiety and depression through interviews and psychological tests
-largest subgroup of psychologists
Clinical psychologist
Employed by school systems to identify and assist students who have problems that interfere in learning.
School psychologist
-study the changes-pysical, cognitive, social and emotional- that occur throughout the life span
Developmental psychologist
-identify and measure human traits
Personality psychologist
-concerned with the nature and causes of individuals’ thoughts, feelings, and behavior in social situations.
Social Psychologist
-study the ways that people and environment influence one another
Environmental psychologist
-specialize in basic processes such as the nervous system, sensation and preception, learning and memory, thought, motivation, and emotion.
Experimental Psychologist
-deal with legal matters such as whether a defendant was sand when they commited a crime.
-criminal justice system
Forensic psychologist
-help athletes concentrate on performance and not on the crowd
Sport Psychologist
-focus on the relationship between people and work
Industrial psychologist
-study the behavior of people in organizations such as business
Organizational Psychologist
-make technical systems more user friendly
Ergonomics (Human Factor) Psychologist
-Study the behavior of shoppers in an effort to predict and influence their behavior.
Consumer Psychologist
-Study the effects of stress on health problems.
Health psychologist
-argued that human behavior like the movements of the stars and the seas is subject to rules and laws.
What are Aristotle’s topics
-sensation and perception
-needs and motives
-feelings and emotions
-suggested that we could think of behavior in terms of a body and a mind
-suggested we should rely on rational thought and introspection to gain self knowledge
-pointed out that people are social creatures who influence one another
-Raised the question:
Is there free will or choice?
Where do influences of others end and our “real selves” begin?
-published his landmark book elements of psychophysics (Showed how physical events, lights & sound) are related to psychological sensation & perception
Gustav Theodor Fechner
-first experimental psychologist
Wilhem Wundt
-Attempted to break conscious experience down to objective sensations such as sight or taste, and subjective feelings, such as emotional responses and mental images such as memories or dreams
-structure of mind
Structuralism’s three basic elements
-Delibrates looking into one’s own cognitive processes to examine one’s thoughts and emotions
-Argued that the stream of consciousness is fluid and continuous
William James
-Adapted Darwin’s theory and proposed that adaptive behavior patterns are learned and maintained
-Tend to drop out and only the test behavior patterns survive.
Maladaptive Behavior
- it must limit it self to observable, measurable events-behaivior alone-
-A stimuli that follows a response and increase the frequency of the response
-focus on perception and how perception influences thinking & problem solving
Gestalt Psychology
German word that means: Pattern or organized whole
-A method of psychotherapy that aims to help patients gain insight into their conflicts and to find a socially acceptable ways of expressing wishes and gratifying needs
-name of both the theory of personality and the method of psychotherapy
-proposes that much of our lives is governed by unconsious ideas and impulses rhat originate in childhood conflicts
Theory of Personality
Father of ancient psychology
Increase behavior
Decrease behavior
Add to environment
Subtract in environment
Name of both the theory of personality and the method of psychotherapy
3 level of mental life
Conscious , preconscious and unconscious
Current experience aware
Short term/long term memory
-Sex and aggression
-show up as representation
Pleasure and romance
Want to hurt other people
Provinces/Structure of mind
Id, Ego and Super ego
Pleasure principle
Reality principle
Moral principles
Super ego
Said: “Mentally healthy person should be able to balance Id & super ego”
Sigmund Freud
-unconscious process to protect your ego
Defense Mechanism
Examples of Defense Mechanism
Repression, Sublimation, Ratiolozation, Projection
3 Hormonial fluids of emotion
Dopamine, Seratonin and Oxytocin
This fluid increases when receiving something new and pleasure
The fluid that increases whenever you’re socializing
This fluid increases when you’re with the one you love
Founder of behaviourism
John B. Watson
Denies theres instinct and believes the human mind is a blank state
An oppurant conditioning
Bf Skinner
-You cant see
-can be seen
Created the reinforcement combos in behaviourism
Bf Skinner
Determine past then determines problem
-linguist cognitive psychologist
-thinks language from genes are universal language /Grammar
-made the theory of universal grammer says that we’re all born with an innate understanding of the way language works
Noam Chomsley
-Seek the relationships between the brain, hormones, heredity and evolution on the one hand and behavior and mentol processes on the other.
Biological Perspective
-Assumes that thoughts fantasies and dreams -inborn or instinctive behavior patterns of behaviorous species-are made possible by the nervous system and especially by the brain
Biological perspective
Segment of DNA
-Venture into the realm of mental processes to understand human nature.
-study those things we refer to as the mind
Cognitive perspective
Existential perspective
Meaning, purpose & freedom
Self aware, consciousness and desicion making
-Believes that self awareness, experience and choice permit us, to a large extent, to “Invent Self” and our ways of relating to the world as we progress through life
-Our sense of being in the world
-seen as the force that unites our personalities
-we are defensive with our mistake
-believes that all people posses an inherent need to grow and achieve their potential
-one of the founders if humanistic psychology
Carl Rogers
-Known for maslow’s hierarchy
Abraham Maslow
-human motivation is based on people seeking fulfillment and change through personal growth
Maslow’s hierarchy
-therapy that look for meaning in life, work harder
- “he who has why can bare it any how”
Existential therapy
-Founded the field of logo therapy
-wrote the best selling book, ‘Man’s search for meaning ‘
Viktor Frankl
-claimed that through a search for meaning in life, individuals can endure and overcome suffering
Viktor Frankl
-Proposed that anxiety emerged as result of uncertainty in life and of looming death
- “humans beings fear death because we cannot comprehend our own lack of existence”
Rollo May
-contemporary psychologist who follo theories derived from freud
-childhood object will have relations
Object relations theory
-believed the opposite to Freud
Karen Horney
-made the theory of psychosocial development and the concept of the identity crisis
Erik Erikson
Social Cognitive Theorists
Albert Bandura
-suggests people can modify and create their environments
Social Cognitive theorists
-hard to apply in practice
-had to look at influences like ethnic backgrounds, gender physical condition and social roles
Social Cultural Perspective
-Refers to the culturally defined concepts of masculinity and feminity
-cultural expectations and social roles
-members of an ethnic group share their cultural heritage, race, language or history
-copy what we see or people around you
Vicarous learning
How psychologists study behavior and mental processes
-Formulate research question
-Test hypothesis to controlled method
Methods of research
-Conceptual Definition
-Naturalistic Observation
-Case Study
Ex. Operational definition of phobias
-Confounding variable
Conceptual Definition
Predicting future will be bad
This has an object
-prefered method for answering questions about cause and effect
-collecting info about individuals and small groups in qualitative research
Case Study
-Psychologists conducting this may employ questionaires and interviews or examine public records
-Claiming theres a problem but there are no visible problems
Somatic Symptoms
-published two surveys of sexual behavior based on interviews
Alfred Kinsey
In 1953, this is tabbo
-In the field
-you observe people in their natural habitats everyday
-non intrusive
-Informed consent
Naturalistic Observation
-investigate whether Observed behavior or measured trait is related to or correlated with another